Friday, September 30, 2011

Tropical Fish Disease

One of the very distressing times in tropical fish keeping hobby is disease.


Here are few tropical fish diseases.


1) Appetite Loss of tropical fish

When you put new fish in the tank they stop eating because of the environment problem or new fish can be slow to feed because of stress.

For Environmental problem look for any manifestations of disease and buy a simple waster tester. For stress keep patient with tropical fish they will get back to normal appetite soon or look for other signs of disease.

2) Small and white spots on the Body, head and fins of tropical fish.

It could be whitespot (Ichthyophthirius). This is very common disease in new aquarium. There are few different cures for this. 1 teaspoon salt per gallon could be one of the cures.

3) Whitish Film over the eye of the tropical fish.

This could be because of poor water quality, chlorine poisoning or eye fluke.For poor water quality you have to change the water. For chlorine poisoning you should condition tap water before using it. For eye fluke please use proper medication.

4) Effect of Cotton Wool on the tropical fish body

It could be fungus or mouth fungus (columnarius). To cure this disease you can use anti fungus medication and a salt bath (1 teaspoon per gallon)

5) Pop Eye - cloudy eyes from infection or eye protrude from head.

Pop eye could be because of bacteria, poor water quality vitamin deficiency etc.

Treatment: this is hard to treat disease; broad spectrum antibiotic can be used to cure this.

Tropical Fish Disease


Grovers Disease Can Be Treated With Various Protocols Depending On The Severity Of The Condition

Grovers disease is a fairly common ailment, primarily occurring in men over 50. While it is generally not serious, it can make those affected seriously uncomfortable. If you are one of the many people who suffer from the symptoms of Grovers disease, there is no need to live with the discomfort. You can get relief fairly easily with a range of topical medications. The first step, as with any illness, is to consult with your doctor and get a definitive diagnosis.

alzheimer's disease

A skin irritation of unknown cause, Grovers generally causes a series of small, round, red growths on the mid-chest and back. Occasionally, the growths will also occur on the thighs and arms. While the growths are not dangerous, they can be extremely itchy. While Grovers disease treatments do exist, there is no known cure. It will usually run its course in six to twelve months, but it can reoccur, sometimes seasonally.


Once your doctor has definitively diagnosed Grovers disease, you can begin treatment with any of several methods. Minor cases can usually be treated with a topical corticosteroid or cortisone cream. These medicines will both reduce inflammation and ease itching, however they shouldn't be applied too liberally as excess moisture can exacerbate symptoms. If these methods don't work, your doctor can prescribe accutane or tetracycline pills. Taken over a course of one to three months, these pills will attack the rash from the inside out, causing it to dry out and fade.

If lesser treatment options are not successful, or for more serious cases, your doctor may decide to use UVB phototherapy. While it can be effective in some cases, phototherapy is one of the more rarely used Grovers disease treatments. As many Grovers patients also suffer from extreme sun exposure, phototherapy can cause further damage. For this reason, most doctors will use this particular treatment sparingly.

Other treatments for Grovers disease include antifungal pills and cortisone shots. While the cause of Grovers is not known, most illness resulting in a rash are fungal in origin, thus the use of antifungal pills can help to clear the rash and ease itching. Cortisone is a strong anti-itch medication which is usually effective when applied topically, but in severe cases it may be necessary to introduce cortisone directly into the bloodstream to fight itching and irritation.

One of the most important Grovers disease treatments is to keep the skin dry and avoid any activity which may cause you to sweat. Sweating usually further irritates affected skin and could result in complications such as developing dermatitis. While sweating is known to exacerbate Grovers, it is also more common for patients to experience outbreaks in the winter, rather than the warmer summer months. The reason for this is not known, but it could have to do with sensitivity to temperature extremes of any kind.

As with any illness, the most important step in treating Grovers disease is to see your doctor. Rashes can be caused by many different ailments and it is extremely important that you know exactly what you are dealing with before you try to treat any rash. Once your doctor has diagnosed Grovers, you can begin a course of treatment and you will be better equipped to recognize the symptoms and avoid any complications in the future.

Though it can be frustrating and uncomfortable, Grovers disease does not have to stop you from leading a full, enjoyable life. See your doctor at the first sign of itching or rash and find out which treatments will work best for you. Before you know it, you'll be looking and feeling better and living every day of your life itch free!

Grovers Disease Can Be Treated With Various Protocols Depending On The Severity Of The Condition


Jaundice - The Yellow Illness

Those suffering with jaundice get a yellowish tint to their skin and even the eyes turn yellow and the urine is either bright yellow or in sever cases can become "tea" colored. This is yellow tinge is because of the elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood which is what happens when there is a problem with the liver and the bile duct. After the iron is removed from the blood, the chemical remaining in the blood is bilirubin. This is a waste product which has to be removed from the body by the liver and this is what is excreted in the feces and gives it the yellow color.

Jaundice is a malfunction of the liver when too much of bilirubin is produced and the liver is unable to remove it, or if the liver has a defect and cannot remove the bilirubin from the blood and the third reason is when the bile duct is blocked and the flow of bilirubin and bile to the intestines is restricted. The bile duct could be blocked for several reasons like if the person has gall stones, cancer or an inflammation of the bile duct.


The diagnosis is reached with blood tests which show the functions of the liver and a physical examination of the patient. Treatment is symptomatic and the cause of jaundice has to be eliminated from the system. If the cause is gall stones, then removal of the stones will immediately relive the person of this problem. Similarly if the person has been consuming alcohol in excess this could also be the cause which could result in cirrhosis of the liver. The person should maintain a non fatty diet for a while and the give the liver a chance to recoup from the onslaught of the disease.

Jaundice - The Yellow Illness


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Alzheimers Disease - What is It?

Alzheimers disease is a form of dementia which affects middle-aged and older people. It is a progressive disease that slowly kills the victims nerve cells in the brain. Alzheimers is a rather complex disease that seems to be caused by several influences. It is the most common type of dementia, accounting for roughly seventy percent of diagnosed cases, and it knows no boundries, being spread across different cultures and affecting both males and females in equal measure. Alzheimers disease can be extremely stressful for the victims family, who very often find themselves being in the front line when it comes to providing care and support. It ought to be remembered that the family member or members doing the caring will also need plenty of support.

liver disease

The care of a Alzheimers patient is quite a challenge because the decline is slow and unpredictable and can progress at a different pace. If it happens that Alzheimers is diagnosed, seek out any local services and aid groups that are available from your doctor's surgery or inquire at your local hospital. There is not a single special test for Alzheimers, but invariably the correct diagnosis is achieved by ruling out other causes of memory loss, for example: Parkinson's disease, minor strokes, or depression. This disease normally rears it's ugly head after the age of 60 or so, and the risk gets higher with age progression. All the same, it must be remembered that Alzheimers disease is not neccersarily a normal part of the aging process.


Alzheimers can be described as the death of the mind before the Body, and as such is a very difficult and depressing condition for any family to have to deal with. Alzheimers is reckoned to be a fatal disease, but the usual cause of death is normally another illness (like pneumonia) which can develop as a complication in an individual already severely weakened by Alzheimers. The treatment of Alzheimers Disease is still relatively young, but researchers are very confident that the time is not too far away when medications will become available that will be able to successfully treat the symptoms of Azheimers.

Alzheimers Disease - What is It?


Picture of Gum Disease, Gum Infection, Root Canal Infection, and X-Ray Pictures Fantastic But Limite

Cheekbones, narrowness of jaws, the position of
teeth and the formation of the hard palate make
the taking of accurate x-ray pictures a challenge.

For these reasons x-ray pictures of teeth and jaws
quite often fail to disclose the presence of
infection or what kind of treatment might be
required, contrary to generally accepted views of
most dentists and patients.


Cracks in teeth are almost never visible on x-ray

The extent of bone loss around a tooth, though felt
to indicate the severity of its infection, does not
do so. Doctors Basker and Stern, in separate
studies, reported that 85 to 100 percent of dental
granulomas and redicular cysts do not contain
bacteria. This does not mean the tooth itself is
not infected.

When the dentist removes or treats a tooth but the
patients continues to have a toothache, it may seem
the wrong tooth was removed. The pictures in this
chapter show how a second tooth is often involved.

Because lateral canals can contain infection, dentists
have been taught to advise root filled teeth be x-rayed
each year or two.

None of this implies the use of x-ray pictures is to no
avail. Quite the contrary, good x-ray pictures often
disclose disease conditions which should receive
immediate attention if the patient's health is not to
be jeopardized.

Both pointed out that the visual areas of abnormalities
on x-ray pictures are not necessarily areas of infection
harboring bacteria. Dr. Stern stated that, for the most
part, such visible areas are lisions that have been
identified as radicular cysts and granulomas.

The granulomas are reactive lesions caused by bacterial
destruction originating from an infeced root canal that
opens into that area. Experiments indicate the granuloma
is a response of cells to the bacteria in the root canal,
but, at the same time, bacteria cultures taken from the
areas of lost bone at the root end of the tooth have
proven negative 85 to 100 percent of the time.

