Thursday, October 27, 2011

What is Epstein-Barr Disease?

If you're between the ages of 35 and 40 you may be one of millions who suffer from the viral disease known as Epstein-Barr. Short for EBV, the disease is a virus that causes "mononucleosis" also known as "Mono."

celiac disease

EBV isn't just found in adults, however. As a matter of fact most infections of the disease happen during childhood, but rarely cause the mononucleosis virus until adulthood


EBV is a member of the herpes family that can reappear at anytime, even if it is being treated with a medication. The reason for the reoccurrence is because our body can never completely destroy the viral infection that herpes causes. Instead it attaches itself to the white cells in our body where it stays until it reemerges for another attack.

While herpes is a common condition that can be kept under control, EBV is much more dangerous in adults because there is the risk of it developing into a rare disease known as lymphoma. The disease may also be linked to chronic fatigue syndrome and the hepatitis virus.

If EBV becomes mononucleosis, it can be contagious by both saliva and airborne, but symptoms may not appear until six weeks after a person has contracted the disease. In children, the virus may be difficult to detect since symptoms rarely appear.

Symptoms that occur in adults may include fever, sore throat and swollen lymph glands. In rare cases a swollen spleen may be present or there may be damage to the liver. Most symptoms of the disease usually last no more than 4 months.

If you suspect that you have EBV, you will want to schedule an antibody test with your doctor to determine if the disease is present. Unfortunately there is no cure for EBV or mononucleosis. At most, your doctor may be able to prescribe a medication for the sore throat and fever.

While many prescription medications are positive against fighting infections, you may also want to consider also taking nutritional health supplements in order to keep your body strong and healthy.

What is Epstein-Barr Disease?


Why Do My Child's Feet Hurt?

First things first: There is no such thing as "normal" foot pain for a child. No child should feel restricted in the amount he or she walks because of pain. I am stating this with no exceptions! Here in Houston, Texas we have our kids scheduled nonstop, between sports, school, and dancing. It's so important to keep our children moving without pain.

Many parents understand that their children should not be in pain and do the right thing when they notice their child is not feeling right - they go to visit their pediatrician. Unfortunately, 90% of the time they will hear what is taught to physicians worldwide who treat children: "He'll grow out of it." Sound like a cop-out? It usually is.


Let's take a look at some different problems. The most common is when a child wakes up in the middle of the night with a leg cramp. This is commonly called "growing pains." Growing pains should not be of concern if they occur infrequently. When it occurs, have the child stand and "walk it off." If it is a nightly occurrence, even several times a week, you should visit with your child's doctor.

More concerning are pains that the child feels when standing, walking, or running. These are most commonly caused by biomechanical imbalances that cause instability of the leg and foot. These children often need to visit with a podiatrist for the issues to be addressed. Usually a custom orthotic is used for this purpose.

Very young children often have trouble telling their parents about the pain in their legs and feet. Children this age often do not understand what they are feeling, but know that something is wrong. Parents often get frustrated with these children when they whine that their feet hurt. Sometimes these kids just sit down in the middle of the mall because they don't want to walk anymore. These children also often seem clumsy and trip over their own feet.

Older children know they are uncomfortable and will choose activities in which they can be more sedentary. These kids may feel that they are bad at sports, so they avoid them. Many times, these children will walk "like a duck" with their feet angled away from one another. A parent may also notice the inside of the ankle rolling over the foot. If it looks painful, it probably is.

Just because a child is active and athletic, they are not immune to foot pain. Such children are susceptible to sprains, strains, and fractures just like an adult. Children also have unique athletic injuries. For instance, active children ages nine to fourteen often can have a severe pain behind the heel. This is due to an inflammation of the growth plate on the back of the heel bone. This syndrome is known as Sever's disease. Like other childhood injuries, this is due to inflammation caused by the Achilles tendon pulling too hard on the back of the heel.

So will these children grow out of their painful conditions? It certainly is possible. Some, like Sever's disease, are self-limiting, meaning the condition will go away on its own. Unfortunately this can take months or even years to occur. For other issues, they may seem to go away, but presents in adulthood as painful. The instability of abnormal pressures can also lead to bunions, hammertoes, and heel spurs.

