Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Clutter Syndrome: Understanding the Symptoms

A form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, clutter syndrome is called by several names such as Pack Rat Syndrome, Hoard Syndrome, and Compulsive Hoarding. This is a disorder characterized by people's inability to let go of a lot of garbage or clutter from their belongings. People who have this disorder also tend to collect so many things that they store at home even if they do not need these things. This syndrome or disorder should not be confused with simple disorderliness because cluttering is much worse.

People who have this disorder will make their abode short of being a literal garbage dump. They hoard both useful and useless things. On top of this, they do not want to let go of these things because they believe that one point, they will need and use these things. These things may range from books to plastics to animals to junk items and a whole lot more. Here are a few symptoms of clutter syndrome.


Excessive Shopping

People with hoarding disorder usually buy things they do not immediately need. This poses a risk in the person's finances because he may end up in bad debt for buying unnecessary things.

Hoarding Useful Things

This occurs when people with Pack Rat Syndrome buy important things such as canned goods but they just store them for the future. They often do not eat or use these things, just store them for the future.

Inability to Organize Things

One thing that sets people with clutter syndrome is their inability to keep things tidy. They take home a lot of things and just stack them on top of one another until the clutter literally reaches the ceiling.

Taking Home Trash

It is also observable that these individuals retrieve things from the garbage dump. This includes plastic cups and forks or spoons. Destroyed television sets, bikes, metals, and so on.

Clutter syndrome is a normal psychological disorder; most individuals who have this are not aware that they have a mental disease. They often believe the disorder's existence if they are told. The disorder poses a lot of danger to the individual, especially if what he is hoarding is animals. Many times, it also severs their relationship with other individuals because of the garbage they have turned their home to. They are often ridiculed and shunned and eventually withdraw themselves from the public.

Clutter Syndrome: Understanding the Symptoms


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