Picture of Gum Disease, Gum Infection, Root Canal Infection, and X-Ray Pictures Fantastic But Limite


Celiac Disease - Neurological Damage Caused By Celiac

Did you know that sufferers of celiac disease (those who have an autoimmune reaction to gluten) can end up with severe neurological problems?

parkinson's disease

There are many in-depth articles and discussion on medical websites and journals which discuss the links between neurological symptoms and gluten intolerance. Most people with classic celiac disease believe that it is mainly their small intestine which is affected as the body's gluten intake is attacked by the body's autoimmune system.


They know that the disease causes the body to mistakenly identify gluten as a toxic material and then, as a result, it releases antibodies against which erode the lining of the small intestine. As it is mostly classic digestive symptoms that send the gluten intolerant to the doctor, it is easy to forget that the disease can affect other parts of the body as well.

Reaching a diagnosis of celiac often takes years. For those with gluten-related neurological disorders, the diagnostic journey is much more difficult, and without increased public awareness many may never discover the destructive connection gluten has to their health.

Suffers of the disease may sustain neurological damage whose symptoms include difficulty walking, balance and coordination problems, numbness, slurred speech, headaches, seizures and dementia, among others. These neurological symptoms can occur with or without the other symptoms associated with celiac disease. In the case of neurological symptoms, the antibodies attack the brain. In cases of ataxia, which causes mobility problems and unsteadiness, the antibodies seem to be attacking the cerebellum, which is the part of the brain that controls coordination and movement.

Current research indicates that the same antibodies that attack the small intestine of a person with celiac disease are also responsible for the neurological damage as well. As common as the phrases gluten-free and celiac disease have become in recent years, very little is mentioned about the neurological damage that gluten can wreak on the human body.

Celiac Disease - Neurological Damage Caused By Celiac


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Is Heart Disease Preventable?

Heart disease is currently the nations #1 killer of men and women, while cancer is climbing and may surpass these statistics in the near future. In most cases, heart disease is preventable but there are genetic factors to be considered. Other diseases such as Diabetes, predisposes a person to the devastating effects of heart disease.

liver disease

I have been a registered nurse for 30 years and worked in the areas of cardiac care and intensive care most of my career. As such, I have cared for those experiencing the sometimes fatal effects of heart disease; heart attacks. A heart attack occurs when a portion of the heart muscle dies. When a part of the heart dies, it can never be recovered since the damage has been done. Prevention is the key, and is the bases of this article. Some heart attacks are worse than others. I will be discussing this topic in future articles.


The best way to prevent heart disease from happening in the first place involves several life style changes. Smoking, obesity, and high cholesterol, are just a few factors that can be changed. Other predisposing factors include Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Kidney Disease may be genetic and more difficult to cure but they can be controlled. Annual check-ups with your physician is the first step in the prevention of the disease. Healthy daily exercise and dietary changes will greatly reduce the changes of developing heart disease.

What Is Heart Disease?

Heart disease occurs when the arteries surrounding the heart develop plaque. This plaque hardens and narrows the passage of proper blood flow to the heart. When blood flow is significantly reduced or stops completely, a portion of the heart muscle dies. Nothing can rejuvenate this dead tissue since the damage has already been done.

Dietary Changes

When you think of dieting, most people do this on a temporary basis. However, with heart disease, it is a life long change. Always consult your physician before making any drastic dietary changes. A diet consisting of low sodium, low fat, low cholesterol is preferred. Be sure to check labels at the grocery store. Stay away from processed and canned foods because they tend to be very high in sodium. Do not add extra salt to your meals. Remember, where salt goes, so does water. Eating foods high in sodium will cause water retention, swelling in your ankles, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, and make the heart work harder than normal.

Lab Work

Your physician will order some necessary lab work for early detection of heart disease. These tests will include Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Lipids and Triglyceride levels. HDL is the good cholesterol and the LDL is the bad cholesterol. The High Density Lipoproteins or HDL is considered good because it moves along more readily within the arterial walls, whereas, Low Density Lipoproteins or LDL is bad because it tends to hang around and adhere to the arterial walls causing plaque build up. These lab tests will require that you fast for a minimum of 12-15 hours. Do not eat high cholesterol meals before your testing because this will alter the results and may cause some false positives. If your Cholesterol is normal and your Triglycerides are high, this usually means that it is hereditary. Triglycerides are your sweet tooth, so refrain from eating those pies, cakes, and pastries. Cholesterol is your fatty meats and eggs. Try to keep your egg consumption down to no more than 3 per week. Egg beaters are a good substitute and contain no cholesterol.

The prevention of heart disease is critical in maintaining a healthy heart. Small changes can go a long way in reducing the risk of a heart attack. It is important to also remember that once damage to the heart has been done, nothing will correct this. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Is Heart Disease Preventable?


Episiotomy - WHY?

Episiotomy...Why? For those of you who don't really know the correct definition, an episiotomy is the cut performed on a woman's perineum (the tissue between the vagina and the anus) to allow the baby's head to emerge more quickly during pushing. If you know your anatomy, you also know that a baby whose head is already pushing on the mother's soft tissues on the perineum, has cleared the bony pelvic passage, and is thus minutes away from being born.

So why are women cut? To put it simply, it is at the attendants discretion, this can be an OBGYN, doctor, trainee doctor or even midwives. Some attendants prefer to cut and believe it is for the best, others refuse to cut unless it is absolutely necessary (I agree with the latter). There are times when an episiotomy is necessary, for example, when a baby's shoulders are stuck and more room is needed to maneuver the baby out. Also if the perineum is just too tight and the head won't emerge and the baby is compromised then an episiotomy may be needed. More often than not, this situation will fix itself with a position change. For example from back to front or to kneeling or standing. Usually a woman will tear to allow the baby to emerge, this is the much more gentle option and will heal much quicker than a surgical cut. Usually a small tear will heal on its own as it will fit together neatly, no stitches needed.


According to the WHO (World Health Organization), there is no need to routinely administer this cut, which severs skin, nerves and muscles in this sensitive area, and is the equivalent to a third-degree tear. The prevalence of third-degree tears in home births or birth centers with minimalized medical intervention is 0.3%. That's 3 women in 1000. By contrast, in Hungary, 70% of first-time mothers receive this cut. The rationale: to prevent fourth-degree tears despite the fact that scientific studies have shown that routine administration of an episiotomy actually increases, rather than decreases, the incidence of fourth-degree tears. If you can picture this, a women is pushing her baby out and the doctor puts a little cut in her perineum to aid in the quick arrival of her baby. Now, once a cut is performed, the skin has a weak point and as the baby rushes passed this cut, a bigger tear can follow on down the line of the small cut leading to a larger tear. Therefore, the woman has been surgically cut and then tore resulting in a much larger tear. This area will then need extensive stitching and time to heal, not to mention the risk of infection.

So why does a woman receive an episiotomy? Well I will list the reasons so it is easy for you memorize and avoid:

* The baby's heartbeat is uneven, or too low at this stage, which is totally normal.

* If a woman is lying on her back whilst pushing this will reduce the diameter of her pelvis by approximately 28%, creating a smaller outlet for her baby and adding to the uneven heartbeat.

* If the woman is trying to push against gravity, ie, on her back, pushing uphill. The shape of a woman's pelvis is curved up at the opening of the vagina, thus, lying on her back will create a steep exit for the baby and longer time for the head to be sitting on the perineum. Most doctors have a time limit in their head and will cut if this time has expired!! Ridiculous!

To recap, lying on your back, pushing up hill and reducing the size of your pelvis will all contribute to your chance of an episiotomy. So what can you do? Here is a list of dos:

* Labor in an upright position to widen your pelvic outlet, this also allows your baby to descend at its own speed. Your tissues will have had an opportunity to adjust to the pressure of the baby's head if you are in control.

* Feel when your tissues stretch and pause to give them a chance to adjust and accommodate the size of your baby's head.

So ladies, get to know your perineum, use a hand mirror and have a look at this area, touch and feel it. It is meant to stretch and it is a fantastic, elastic part of childbirth. Don't fear the perineum, imagine it stretching and imagine the warmth flowing through your body as it allows your baby to emerge out of you and into your arms. WOW, got to love your peri (midwife talk for perineum)!

If you have a look at my book link you will see that I have interviewed some great, world acclaimed natural birth experts. They have very strong views on episiotomies and voice them with great passion. You just have to hear what they say, it is amazing. Just imagine being armed with all this information before you go into will be strides ahead of the rest.

Good luck with your natural birth and please contact me if you have any questions.

Episiotomy - WHY?


How To Treat Asbestos Diseases

Treatments for asbestos vary depending on the type of disease the person contracts. There are many options and some are disease-specific, which means that the treatment option is only applicable to a certain disease.

There are quite a lot of asbestos diseases, each of which have distinct characteristics but commonalities are largely observed among larger classes of asbestos diseases.


How to Treat Mesothelioma

There are no standard measures of treating mesothelioma given by the FDA. The manner by which this disease develops is not fully known except for the act that it develops from asbestos exposure. But still, the options for treatment is not lacking. In fact, with earlier diagnosis comes greater chances of treating mesothelioma. These include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, complementary and alternative medicines, experimental therapies, surgery and even lifestyle modifications.

If you have been exposed to asbestos for a certain period of time and yet there are still no signs of mesothelioma, the best thing that you can do is seek medical help and discover the possibilities of having mesothelioma. It is wise if you would consult a doctor who truly specializes in asbestos and asbestos-relate diseases since he is more likely to have more experience and knowledge on this particular field of medicine.

