Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cures For Dollar Spot Disease

The dollar spot disease is one of the lawn diseases that can sometimes really prove harmful for the plantation growth. It often results in spoiling and killing the whole lawn grass, including the roots. This disease is caused by a fungus known as sclerotinia homoeocarpa. The fungus generally gears up during the warmer seasons as compared to the winter conditions. In order to better understand about this disease cures, it is first important to learn about its symptoms as well as causes.  

lyme disease

The Symptoms


It is important to get well aware with the symptoms before curing the dollar spot condition. This lawn disease often results in grey or silver spot appearance in the lawn. Such spots are generally seen within the diameter of 1 to 6 inches. In extreme cases, you may also note overlapped spots in the form of large patches in the lawn. The grass blades also get colored legions with hour glass shaped brown or red edges. If you notice any of the mentioned indications, make sure to take the required action to avoid any further blow.  

The Causes

Gaining knowledge about the causes of the dollar spot diseases will initially help you in taking preventive measures to avoid the situation in future. The disease is caused by a fungus that generally attacks the lawn during warmer conditions. The main causes of dollar spot fungus development are- 

·         High level of thatches in the lawn gives the perfect condition for fungus development, especially in winters.

·         Low soil moisture is another cause of dollar spot condition.

·         Low nitrogen levels also results in disease.  

The Cure

In order to completely get rid of the dollar spot conditions, it is important to follow a guaranteed lawn care program. There are a number of cure measures that should be followed to avoid the condition. This include- 

·         Make sure to regularly water the lawn. Watering helps in retaining moisture in the soil, thus avoiding the fungus growth. It is recommended to water the lawn area at intermediate regular intervals rather than short period of time. Also watering should be done early in the morning. Such conditions are the best to avoid the growth of dollar spot infection in the area.

·         In order to maintain nitrogen levels to avoid the fungus, make sure to add the best available lawn fertilizer to the lawn.

·         The next measure for curing the disease is to keep normal thatch levels so that the water can easily reach the soil by penetrating through the soil. You can also take the help of a lawn scarifier for dethatching.

·         Apart from all such measures, you can also use certain fungicides available in the market for the treatment of dollar spot conditions. 

Since the effects of dollar spot disease results in causing harm to the entire lawn, it is very important to learn about its symptoms and cures. In case, your lawn is completely destroyed due to the disease, you may need to wholly reseed the affected areas.  

Cures For Dollar Spot Disease


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