Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is That A Fungal Disease?

Fungal infections, also known as mycoses are not common in the normally healthy person. However, thanks to AIDS, and stress, the immune system of much of the population has been compromised. When the immune system has been compromised, fungal infections are given the chance to attack, successfully. What are some examples of fungal infections?

lyme disease

Ringworm, or tinea, is an example of an infection of the skin. Diseases that are fungal and attack the skin are known as superficial infections. Diseases that fall into this range are located on the skin, hair and nails. Athlete's Foot is one of the most common superficial fungal infections. Thanks to the rise in youth sports programs, the incidences of superficial fungal infections have seen an increase.


Another form of fungal infection occurs in the dermis, or subcutaneous tissue directly underneath the skin. These types of infection are rare, and are mostly found in the Americas, South Africa and Australia. The disease is known to invade through insect bites or scratches from fish spine.

Systemic fungal diseases are much more serious, and can be potentially life threatening. Their entry into the body occurs through the lungs, intestines, or through intravenous lines. The fungal diseases that enter through the lungs are most often airborne spores, and containment is often impossible. These diseases belong to the pathogenic fungi, and can result in death.

There are over 100 species of fungi that are dangerous to man, and can infect the human host. Not all of them are life-threatening, and many that pose a problem in the sick, are not at all successful with healthy individuals. Nail fungus, athlete's foot, and yeast infections, while not life-threatening are annoying conditions that need treatment. With a yeast infection, there is the possibility of further mutation of the yeast, into a fungal state, and the resulting condition is very serious. The fungus at that point begins to invade the entire body.

Your best line of defense in treating a fungal infection is to treat it until it is completely gone. The fungal infection that is almost gone is just another opportunity for renewed growth.

Is That A Fungal Disease?


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