Chemotherapy could be administered but sadly there are too few individuals who respond favorably to this treatment. This is a relatively aggressive form of treatment and often used when no other options are left. Radiation therapy, on the other hand, is targeted on lessening the pains that comes with e symptoms of mesothelioma.

Surgery is sued for the removal of cancerous cells and tumors. Another treatment option is palliative surgery that is used to relive the pressure of the accumulation of unnecessary fluids in the areas affected. This is normally conducted when the tumor is too large for removal.

Complimentary and alternative methods are used in conjunction with other treatment options. These include more traditional treatments and typically help in the enhancement of an individual's personal life. Healthy regimens such as regular exercise and healthy diet are also recommended to help more one's quality of life.

How to Treat Asbestosis

Asbestosis, like all other asbestos-related diseases, have no hope for cure yet but as always there are measures that will help lessen the aggravation of the disease and of the symptoms.

Asbestosis is a disease that affects the lungs of a person who has been exposed to higher degree of asbestos fiber. Its primary symptom is the scarring of the lung tissues.

If you were diagnosed with asbestosis, the initial measure is to limit your exposure to asbestos and smoking. The latter contributes a lot to contracting inflammatory diseases. The first line of defense is to give you antibiotics to resolve other respiratory diseases.

If you are diagnosed with asbestosis, your doctor will likely instruct you on how to an asbestos bronchial drainage which leads to excessive coughing to remove unwanted materials in the bronchi. Symptoms such as shortness of breath could be helped by treatment with bronchodilators and other measures such as oral and inhaled medications which would allow the easier air passage. Oxygen supplementation could be administered for more sever cases of asbestosis.

For minimal discomforts, however, over-the-counter medications are usually recommended which include drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

How to Treat Asbestos Lung Cancer

The combination of asbestos exposure and smoking extends the risk of contracting asbestos lung cancer. Treatments for laryngeal asbestos cancer include the following options:

Radiotherapy is the type of treatment that will focus on the early stage of larynx cancer since it is effective enough for treating small tumors in the affected parts. This is typically combined with surgery. A patient could also elect to use radiotherapy before surgery to eliminate further the cancer cells that were possibly left behind. Chemotherapy is used for advanced cases of larynx cancer.

When the asbestos disease is already aggravated, there are really too little options that could be offered to you. However, if diagnosis and treatment is early, your physician might give you a lot of options to choose from. Multiple treatment options could also be used but this would require several specialists to conduct the examination and the process of treatment.

How To Treat Asbestos Diseases


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Remove Hair From Vagina - It Needs Careful Attention As This is a Very Sensitive Area

Vagina Shaving is really a serious thing because it is a very sensitive area and any mistake could lead to extensive bleeding. It takes a lot of carefulness to perform vagina shaving. The vaginal area becomes ultra sensitive, just before, during and after the menstrual cycle. So, it is better to perform vagina shaving after the periods for this area.

Women often seriously injured themselves while shaving vagina shaving when they are not fully awake. Many women do it while standing in the tub or taking a shower with one leg up, with taking support of something not slipper. Some women use a toilet seat. It is easy to reach all of vagina and it makes the shaving easy.


Before the shaving, the hairs should be trimmed down to stubble using a scissors or a hair trimmer. This will show the shaving progress clearly and also the hairs will not stick in the razor.

Shaving should not be done with dry hairs. As the skin cells are dead on dry skin. They just scrap into the hair follicles at the time of shaving. It is really a worse combination as dry hair is tough and pubic hair is coarse, which makes the shaving impossible. The hairs will break more often at the time of shaving. It causes severs skin irritations.

A long hot shower or bath can be taken. A moisturizer should be applied to open the skin pores. The moisturizer should be remained on the hairs and skin for several minutes. Hairs down there are coarser, it will make the shaving easy.

A new blade should only be used with a good quality razor.

The shaving should be performed in the direction the hair growth. It should be started at the back of the vagina, first the sides should be done and then the front. After removing the bulk, shaving should be performed against the hair growth. This gives very close and clean vagina shave.

Too much pressure should not be applied on the razor and also repeated strokes should be avoided on the same area.

The hairs just inside the major labia lips should be pulled tautly with one hand while slowly moving the razor. This part of the shaving should be given very-very careful attention.

After the shaving the vagina should be washed with cold water. The lubricant should be rinsed off completely.

A skin moisturizer should be applied to smooth the skin and some good powder for dryness. Scented products should be avoided.

How to Remove Hair From Vagina - It Needs Careful Attention As This is a Very Sensitive Area


Tooth and Gum Disease

Gum disease has also been linked to heart disease and strokes. Gum disease is a common dental problem that may result in tooth loss. Gum Disease is an infection in the gums surrounding the teeth. Gum disease is also one of the main causes of tooth loss among adults. There are two major stages of gum disease: Gingivitis and Periodontitis. Gingivitis and Periodontitis are the most common types of adult gum disease. Gums shrink with age, exposing the tooth to decay or infection. Gum disease involves the inflammation of the gums and then infection.

lyme disease

Gum disease can usually be prevented by good and careful teeth cleaning and regular cleanings or scale and polishes with your dentist or hygienist. Decayed teeth, which hold bacteria that can spread throughout the body, also can make a child more susceptible to other problems, such as ear and sinus infections. Gum disease is a threat to your oral health. Gum disease begins with plaque, which is always forming on your teeth, without you even knowing it. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two main stages of gum disease. People usually don't show signs of gum disease until they are in their 30s or 40s.


Men are more likely to have periodontal disease than women. Gum disease develops when plaque is allowed to build up along and under the gum line. The gums may be sore, bleed easily and appear puffy, soft and swollen. In the early stage of gingivitis, the gums can become red and swollen and bleed easily, often during toothbrushing. Bleeding, although not always a symptom of gingivitis, is a signal that your mouth is unhealthy and needs attention.

The gums may be irritated, but the teeth are still firmly planted in their sockets. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that can usually be reversed with daily brushing and flossing, and regular cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist. This form of gum disease does not include any loss of bone and tissue that hold teeth in place. Acute ulcerative gingivitis, also known as Vincents disease or trench mouth, is due to a bacterial infection of the gums. Adult gum disease is usually not painful. It can progress slowly.

Tooth and Gum Disease. Treatment Tips

1. Curettage--a scraping away of the diseased gum tissue in the infected pocket.

2. Flap surgery--involves lifting back the gums and removing the tartar.

3. Bone grafts--used to replace bone destroyed by periodontitis.

4. Soft tissue grafts--reinforce thin gums or fill in places where gums have receded.

5. Guided tissue regeneration--stimulates bone and gum tissue growth.

6. Bone (osseous) surgery--smooths shallow craters in the bone due to moderate and advanced bone loss.

7. Acute ulcerative gingivitis is very easily treated with a three day course of the antibiotic metronidazole, and rarely returns.

8. Tartar will be scaled off both above and under the gums and under the gums by a dental professional.

Tooth and Gum Disease


Antioxidant Vitamins

The antioxidant vitamins found in fruits, vegetables, teas and supplements are proving to be powerful agents in the fight against disease causing free radicals.

The original concept was to take recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins to a level that would prevent acute deficiency diseases like the Sailor's disease scurvy. These are the standards by which RDA's were created.


However, in recent years, research has shown that Vitamins taken in higher doses can prevent sever chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. A debate still rages, but there is a plethora of research being done on Vitamin A, C, E, the antioxidant vitamins.

A National Institute of Health clinical trial involving people at high risk of developing advanced stages of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), showed that patients' risk decreased by 25 percent when treated with high doses of antioxidant vitamins and zinc.

Another study at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta showed that taking Vitamin E along with multivitamins reduced risk from stroke and heart illness. Among patients who took the combination, mortality risk decreased by 15 percent for these two diseases.

This September, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) concluded a study investigating the relationship between Vitamin C and cancer, suggesting that Vitamin C may fight cancer. They found, in a laboratory setting, that high doses of Vitamin C injected directly into the bloodstream killed cancer cells.

Though the current RDA for Vitamin C is stuck at 60 mg, many researchers suggest that raising the RDA to between 100 and 200 mg would be a great way for people to get the antioxidants that they need to maintain overall well being.

Be careful when purchasing vitamins and supplements though. Research has shown that whole food vitamins, or vitamins with their co-factors, are much more effective than isolated nutrients. Nutrition is a complex process of thousands of chemical reactions within our bodies. Vitamins are always better in their natural state - in the foods we eat. Supplements should never be used in place of a poor diet.

The smart choice is to look for whole food vitamins to supplement an already good diet for the times you can't get everything you need at meal time.

Antioxidant Vitamins


Monday, September 26, 2011

Achilles Pain - Causes and Treatment

The Achilles tendon is the thick strong tendon at the back of the ankle. Pain in the Achilles tendon is a common complaint amongst runners and sports people, even those who do not participate in exercise.

Generally Achilles pain can be divided into sudden or gradual onset pain. Sudden pain is usually the result of a tear or rupture of the tendon. Whilst this is not rare, gradual onset pain is more frequent. Pain which develops slowly and gradually gets worse is most often caused by a group of injuries, known as tendinopathies. These are degenerative conditions of the tendon or the surrounding paratenon, also often known as tendonitis, although this suggests the presence of inflammatory cells which biopsies have not demonstrated.


