Friday, September 30, 2011

Jaundice - The Yellow Illness

Those suffering with jaundice get a yellowish tint to their skin and even the eyes turn yellow and the urine is either bright yellow or in sever cases can become "tea" colored. This is yellow tinge is because of the elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood which is what happens when there is a problem with the liver and the bile duct. After the iron is removed from the blood, the chemical remaining in the blood is bilirubin. This is a waste product which has to be removed from the body by the liver and this is what is excreted in the feces and gives it the yellow color.

Jaundice is a malfunction of the liver when too much of bilirubin is produced and the liver is unable to remove it, or if the liver has a defect and cannot remove the bilirubin from the blood and the third reason is when the bile duct is blocked and the flow of bilirubin and bile to the intestines is restricted. The bile duct could be blocked for several reasons like if the person has gall stones, cancer or an inflammation of the bile duct.


The diagnosis is reached with blood tests which show the functions of the liver and a physical examination of the patient. Treatment is symptomatic and the cause of jaundice has to be eliminated from the system. If the cause is gall stones, then removal of the stones will immediately relive the person of this problem. Similarly if the person has been consuming alcohol in excess this could also be the cause which could result in cirrhosis of the liver. The person should maintain a non fatty diet for a while and the give the liver a chance to recoup from the onslaught of the disease.

Jaundice - The Yellow Illness


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