Monday, August 22, 2011

Periodontal Disease - Dentists Can Use Microscopes to Help Treat Gum Disease and Keep You Healthy

Spirochetes, yeast and amoeba. Oh my! At any given time you may have millions of bugs swimming in your mouth. Most of them are harmless, but for the 80% of us susceptible to periodontal (gum) disease, they can be a real problem.

huntington's disease

I know this is not a pretty subject, but it is important. Gum disease is the most common reason for tooth loss and can also significantly increase your risk of conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Taking care of your gums can save your teeth and possibly lengthen your life.


We used to believe that periodontal disease and bad breath were caused by irritation and toxic by- products of dental plaque. We would diagnose gum disease by looking for inflammation or measuring gum and bone loss. Unfortunately, this would only tell us what damage had already occurred.

More recent research shows that gum disease is a contagious, bacterial infection. The presence of these bacteria signals the immune system to get involved and the result of that involvement is inflammation. Inflammation is what causes damage to our tissues and bone. In addition to special cleaning, we can now treat the infection directly and more effectively. We can be Bug Busters!

Microscopes are the Dentist and Hygienist's newest partners in keeping you healthy. By evaluating the bacteria in your plaque, they can prevent and treat your specific condition. If you are interested, you can even look at your own bugs. When looking under the microscope, we are evaluating how many bugs we see, what type, how active, and if they are working together in organized groups. We also look for white blood cells, which are a sign of immune system activity. With this information, we can decide how to best take care of you and help you take care of yourself. Yes, you can be a bug buster too!

Now, for the contagious part, and this is not good news. When babies are born, they do not have bugs in their mouths. These organisms are only found in people and animals. When we kiss, sneeze, or share things we put in our mouths, we are exchanging bugs. If you have periodontal disease, treat it, and it keeps mysteriously coming back, - you may want to stop kissing the dog.

The good news is microscope evaluations give us an edge in treating and preventing gum disease. We can be specific in our therapies and even prevent surgeries. Not all dentists use microscopes yet, so be sure and ask if this is important to you. Regular monitoring of your condition can help you keep your teeth and possibly even lengthen your life.

Let's be Bug Busters together!

Bite of Wisdom: "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." Victor Borge

Periodontal Disease - Dentists Can Use Microscopes to Help Treat Gum Disease and Keep You Healthy


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