Other causes of gradual onset pain could be Achilles bursitis or severs disease, although these are less frequent.

Achilles tendonitis can occur in either the mid-portion of the tendon, or at the insertion or attachment point to the heel bone. In mid-portion tendonitis the pain is located approximately 2inches above the heel bone. In insertional cases, it is at the attachment point. Other symptoms include:
Stiffness in the tendon, especially after periods of rest. The tendon may appear thicker and red compared to the other side. It is tender to touch the tendon. Pain tends to ease as the tendon warms-up and then hurts more after exercise. You may feel small lumps in the tendon (nodules). The tendon may 'creak' on movement.

Treatment of Achilles pain caused by a tendinopathy should initially involve rest and the application of cold therapy to ease pain and encourage blood flow. When ice is applied initially there is a decrease in blood flow, however when removed after 10-15 minutes there is a massive influx of blood to the area. This is important in Achilles injuries, as the tendon has a notoriously low blood flow which can make healing slow.

Other treatment methods should include gentle stretching of the calf muscle complex, sports massage to the calf muscles and frictions to the tendon. Ultrasound or laser therapy may also be effective. Heel raises can be placed in the shoes on a temporary basis to help take the strain off the tendon. However, wearing these long-term can lead to shortening of the tendon.

Once initial pain has decreased, an eccentric strengthening programme can be implemented. Eccentric exercises involve contracting the muscle whilst it lengthens (as opposed to concentric - where it shortens!). This type of exercise has been shown to be most effective in treating Achilles tendinopathies. The heel drop exercise is the gold standard here, performed on a step, starting on the tip toes and lowering the heels down slowly, under complete control until the heel is below the level of the step.

As pain decreases, a gradual return to sport can be implemented, although to is important to ensure that any factors which may have contributed towards the development of the injury are corrected before returning. Common causative factors include tight or weak calf muscles, overpronation, sudden increases in activity, hill running and wearing high heels regularly.

Achilles Pain - Causes and Treatment


Knee Arthritis - Do You Know These Solutions?

Knee arthritis

Put simple arthritis is inflammation in the joints cause by the degradation of cartilage which results in bones grinding against each other. Since the knee is basically a joint surrounded by tissue and membranous fluids we can see why this would be an issue. Knee Arthritis is commonly found in individuals over the age of however age aside factors such as obesity and genetics (knee arthritis tends to run in families) can increase one's risk of getting arthritis. The two most common types of arthritis that affects the knee are rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis.


Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that occurs when white blood cell starts to attack body tissue which results in the erosion of two opposing joint bones. This type of arthritis can lead to sever e deformity in bones if not treated early. I must state that there is no cure for this disease however early detection can help to improve quality of life. Symptoms shown by individuals with this disease are but not limited to, swelling and pain in the knee joint, stiffness of joint, fatigue, limited range of motion and tenderness along the joint. If you feel you exhibit several of these symptoms it would be best to speak with your physician as this is not a disease to be taken likely.

It is still not clear what causes rheumatoid arthritis.


This type of arthritis results in the degradation of cartilage. The degeneration is not reversible and when this occurs joints are able to rub against each other causing tremendous pain and discomfort especially when in motion. The symptoms exhibited by an individual with osteoarthritis are similar to those shown by someone with rheumatoid arthritis.

Unlike with rheumatoid arthritis scientist do have some idea as to factors that can cause osteoarthritis. It is believed that diabetes, obesity and mechanical stress on joints are some of the contributory factors. Others include congenital disorder, Lyme disease, Marfan syndrome and weak quadriceps muscles all play a role in the development of osteoarthritis.

Treatment methods

Whilst the damage caused by arthritis is usually irreversible and the disease itself is incurable, there are various treatment methods that can reduce pain and inflammation thus greatly improving quality of life. Some effective treatment methods are as follows:

• Weight loss- reducing the mass which the knee has to support helps alleviate pain

• Lifestyle modification- one should no longer indulge in certain activities like playing football as this can worsen one's condition

• Medication - anti-inflammatory medications reduces swelling and pain relievers helps with the pain

• Physical therapy- strengthening supporting muscles like the quadriceps muscles helps to reduce tension on the knee and thus reducing pain

• Walking aids- clutches helps to relieve the tension place on the joint inflicted with arthritis

• Surgery - this is often a last resort and is usually followed by extensive physiotherapy. An orthopaedic surgeon can replace the entire knee joint or at least a portion of it.

Those are just some of the more effective methods of dealing with arthritic pain. I must emphasise though that early detection is key, so don't be afraid to contact your doctor if you have a genuine concern.

Knee Arthritis - Do You Know These Solutions?


Personal Injury Caused by Others Can Get You Compensation

You may have encountered the phrase Personal Injury many times while watching TV, or visiting the net, but have you ever thought what it actually means? Perhaps not, as you ever visualize yourself under the scanner. Let us first see what personal injury means. Any physical or mental harm caused to a person on purpose or due to medical negligence classifies as a personal injury. It may result from an accident or from a malpractice while a person is undergoing treatment in a hospital. Even if one stands at a financial loss suffered because of an act of commission or omission on the part of any other person, he is said to have suffered from personal injury. When the definition of the phrase is so broad, it is imperative to understand the legalities involved and also what you should do if you were to be under these circumstances.

All accidents can come under the purview of personal injury if the victim can prove that it is the other party who is responsible for his injury. Every year, millions of cases are filed under this category in the country by the victims and many of the cases result in the victims getting huge compensations. If in an accident a person dies because of injuries, his relatives can sue the guilty party for compensation. The law in the country has a provision whereby a person who has been hurt in an accident can file a case against the guilty party within three years of the accident.


If a person faces an accident at the workplace, he can sue the company for the injury he received. He must consult a personal injury attorney who can help him in this regard. There are attorneys who do not claim a fee unless they have won the compensation for the victim. It is a win-win situation for the victim as he has nothing to lose if he decides to file a law suit against the person he thinks is responsible for the injury he received.

If the injury results in death, then the case is changed from personal injury to wrongful death and carries harsher penalties and more severs settlement penalties. It is usually the insurance companies that pay the settlement to the aggrieved party on behalf of the party at fault, and hence they try to keep the settlement amount as low as possible. This is why it is absolutely necessary to hire the services of personal injury attorneys, who are experts in legal matters and know how to get the maximum settlement for the aggrieved person.

The compensation that a person gets, if he wins the injury case, include the medical expenses involved in his treatment, loss of income, and also for the physical and mental loss that he has suffered.

In some cases of personal injury, more than one person or a company may be involved and then the judge has to decide who pays what percent of the compensation package. If you have suffered at the hand of any other person, it is not a bad idea to take help of an attorney.

Personal Injury Caused by Others Can Get You Compensation


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Celiac Disease and Gluten Linked to Brain Disease by Deposits in Intestine and Brain

Antibodies for tissue transglutaminase found in the intestines of blood test negative celiac disease patients are also found in the intestine and brain in people with brain disease due to gluten. Gluten ataxia is a brain disorder characterized by balance disturbances not explained by any other cause but due to the ingestion of gluten. The disorder responds to a gluten free diet if irreversible brain damage has not already occurred. Calcifications can be seen in the brain on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

diseases and disorders a nursing therapeutics manual

Deposits of gluten related antibodies have been found in brain tissue obtained on biopsy and autopsy specimens. Mario Hadjivassiliou, M.D. from Sheffield England recommends gluten ataxia be added to a list of gluten related diseases that includes peripheral neuropathy and the skin disorder dermatitis herpetiformis. He has called for a new paradigm to be accepted where celiac disease is not considered primarily as an intestinal disease.


Dr. Hadjivassiliou and colleagues recently published a report of nine patients with gluten ataxia compared with seven patients with ataxia due to other causes. They found tissue transglutaminase IgA deposition on jejunum intestinal tissue on all nine patients with gluten ataxia but none of the control patients. Brain tissue from an autopsy of one patient with gluten ataxia was also found to have IgA tTG deposits in the cerebellum, pons and medulla of the brain but not in a control brain.

Previous studies have found negative celiac blood tests in patients with gluten ataxia suggesting that they may not have celiac though they had a gluten related disease. In light of a new report that blood test negative celiac disease can have intestinal tTG and advanced intestinal damage it is curious to wonder if the gluten ataxia patients with blood tests negative are seronegative celiacs. It is increasingly appearing that there is a very broad spectrum of gluten related disease and there are non-celiac gluten related symptoms that include the brain, skin, musculoskeletal system as well as the gut.

Many patients I have seen with gluten sensitivity describe symptoms of balance difficulty, concentration problems or "brain fog", headaches, and neuropathy and a few report symptoms such as "bug crawling" sensations and strange muscle twitches. These symptoms commonly improve with a gluten-free diet and return with intentional or accidental gluten exposure. For some, intestinal symptoms or skin rashes occur but not all. The concept of gluten as a cause of brain symptoms is still not one widely known or accepted by many doctors, especially in the United States. However in Europe, especially England, Germany and Scandinavian countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand the gluten brain-gut connection is more accepted.

Casein causing brain symptoms is also not commonly accepted by doctors in the U.S. though many lay public organizations and support groups have found a casein-free diet to be associated with improvement of brain function as well as helping autism.