All parents want to be proactive to allow their child to feel better quickly. Parents to want to helplessly wait. The solution is to provide stability to the lower extremity to allow to pain to resolve, keep it gone, and prevent future problems.

An orthotic is a custom insole that is made by a podiatrist to stabilize and balance the feet and legs. This will allow the child's limb to function more efficiently and eliminate the pain. By reducing the pressure, it will also prevent future problems. The orthotic will enable your child to maintain or increase their level of activity. This will enable him or her to run faster and feel better - all without pain!

Why Do My Child's Feet Hurt?


Links Between Periodontal Disease & Other Systemic Disease

Once in the blood stream these byproducts can lead to inflammation, which in turns leads to the production of CRP by the liver. CRP stands for C-reactive protein, and its presence in the blood gives rise to a strong correlation to heart disease. Currently there are drugs available that help reduce the CRP in the blood, these drugs are called statins, but these drugs do nothing to treat one of the causes of CRP. This posses an interesting question:

diseases of the human body tamparo

Would it not be better to reduce or attempt to eliminate active periodontal disease, so there are less bacterial byproducts entering the blood stream? The answer to that question is yes; LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) is a patented procedure that is available right now from just a few select dentists nationwide. The patented procedure requires a special type of laser, and laser training in that procedural protocol. Currently there are approximately 750 dentists and periodontists that are trained in this cutting edge laser technology. This LANAP procedure attacks the very bacteria that are responsible for creating this inflammatory response in the body.
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported in a study from January 17, 2007 about a relationship between pancreatic cancer and periodontal disease. Once again we have the technology to fight periodontal disease, gum disease, pyorrhea that is called


So you not only may gain healthier gums by undergoing LANAP therapy, but you will have a healthier smile. Many patients that received LANAP therapy report fresher breath, gums that don't bleed, teeth that become stable and are not loose and they report feeling healthier.
Go ahead and do an Internet search on the association of systemic disease processes in the human body and gum disease if you would like to have more information.

I have been in dentistry for 25 years and I have been doing LANAP surgeries for four years and am still excited to see the results that this high tech laser surgery provides to patients with periodontal disease.

Check us out; the doctors of Ameridontics are committed to providing excellent dental care. If you have been told you have gum disease, or if you have deep periodontal pockets that do not seem to improve with just cleanings alone, if your gums bleed easily with brushing and flossing you may be walking around with undiagnosed periodontal disease. You can make a difference in your dental health and your overall systemic health. Our mouths are the gateway into our bodies; please seek a treatment that will have benefits to your overall health. We are here to serve your needs to better health.

Links Between Periodontal Disease & Other Systemic Disease


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Natural Cure For Graves Disease

The leading cause of thyroid enlargement in developed countries, Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that is characterized by dimpled skin, goiter, and an increased production of thyroid hormones in the body. Anti-thyroid drugs, surgery, and radioactive iodine are used to treat Graves disease. However, is there a natural cure for Graves disease?

disease proof your child

Thanks to a mixture of traditional medicine and stress relieving techniques, you can avail of a natural cure for Graves disease. There are actually many different groups that offer a package of various stress reduction methods and dietary alterations to fit lifestyles and budgets of different Graves disease sufferers. Thus, there is no single natural cure for Graves disease: if you are afflicted with it, you will have to keep fit, eat healthy, and relax.


Included in a package of techniques for a natural cure for Graves disease is stress reduction therapy, which can be carried out either through low-impact techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and self-hypnosis; or medium-impact techniques, such as stretching or aerobics exercise. Low impact techniques will help you concentrate on your breathing, and allow you to deal with the pain of the disease better.

On the other hand, medium-impact techniques will allow you to sweat and rid your body of toxins, as well as to lose weight and even look and feel better! Such exercise regimens will tame the immune system, which is behind Graves disease. These regimens, moreover, should be paired with avoidance of certain foods that can worsen the disease, such as caffeine, peaches, broccoli, peanuts, and potatoes.

