Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hashimoto's Disease - The Disease of the Thyroid

When the autoimmune system of the body makes the mistake in believing that its own Thyroid glad is foreign, Hashimoto's Disease occurs. The thyroid gland is very important as it is the major component in what determines how the body feels as it is a part of your endocrine system. The endocrine system produces hormones that your body needs to keep its various functions under control. Those that are diagnosed with the disease feel quite a few different symptoms across their body because of how important the gland is.

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Some of the many symptoms of Hashimoto's Disease that you can expect include things like weight gain, depression, and unexplained fatigue, sensitivity to the cold, constipation, hair loss, stiff joints, and brain fog. There are other diseases that can cause similar symptoms, which is why you need to be checked out and tested by a doctor when you are experiencing them. Any Thyroid gland condition that doesn't get treated might have adverse effects on your mental and physical well-being. In other words, your quality of life will be significantly impacted. To find out exactly what you are dealing with, your doctor will do some blood work.


If it is found out that you do have Hashimoto's Disease or some other type of problem dealing with your Thyroid gland, then they will give you some medication designed to help regulate it. This medication will help with the side effects, but most medications for the disease have side effects of their own, like bone loss, for example. There are alternative methods to dealing with the problem that some try, such as different herbs. Coleus forskohili is one example, and it has been known to boost your thryoids productivity levels.

Ultimately, once you are properly tested your doctor will be able to tell you whether or not you actually have Hashimoto's Disease, and if you do what your options you have. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, then it is very important that you get yourself checked out as soon as you are able. You will be able to avoid living through a lot of the problems that thyroid diseases can cause, and you won't have to continue to make guesses about what is going on.

While Hashimoto's Disease is an incurable auto-immune disease, it doesn't mean that there are things that we can do to reverse your symptoms and aid your feeling better. As soon as you start to treat the disease and not just the symptoms, you will find that even those with incurable auto-immune diseases can live a long healthy and fulfilling life.

Hashimoto's Disease - The Disease of the Thyroid


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