What is needed is more openness of U.S. doctors to the role of diet and foods in such symptoms and diseases and much more scientific research. I ask you to join me on the journey of the food, bacteria, gut-brain-joint-skin connection to disease and health.


Autoantibody targeting of brain and intestinal transglutaminase in gluten ataxia. Hadjivassiliou M. et. al. Neurology 2006; 66:373-377.

Endomysial antibody-negative coeliac disease: clinical characteristics and intestinal autoantibody deposits. Gut 2006; 55:1746-1753.

Celiac Disease and Gluten Linked to Brain Disease by Deposits in Intestine and Brain


How You Can Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is brought about by plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria that continuously forms on the teeth and gradually destroys the tissues that surround and support the teeth.

diseases and disorders a nursing therapeutics manual

Prevention of gum disease involves methods to control and prevent the amount of tartar and plaque build-up on the teeth. These steps include proper dental hygiene, good nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices and regular visits to the dentist.


Proper Dental hygiene: Brushing your teeth well at least twice a day, helps keep plaque and tartar build-up at bay. You should preferably use soft-bristled toothbrushes as they are less abrasive and make sure the bristles are in good condition. Make it a habit to change your toothbrush every three months. Inter-dental brushes and dental floss help remove food particles from under the gum line, between the teeth and other places that regular toothbrushes cannot reach. Use a toothpaste and mouth wash that contains fluoride as it helps prevent decay and strengthen teeth.

Good nutrition: Eating a wide variety of foods from the different food groups, such fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, poultry, meat, fish, cereals and grain will ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy.

Healthy lifestyle choices: Starches as well as sugary foods and drinks cause more harm to the teeth when they are eaten in-between meals. Also foods that stick to your teeth or tend to stay in the mouth for a longer period of time, such as jellybeans, caramels, mints and hard candies cause prolonged and continuous attacks on the teeth and should be avoided.

Regular visits to the dentist: Dentists and dental hygienists are vital in helping prevent any kind of dental decay or gum erosion. Regular check-ups stop tooth and gum decay from progressing further. The dentist can offer helpful advice depending on the health of your teeth and gums. Scaling and polishing of the teeth can help remove tartar that is hardened and cannot be removed by mere brushing and flossing.

How You Can Prevent Gum Disease


Can Crohns Disease Be Cured The Natural Way

When deciding on a natural cure for Crohn's disease, you must first understand your body and know how you are feeling. If you feel unwell, a healthy diet may be the first step towards a natural cure for crohns disease. This disease often has such symptoms as diarrhea and the body may lose many essential nutrients. The only way to relieve the symptoms of this loss is to counteract it. A healthy diet that reintroduces those lost nutrients to the body is like a natural cure for Crohn's disease because it strengthens the body and its ability to heal after a flare up of symptoms. Healthy individuals who maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle are in a better position to fight off illness and have more symptom-free days than those who do not actively work to stay healthy. Rather than to try and find an instant natural cure for Crohn's disease, it is more important to eat well and try and keep fit. By doing this you will ensure your immune system stays strong. This is the first step towards a natural cure for crohns disease. The next step would be looking at a few herbal treatments as they have worked for me.

huntington's disease

Is There Any Such Thing As A Natural Cure For Crohn's Disease?


Crohn's disease is a chronic condition and there is currently no known cure. It can be a very painful disease and cause the sufferer many other problems. The best substitute for a natural natural cure for crohns disease would be taking herbal supplements. Other natural alternatives include acupuncture and aromatherapy. Unfortunately, while these may provide temporary relief, they are not a permanent solution. As with other chronic diseases, there is no permanent natural cure Crohn's disease is persistent and lifelong, staying in the sufferer's body for the rest of their lives. This means that, although there may be times when the sufferer feels well, there may be other times when they feel ill. There are lots of ways to cope with the illness and live a happy life. A person's quality of life need not be lessened because of this disease. Herbs that coat the stomach, and thereby help to sooth the gastrointestinal system, have been long been regarded as a natural cure for Crohn's disease because of the feeling of relief that users report experiencing. I myself am a crohns sufferer and I have been well for over three years now. I have been taking herbal supplements and have astounded the doctors. I was at deaths door, in need of an urgent operation. I started taking Aloe mp plus and Esdifan and have been well ever since. I regard this as my natural cure for crohns disease.

Can Crohns Disease Be Cured The Natural Way


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Trigeminal Neuralgia - The Suicide Disease

It may start off as a tingle. Then, as time goes by that tingle becomes a stinging sensation slowly creeping up the side of your face. All of a sudden, you feel like someone has taken a blow torch and is burning your skin off. What kind of suffering would one encounter such as this? It's called Trigeminal Neuralgia and it's a facial nerve disease that can be an caused as an onset to diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis.

diseases and disorders a nursing therapeutics manual

The Trigeminal nerve carries sensation from the face to your brain. When this nerve malfunctions, the result is a mild annoyance to excruciating pain that can interfere with daily life. Trigeminal Neuralgia is also called the "suicide disease" because many people who suffer from this disease and are unable to seek relief become depressed and often become suicidal. It is hard to diagnose from doctors and the most common people affected are women over 40.


Pain can be spread out or focused on one side. It can range from a from a twinge to a stabbing and burning sensation.

The doctor may order CT or MRI scans to determine if the patient indeed has Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Medications geared towards controlling pain are administered. Three common drugs used for treatment are: Carbamazepine, an anti-convulsant drug. Other drugs include: phenytoin, gabapentin and lamotrigine and baclofen. When this doesn't work, surgery is the next option. Some procedures such as Gamma Knife Surgery (where the nerve is severed) have proven quite effective in treating Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Trigeminal Neuralgia - The Suicide Disease


Adopting Children

Adoption provides a child with a new family when it is not possible to live with their own family. Adoption is the means of giving a child an opportunity to start again; for many children, adoption may be their only chance of experiencing family life.

Although age is a factor considered, there is no upper age restriction for people applying to adopt, age is only one factor taken into account when assessing the suitability. Age needs to be linked to the age of the child, general health, fitness, energy and general emotional well being. The important issue is that adopters can meet the day to day needs of children they look after.


To be eligible for adoption the child must be under the age of 18 years and a child for whom returning home to their parents is not possible. If the child is or has been married they cannot be adopted.

An Adoption Order severs all legal ties with the birth family and gives parental rights and responsibilities on the new adoptive family.

The birth parents no longer have any legal rights over the child and they are not entitled to have them back. The child becomes a full member of the adopted family; they take the adopter's surname and assume the same rights and privileges as if they had been born to them, including the right of inheritance.

Adoption agencies
Adoption Agency is the term given to an organisation that has been licensed and approved by the Department of Health.

Mostly adoption agencies in the UK are the social services departments of local councils. But there are also voluntary bodies and charities that are registered as adoption agencies.

When a child is permanently removed from their biological parents, but has not yet been placed for adoption, the adoption agency assumes parental responsibility for that child.

The time it takes to adopt will vary. It will take just over eight months for the adoption agency to complete its assessment of your suitability to adopt. It could then just take a matter of weeks for the agency to match adopters with a child.

Prospective adopters are invited to attend an adoption panel meeting, which recommends to the agency whether or not they should be approved as adopters. The agency's decision on whether they are approved or not is usually given orally within two days and in writing within five days.

If the agency plans not to approve the adopters' application, the prospective adopters (in England and Wales only) the applicants can seek a review with the IRM (The Independent Review Mechanism). The IRM must be contacted within 40 days if in England, 28 days if in Wales, of the written notification from the agency.

Once the agency considers the applicants as suitable to adopt, it will begin the process of finding a child whose needs can be met. If a match doesn't take place after three months, the potential adopters can be referred to the Adoption Register for England and Wales.

The Register holds details of children across England and Wales who need a family. The Register will be searched to identify a child. Once a link has been made, potential adopters details will be passed on to the child's social worker.

Once the child goes to live with the potential adopters, it is up to them to decide when to apply to the court for an adoption order. However, the child must have lived with them for at least ten weeks. An adoption order means that parental rights and responsibilities for the child are given to the adoptive parents.

Adoption allowances are subject to means testing but may be paid in some situations and are generally awarded for sibling groups, or a child with special needs. The allowance is paid in respect of the child's needs and cannot be attached to adopters. Adoption allowances are subject to an annual review. Adopters can claim child benefit, tax credits or disability living allowance like any other parents.

Adopting children from overseas
If potential adopters are thinking of adopting a child from another country, before applying to an Agency, enquiries need to have been made with a child's country of origin to find out what requirements that country has. Some countries, for example, do not allow their children to be placed for adoption overseas.

Local authority adoption agencies, charge a fee for these assessments which is currently £4,500.

Potential adopters will be required to undertake the same training and assessment as for other adopters who wish to adopt children in the UK.

Adopting Children


Cholesterol And Heart Disease

In an instant, heart disease can tear a family apart. Abruptly, it can sever ties among spouses, parents and children, friends, neighbors, and other loved ones. The good news in this grim scenario is that with knowledge and with action, you can take significant steps toward reducing the heavy toll exacted by this disease. Understanding what heart disease is and how cholesterol contributes to it is an important first step.

What Is Heart Disease?


