Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Right Side Pelvic Pain and Pelvic Congestion Syndrome - Are They Related?

At one time not so long ago, a gynecological exam was not part of most women's yearly routines; and there continues to be far too many women who only consult a gynecologist when they are experiencing pain or are concerned about changes they have noticed with their bodies.

However, the good news is that more and more women seem to have realized the benefits of preventive care. It is recommended that girls have their first exam before age 18 and before they begin sexual intercourse.


A symptom that drives many women to see a gynecologist is abdomen pain, especial when the discomfort has lasted several months. If a woman has chronic right side pelvic pain her mind often goes to the most serious offenders, cancer for example. However, there are many possible causes for this symptom.

A little heard of condition called pelvic congestion syndrome occurs when varicose veins within the uterus or ovaries begin to flare up. Another concern regarding the uterus (uterine prolapsed) happens when the organ drops into the vaginal canal. This occurs because of a weakening of tissue that support the organ. Also, uterine fibroids (benign growths) can expand and advance into areas designated for other organs, creating pressure.

In some cases, tissue that is left behind after surgery to remove ovaries develop cysts, which can be very painful. Endometriosis (growing of uterine tissue on other organs) is a serious condition in which scar tissue develops as a result of bleeding into the abdomen. This tissue sometimes binds organs to one another.

These conditions are scary, and putting off a visit to the doctor can make them even more so. Right side pelvic pain or any abdomen pain should not be ignored. When an ailment is diagnosed early the chances of a favorable outcome increase considerably. This is why regular gynecological exams should be a part of every woman's routine. Remember the old adage; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Right Side Pelvic Pain and Pelvic Congestion Syndrome - Are They Related?


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