A healthy heart and circulatory system are something that many people take for granted-that is, until one day they experience chest pains or breathlessness and realize that something in the body is no longer working the way that it should. But what keeps a heart healthy? Or, what causes a heart to lose its ability to function properly?

The Structure and Function of the Heart

Before we can clearly understand what is going on when the heart dysfunctions, it's necessary to have a basic comprehension of its structure and function. The human heart lies in the upper left center of the chest, next to the lungs. It has four chambers: the right atrium and the left atrium on the top, and the right and left ventricles on the bottom. Blood flows into the right side of the heart and out of the left side. To guide the flow of blood in one constant direction, each chamber connects to the next one through valves that open when the heart contracts.

Blood that no longer contains oxygen enters the right side of the heart through a large vein called the vena cava. This deoxygenated blood flows into the right atrium. When the heart contracts, this blood flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. From the right ventricle, the blood enters the pulmonary artery via the pulmonary valve to become freshly oxygenated in the lungs. The newly oxygen-rich blood leaves the lungs and flows back to the heart's left atrium through the pulmonary vein. With the next contraction, the mitral valve opens and blood flows into the left ventricle, the strongest section of this miraculous muscular pump. When this section contracts, blood then rushes through the aortic valve into the aorta to repeat its journey around the body. This circulatory process continues automatically for as long as you live.

An electrical stimulus regulates the heartbeat. In the right atrium, a specialized group of cells-known as the sinoatrial node, the SA node, or the sinus node-triggers the electrical impulses that cause the chambers of the heart to contract and push the blood along its path. The rate of the electrical impulses is regulated, but it can vary depending on different chemical stimulators in the body. In this manner, a healthy heart can respond to different needs as required by the demands of life.

For example, when you are reclining on a couch in a primarily horizontal position, your heart does not have to work as hard to circulate blood around your body since it does not have to flow against gravity. When you stand up from the couch-let's say to get a drink from the refrigerator-your heart must work harder to pump blood against gravity and to your working muscles. In a person with a healthy heart, all of these adaptations occur effortlessly. We never pause to think about how our movements increase the demands on our circulatory system; we simply go and assume that our body will be able to respond smoothly and easily.

The function of the heart and the circulatory system is to keep blood flowing continuously at a consistent rate. This ensures delivery of essential oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues. Other processes that occur simultaneously through the circulation include the removal of waste products from cells back to the lungs, liver, and kidneys for filtering. A healthy nervous system is also important to a healthy circulatory system, since it affects heart rate and vessel function.

A healthy heart is an electronically regulated muscular pump that is about the size of a fist. Each day and night, the average heart beats approximately 100,000 times and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood. Over a normal lifespan, the heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times.

Cholesterol And Heart Disease


Friday, September 23, 2011

How to Stop a Breakup

Once a relationship begins to unravel and thoughts of breaking up start to surface, there is a limited amount time to reverse the trend. Although the events leading up to breakups often occur slowly over time, the action that severs the relationship can be swift. Thus, you have to be prepared with things you can do to stop a breakup. Here are some strategies for lovers who are experiencing a rough stretch in their relationship, but would like to get things back on track.

Act Swiftly. The worst thing you can do when your relationship is falling apart is to sit on the sidelines. Too many people think that waiting for things to get better is the best solution. Problems require solutions, and the longer you wait to mend your relationship only allows more time for things to get worse.


Communicate. Almost all breakups can be attributed to some form of a communication problem. Whether it is arguing or lying, breakdowns in communication lead to distrust and unhappiness. The best way to overcome barriers to communication is to be honest with your partner. Talk about the problems with your relationship and discuss ways that each of you can be more supportive to the other. Often times this requires the courage of one person to stand up and approach the subject.

Provide Some Space. Although you need to be proactive while trying to stop a breakup, it is also important to give your partner some space. If you have effectively communicated your concerns with your partner, and agreed on some course of action, the next step is to be patient. Re-building trust is a long term strategy that will not occur overnight. Be confident in your partner and focus on living up to your end of the agreement. Your mutual trust will grow as time passes and your bond will strengthen with it.

Be Creative. Perhaps the most important element of saving a troubled relationship is creativity. Remember how much fun you had with your partner when you first started dating? Some of this was attributed to the excitement of a new experience. Using your creativity, you can rekindle your relationship by suggesting new things you do with your partner. Sporting events, amusement parks, and concerts are all great ways to bring back excitement to your relationship. The key is to come up with new ideas that will help you both remember why you fell in love in the first place.

Relationships are delicate items that must be continually nurtured. When things start to go wrong with them it can spiral into a breakup. The best way to stop a breakup is to recognize your problems and discuss them with your partner. Don't expect to wait for the problems to fix themselves. Attack the issues by offering solutions, and re-build your relationship by suggesting creative things to do with your leisure time. Doing all of these things will help you repair your relationship over time. Remember to be persistent and honest with your partner, and the rest will fall into place.

Facing the prospect of a breakup can be stressful and lonely, but there are tools available to walk you through each step of saving your relationship. Visit for mre information.

How to Stop a Breakup


GB Syndrome - A Rare Dangerous Disease

Previous month I got a bad news about my brother-in-law, he is suffering from an unknown disease from the past 15 days. Even the doctors at the local hospitals are unaware of the disease and symptoms. Here's how it all started, from 2-3 days he was feeling sever pains in his hands and legs. First of all his family thought it might be the regular leg pains so they massages him with some local ointment and waited for the pains to get relieved. But the pain was still there. After a week he was not able to walk and was not even able to feel his hands and legs. Now this is a serious situation, the parents thought and admitted him to the local hospital. But it's of no use. The doctors were unaware of the disease. Then they took him to the city hospital which has good doctors. There he was diagnosed with a very rare disease GB Syndrome, which has no cure at present. It's a very rare disease one or two in a million. Now after a month still he is not able to walk and feel his body parts. Only thing which is working is his neck and face. But doctors warned of situation can be worse if his breathing system stops working.

I was really very sad and was afraid after knowing his condition. Even I heard about this disease for the first time so I thought why not tell you all about this disease in detail, its symptoms, its support groups all over the world and what to do to partially cure this disease. The information here is taken from various medical magazines and journals and the cure mentioned here is not mine but it's used by the doctors all over the world to partially cure this disease.


Disease Name: Guillain-Barré syndrome
Sign & Symptoms:
1. Severe pain in the lower back.
2. Weakness of the lower limbs
3. Rapidly progresses in an ascending fashion, usually over periods of hours to days.
4. Arms and facial muscles also become affected.
5. Frequently, the lower cranial nerves may be affected.
6. Very slow heart rate or low blood pressure
7. Respiratory difficulties.

To read more about this disease, it's cure and related resources you can visit my blog.

GB Syndrome - A Rare Dangerous Disease


5 Common Types of Heart Disease

There are many types of heart disease, but this article will explore five types that are common to happen. Hopefully, this article can add your knowledge concerning this leading cause of death disease.

liver disease

#1 Congenital heart disease


There is a fallacy of thinking that many people do when they believe that all heart diseases are brought about by outside factors or that it needs some periods of time for the disease to build up. This is, of course, not true as one of the most common types is congenital heart disease.

The term congenital or hereditary heart disease refers to heart disease which is passed down through the family, and this is considered as being a congenital type as it is principally inevitable and unpreventable. If you have an account of early heart problem in your family then you also are at danger for congenital heart disease.

The most first-degree family members that you have who have endured from heart problem, such as your mother, father, brother, sister and so on, in particular those who experienced it at a younger age, the higher your risk of getting it as well.

Although congenital heart disease can be caused by many factors, some of them are actually preventable. For example if heart problem is clustering in your family, then it may just be because of the way that your family lives, including unhealthy practices such as poor diet, little or no exercise, and smoking. All of these aspects can contribute to heart problem and can create the sequence of congenital heart disease.

# 2 Congestive heart failure

Congestive heart failure is when the heart does not pump adequate blood to the other organs in the body. Congestive heart failure can often result from heart problem and constricted arteries. Congestive heart failure results in a heart which works a lot less efficiently than it should and can make further problems. Symptoms regularly consist of swelling and edema, shortness of breath, and kidney problems which in turn can lead to mysterious weight gain. Even elevated blood pressure and alcohol abuse can lead to congestive heart failure.

A patient may be examined for congestive heart failure if they have suffered from heart problem in the past, are alcoholic, have a family history of heart problems or show one or all of the symptoms that are caused by congestive heart failure. There are choices of examinations that aid a doctor in diagnosing this heart crisis. Treatment should begin without delay, starting with changes to diet and exercise, as patients should abolish salt from the diet altogether and sternly limit their fluid intake. Further treatment should be done by a professional.

#3 Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is the most frequent type of heart problem of all, and is also the leading reason of heart attacks. Coronary heart disease is a term that refers to damage to the heart that happens because its blood supply is decreased, and what happens here is that fatty deposits build up on the linings of the blood vessels that provide the heart muscles with blood, resulting in them narrowing. This narrowing decreases the blood supply to the heart muscles and causes pain that is identified as angina.

There are a few factors which are considered as being responsible causes of coronary heart disease. One in particular is high cholesterol that can increase fat concentration in your blood and create the building up of fatty deposits. Another one of the major factors of coronary heart disease is cigarette and tobacco smoke, as a smoker's risk of getting heart problem is two times that of a nonsmoker, and studies have actually revealed that after five years of quitting smoking, the risk of developing heart problem is the same as that of someone who had never smoked in their life.

#4 Pulmonary heart disease

Pulmonary heart disease is a disease that comes from a lung, or pulmonary, disorder, or a complication of lung problems where the blood flow into the lungs is slowed or even totally blocked, resulting in increased pressure on the lungs. There are a number of different symptoms that typically come with pulmonary heart disease, such as shortness of breath, syncope, dyspnoea, and chest pain.

It is a state which is often misdiagnosed, and has frequently progressed to late stages by the time that it is actually correctly diagnosed. It has been previously chronic and untreatable with a poor survival rate. However, there are now numerous new treatments which are accessible which have extensively improved the overall prognosis of this disease.

#5 Rheumatic heart disease

Rheumatic heart disease frequently derives from strep throat infections. This can be a reason for alarm for many because strep throat, while often preventable, is a quite common condition that affects many people who do not treat a minor sore throat infection in time. However, there is no reason to be because rheumatic heart disease that comes from strep throat is fairly rare. Actually, the sheer volume of cases of rheumatic heart disease has decreased considerably since the 1960's.

If rheumatic fever, which happens due to chronic strep throat, is contracted and leads to rheumatic heart disease, the situation can be treated in a way that is much easier than the common treatments for other types of heart problem. This treatment usually involves taking cortisteroid anti-inflammatory medication to reverse any possible cardiac problems the fever might make. This does not rule out the risk for the requirement for more advanced treatment such as surgery, but it does signify the probability for a simple, yet effective treatment.

5 Common Types of Heart Disease


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Heart Disease Hits the Famous

Fame often divides among people. Famous people enjoy many privileges that others do not, but the privilege of avoiding heart disease is not one of them.


A famous person with heart disease faces the same risk factors as those who are not famous. A famous person with heart disease experiences the same symptoms, and can die of heart disease. The famous do not escape heart disease, known by physicians as coronary artery disease (CAD).


Examples of Famous People with Heart Disease

A famous person with heart disease who recently (March 2007) underwent triple heart bypass surgery is Regis Philbin well-known United States TV host. He had experienced typical heart disease symptoms such as chest pains and shortness of breath, despite having angioplasty 14 years ago. He joined a long list of famous people with heart disease. Here are a mere dozen of them.

* Bill Clinton - quadruple bypass surgery in 2004

* David Letterman - quadruple bypass surgery in 2000

* Larry King - heart attack and bypass surgery in 1987

* Mike Ditka - heart attack in 1988

* Tommy Lasorda - heart attack in 1996

* Dick Cheney - at least 4 heart attacks

* Phyllis Diller - heart attack in 1999

* Elizabeth Taylor - congestive heart failure

* Victoria Gotti - heart disease from age 16

* Ma Ji - died of heart disease in 2006

* Alfredo Di Stefano - heart attack in 2005

* Sir Ranulph Fiennes - heart attack and bypass surgery

Heart Disease Treatment

A famous person with heart disease may be able to afford the best treatment available. Every effort will likely be made not only to save their lives but to return them to the fullest possible health.

Advantages of Heart Disease in the Famous

A famous person with heart disease can be a highly-recognized spokesperson for companies that offer heart disease medications, diet plans, and other treatments aimed at reducing heart disease. It is said that immediately after a famous person has a heart attack or major heart surgery, hundreds of people schedule physical examinations - especially men.

The heart disease is not, of course, an advantageous experience for the famous person undergoing it. It can awaken them to their need for lifestyle changes, but other than that, it is just as excruciating for the famous as for those who have no claim to fame.

No One Is Invincible

Whether it is a famous person with heart disease or a person who is famous only to his or her family, no one is invincible. That may be one of the biggest lessons to be learned from hearing of yet another famous person with heart disease. Another big lesson is that we should all heed the multitude of warnings, and take action to prevent heart disease in ourselves and our loved ones.

Heart Disease Hits the Famous


Meningitis Vaccine Side Effects

Meningitis seems to be in and out of the news and garners quite a bit of media attention. It is important to understand the disease and to make an informed decision in regards to it. There is a vaccine for meningitis but it is up to you whether you get vaccinated and you should take into consideration the meningitis vaccine and its side effects.

The first and most important thing you should know is just what is Meningitis? Meningitis is the inflammation of the outer lining of the brain and spinal cord. There are different viruses and bacterium that can lead to this illness. Most of the discussion you will hear about from media sources is of one type of meningitis and that is bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitides. Though this type of illness is rare In the United States, it is responsible for the deaths of children and college students each year.


Do to communal type dorm living in colleges; students are at an increased risk. Most colleges are advising that dorm students especially, if not all college students be immunized to reduce this risk.

Meningitis C (Neisseria meningitis) is the most deadly strain and while the vast majority of people are happy there is a way to safeguard our teenagers from this serious disease, reports in the news of late have influenced our decisions due to the distressing side effects.

The Center for disease control recommends that all college students take the meningitis immunization regardless of the side effects. In particular, those who live in close quarters (dormitories, fraternities, and sororities), who frequent bars or consume alcohol, who smoke or are regularly around smokers are at higher risk and should consider vaccination. Students with certain chronic conditions (have had their spleen removed) should be vaccinated. Students traveling to high-risk areas of the world (sub-Sahara Africa) should consider vaccination

Who should NOT take the Meningitis vaccine?

Anyone with a severe allergy to it or its components Anyone with a fever Anyone with sever flu like symptoms or is actively with an infection Anyone pregnant or breastfeeding Anyone who has had meningitis within the past six months
Meningitis vaccine side effects

Redness,soreness, and swelling at the injection site Other reactions may include fever headache, nausea dizziness fatigue joint pain rashes should subside in 1 to 2 days Allergic reactions like hives itching wheezing swelling of the face and mouthUnfortunately, as with all medications and vaccinations, there is potential for meningitis vaccine side effects. Making an informed decision about being vaccinated or not is just one component in your over all health. But it is a vital one and one you should research. If you do not want the vaccines because you are afraid of a shot then research more!

Meningitis Vaccine Side Effects


Crohn's Disease - Get the Social Security Disability Benefits

Life can be hell to persons suffering from severe Crohn's disease, as they are not able to lead a normal life. They cannot go for work due to the stress imposed on them by the disease. Those persons who are unable to work due to the complications caused by the disease can apply for the Social security disability effects.


Crohn's disease is basically an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the gastro intestinal tract starting from the mouth to the anus. This is mostly affected with persons between the age 20 and 30 and was first considered that the disease was caused due to diet and stress. But researches has found that the disease is caused due to hereditary, disorders in the mutation of the gene NOD2 that reduces the immunity of the system to fight viruses causing the disease.


The most common symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, ulcers, weight loss, and skin rashes and in severe cases may cause liver disorders. Hence, the patient cannot work or earn a living by his own. Such patients are eligible for the monetary benefits due to the Social security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Crohn's patients classified in listing 5.06 in the Social Security Disability Impairment are only eligible for the benefits. Apart from the listings, the educational qualification of the applicant, work history and medical background of the patient is necessary in determining the amount of benefits. In addition, they consider the fact whether the applicant have paid the security taxes so far.

Any disease can be fought with the will power of the patient and sometimes what medication can't do can be achieved with your will power. So if you have the disease doesn't get worried, proper care, regular checkups and monitoring may help you to lead a normal life.

Crohn's Disease - Get the Social Security Disability Benefits


Crohn's Disease Food! What Can You Eat?!

When most people are diagnosed with Crohn's disease the first thing that their doctor tells them is that they can no longer eat those same foods that they used to eat. Their doctor will alert them to the dangers of doing this and he/she will most likely give them a list of foods to avoid. Now mind you, this list is pretty extensive. But having crohn's disease is not the end of the world. I'm going to give you a whole list of foods that you CAN eat, Okay?

disease proof your child

The best foods to eat with Crohn's disease are foods that are called "low residue foods". These are foods that are not high in fiber and will not leave the "residue" that high fiber foods leave behind in your intestines. Now this is important because that residue can inflame or irritate your intestines causing flare-ups. These flares are any number of symptoms that people with crohn's get that can range from bloody diarrhea to going to the bathroom more than 10 times a day!


Some of those low residue foods are:

Chicken(preferably broiled)

White Rice

Vegetable Juices(w/o pulp)

Broth based soups(strained)

Eating a low residue diet can not only relieve you of the symptoms of crohn's disease, it can also reduce the number of times that you go to the bathroom. For some people, this is one of the main symptoms that have made them a prisoner in their own homes! They are afraid to go out and eat because they don't know what to eat or what effect the food that they eat is going to have on them. So they stay home, where it's safe.

Crohn's Disease Food! What Can You Eat?!


Symptoms of Liver Disease - Learn Them Before it is too Late

Liver Disease also called as hepatitis disease is the largest organ inside the human body. The liver performs functions like converting food into energy, cleansing alcohol and other poisons from the blood. The liver secretes a yellowish-green liquid which is called bile. This fluid is helpful in digestion.

There are many kinds of this and it would be really difficult for one to identify or discriminate the disease. Though few people can identify and feel that they are suffering from some form of the disease, it is abhorrent to treat it with home remedies and must consult a reputed doctor immediately for treatment. Let us look into few symptoms of liver disease.


Symptom 1:

Jaundice, is one of the main symptoms of liver disease. Unrelenting occurrence of jaundice is an indication that something is absolutely wrong with the gall bladder or the liver. Occurrence of Jaundice can be understood by the change in the color of the skin. The color of the skin turns pale yellow or orange and the white part of the eye too turns yellow. Jaundice results when there is a disturbance in the production of bile. The symptoms also include occurrence of flu. There are two types of jaundice Yang Jaundice and Yin Jaundice.

Yan Jaundice has symptoms that include Thirst, Palpitations, constipation, urinary problem, abdominal distention and yellowing of tongue. This type of jaundice occurs due to excessive damp, moist heat.

Ying Jaundice has symptoms that includes the overall body including the face turns yellow followed by fever, nausea, poor appetite, lassitude, fatigue, abdominal digestion, chest repression, loose stools, hypochondriac pain, cold hands and feet, palpitation, edema and breaking breath.

Symptom 2:

Other most common symptom of liver disease is drop in appetite. This causes sudden weigh loss in the patient and results in anemia with hepatocytes. The patient gets weaker and weaker with continuous vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. If the patient is suffering from gastric ulcer already, they might see blood at times while vomiting.

Symptom 3:

Light coloration of the stool is also symptoms of liver disease. This occurs when the bile pigment is blocked due to scarring, stones or inflammation. Irregular or irritable bowel movement is also some of the symptoms of the liver disease.

Symptom 4:

Symptom of liver disease also includes blotting or distention of the right side of the abdominal part below the lower ribs due to hepatomegaly or ascites. If distension gets sever then the patient might feel pain while breathing, due to pressure in the diaphragm.

Symptom 5:

Polydypsia and polyuria, which means excessive thirst and urination is also an symptom of liver disease. However one must diagnose correctly since Polydypsia and polyuria are symptoms of many other diseases too.

Few other symptoms of the liver disease include headache, problem of skin, allergy, feeling dizzy, tinnitus, ticks, spasms and tremors. Sudden seizures, stroke, redness and itching of eyes, Short temperedness and constant irritation, Tension and pain in the back, Hypochondriac pain, Loss of flexibility of tendons and ligaments, Depression, Mood Swings and the list goes on.

Symptoms of Liver Disease - Learn Them Before it is too Late


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Metabolic Liver Disease

The primary function of your liver in your body is to regulate your metabolism. Without the liver, you will not be able to metabolize your intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It accomplishes this function by working closely with your other systems such as you lymphatic system, circulatory system, as and endocrine system. In order for your liver to metabolize the fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in your body, it must be healthy and free of any diseases.

liver disease

Bile Production


Your liver produces and secretes a product called bile. This is what makes it possible for your liver to metabolize your intake of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. This fluid is a very important presence in your body due to the fact that it aids in the elimination of contaminants in your body, such as drugs. The bile system is also responsible for re-circulating your red blood cells.

Failure to Produce Bile

It is possible for a type of liver disease to cause the liver to stop the secretion of bile. When this happens, the liver loses the capability to metabolize the fats, carbohydrate, and proteins.

The only way fats can be absorbed into your blood system is if bile is present. This is why it would be impossible for your body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins without bile. These vitamins, such as vitamins A, K, D, and E, are essential for your liver to function properly. Without bile present in your system, your body will not be able to absorb and metabolize these vitamins.

Red Blood Cell System

Another important function the liver performs is that it cleanses your body from the damaged, or old, red blood cells. The liver will also store iron in your body, as well as breakdown hemoglobin. This is the reason why many people who suffer from liver disease may suffer from anemia. Along with the spleen, the liver stores blood. Therefore, in case of blood loss severe enough to threaten your life, the liver will expel its stored blood to replace the lost blood in your bloodstream.

Metabolic Liver Disease


The Facts On Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is it about rheumatoid arthritis that gets everyone scared even with just the thought of getting it later in life? The obvious reason is because of the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, a result of the inflammation of the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis can limit the mobility of a person and can leave him dull, lifeless and frustrated because he can no longer live his life the way he want it to be. But what makes rheumatoid arthritis scary is the fact that it can affect other body parts like the heart, muscles and blood vessels.


People who have Rheumatoid Arthritis can experience a weakening of their immune systems leading to an attack on the joints. It is called an autoimmune illness because the immune system of the person mistakenly attacks its own body.

Normally, the immune system of a person is designed to attack unknown invaders in the body of a person. With Rheumatoid Arthritis, the antibodies that are supposed to protect the person from invaders attack the host body instead of giving it protection.

A person who has Rheumatoid Arthritis can suffer from it for a long time and even during his entire lifetime because it is chronic. In the long run, this disease will destroy other organs of the body which can result to other illnesses.

Unlike most diseases, a person will never know how and why he has been afflicted with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Scientists all over the world are still at a quandary as to the real cause of this chronic disease. Others believe that Rheumatoid Arthritis is generally inherited through the genes.

While the genes can be big factor in getting Rheumatoid Arthritis, the lifestyle of a person can also hasten the onset of the disease. A person who smokes is more prone to getting Rheumatoid Arthritis than a person who does not smoke.

So how does one know that he already has this chronic disease? The symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis can be present one moment and disappear again when the disease has ceased to be active. Thus, some people have a tendency to ignore seeking the help of a doctor when they first feel the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Among the symptoms that may be felt by those who have Rheumatoid Arthritis are stiffness and fatigue in their muscles, especially during morning and after a long period of rest. Joints usually turn red and painful when the disease I active.

A person who has Rheumatoid Arthritis can find even the simplest daily activities like standing, and holding objects quite painful. When the periods of attack become frequent, there is a chance that it will cause damage to the cartilage, tissues and the bones of a person.

Some people suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis can experience hoarseness especially when the disease has affected the joints of the vocal chords. Others can experience dryness in their eyes and even the mouth area during an arthritis attack. When the disease attacks the lungs, the person can experience sever coughing or difficulty in breathing.

While there is as yet no established cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, a person who has the disease can find ways to reduce the pain and the debilitating effects of the disease. It is important that the person suffering from arthritis should regularly consult with his doctor to alleviate his suffering as well as the possible effects of the disease to other body parts.


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The Facts On Rheumatoid Arthritis


Diabetes Complications - How to Detect and Avoid it

Diabetes is a disease caused by your body's inability to create insulin. This inability hinders the natural process of turning carbohydrates into energy. Since diabetes disrupts the body's normal functions, there are many diabetes complications that can occur if the disease goes untreated or in the more sever cases of the disease. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you will need to work closely with your physician in order to develop a plan of action that will be best for you.

You may choose medications or you may choose more natural treatments. Either way, a healthy diet and regular exercise will be an important part of your diabetes management. Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to manage the disease to minimize the chance of suffering from diabetes complications.


Diseases and Illnesses Caused by Diabetes

Diabetes can cause the onset of other illnesses and diseases. Some of the illnesses and diseases that can be caused by diabetes complications are more serious than the diabetes itself. Let's look at some of the complications that can arise from diabetes:

Eye complications - one of the symptoms of diabetes is blurred vision caused when the body takes fluid from other tissues in order to compensate for the loss of insulin. People who have diabetes are at a higher risk of blindness. Heart disease - the complications of diabetes makes the risk of heart disease higher in people with diabetes. Stroke - the complications of diabetes also place the diabetic at a higher risk of stroke. Kidney disease - the symptoms of diabetes causes the kidneys to work harder than normal. This can cause the kidneys not to properly filter out waste products and could lead to kidney failure. Neuropathy and Nerve Damage - one of the most common complications for the diabetic is damage to the nerves connecting the spinal cord to muscles, skin, blood vessels, and other organs. Feet - as a result of the nerve damage and poor circulation caused by diabetes, many people develop problems with their feet. Skin - many people with diabetes suffer from skin disorders. These disorders are often an indication that a person has diabetes. Skin disorders can be prevented and treated. Gastroparesis - this disease happens if the nerves to the stomach are damaged and causes the stomach to take too long to empty its contents. People who suffer from Gastroparesis often experience heartburn, nausea, feeling full at the beginning of a meal, weight loss, vomiting undigested food, bloating, loss of appetite, gastroesophageal reflux, and even spasms within the wall of the stomach. Depression - many illnesses and diseases can cause people to suffer from depression. The feeling of not having control over your body can often times lead people to a false sense of failure and hopelessness.
Diagnosis and Management in Diabetes

The diabetes complications above gives you an indication of just how important it is detect diabetes as early as possible. Early detection is the best way to learn early on how to control the symptoms of diabetes and lessen your chances of the diabetes complications leading to more serious illnesses and diseases. As soon as you are given a diagnosis of diabetes, you should begin working with your physician to formulate a plan of management for the disease. There is no cure for diabetes, but in many cases, it can be controlled and the risks of it causing more serious complications can be decreased.

Management of your diabetes is a key factor in whether the disease will lead to more serious illnesses and diseases. The best way that you can remain in control is to formulate a management plan with your physician, which should consist of a treatment plan, a healthy diet, and regular exercise. Even if you have not been diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to begin a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise so that diabetes and diabetes complications can be avoided and you can live a normal, healthy life span.

Diabetes Complications - How to Detect and Avoid it