For more information on a natural cure for Graves disease [], talk to a doctor and a nutritionist. This way, you can live your life easier even with Graves disease.

Natural Cure For Graves Disease


Benefits of Jogging - Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

The heart is arguably the most vital organ in the human body. It is important that you take every precaution possible to keep it healthy and strong. One of the great benefits of jogging is that it can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. This disease occurs when fatty material and plaque build up in your arteries. As a result, your arteries narrow and blood flow to the heart can slow down or stop. When this happens you are left with chest pain, slowness of breath, heart attack or other symptoms.


Women have some additional symptoms that may not always be easily seen or can be easily overlooked. These symptoms include:

* Weakness or fatigue
* Lightheaded or dizziness
* Neck, jaw or back pain
* Vomiting and nausea

If you encounter any of these symptoms, the best thing for you to do would be to see a physician right away. I know people tend to put things off and just expect their bodies to get better. (I have been guilty of this behavior in the past) Your health is not something that should be left to chance. Sometime we need to swallow our pride, cast aside our jobs or any other activities that we have going on, and focus on our health.

Research has shown that physical activities like jogging can reduce your risk of getting CHD. Jogging helps to make your heart stronger. When a heart is strong, it can pump blood at a much more effective rate. Strong blood flow keeps your arteries healthy and clear. A stronger heart greatly reduces your risk of having high blood pressure.

A healthy blood pressure level equals a happier you! High blood pressure can lead to a number of other problems like headache and sever chest pain. The next thing you know you'll be making frequent trips to your doctor's office and you may possibly end up spending time in the hospital. Also, let's not forget all of the money you could possibly spend on blood pressure medicine.

Physical activity does not require a large time commitment on your part. All you really need is about 30 minutes of jogging a couple of times per week. Of course, the greater the frequency of activity, the faster you will see results. While I am partial to jogging there are a number of activities like basketball, tennis or swimming that you can do instead. The key is to get out, get active and get that heart pumping!

Benefits of Jogging - Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paget's Disease

What do doctors call this condition?

lyme disease

Osteitis deformans


What is this condition?

Paget's disease is a slow-paced metabolic bone disease characterized by replacement of sound bone with excessive amounts of abnormal bone. The altered bone is fragile and weak, causing painful deformities of both outside shape and internal structure. Paget's disease usually settles in one or several areas of the skeleton (most frequently the lower torso), but occasionally affects many parts of the body.

The disease can be fatal, especially when associated with congestive heart failure (widespread disease creates a continuous need for high cardiac output), bone cancer, or giant cell tumors.

What causes it?

Although the exact cause is unknown, one theory is that an early viral infection (possibly mumps) leaves behind a dormant skeletal infection that erupts many years later as Paget's disease. In the United States, Paget's disease affects approximately 2.5 million people over age 40 (mostly men). In 5% of cases, the involved bone experiences malignant changes .

What are its symptoms?

There may be no symptoms in early stages of the disease. But when pain does develop, it's usually severe and persistent and may limit the person's movement because new bone growth is rubbing on the spinal cord or sensory nerve root. The pain intensifies with exertion.

The list of potential effects includes enlarged forehead, headaches, hunchback, barrel- shaped chest, and bowed legs and other changes in gait. The affected areas are warm and tender, susceptible to breaks, and slow to heal. The disease progresses to add bone growth that interferes with sight, hearing, and balance; complications such as hypertension, gout, and congestive heart failure may develop.

How is it diagnosed?

X-rays, taken even before symptoms appear, can show increased bone expansion and density. A bone scan, which is more sensitive than X-rays, clearly shows early so-called pagetic lesions. Bone biopsy reveals a characteristic mosaic pattern. Blood tests and other laboratory tests aid early diagnosis.

How is it treated?

Primary treatment consists of drug therapy and includes one of the following:

o Cibacalcin, a hormone, given by injection, and Didronel to retard bone resorption (which relieves bone lesions). Although Cibacalcin requires long-term maintenance therapy, there is noticeable improvement after the first few weeks of treatment. Didronel produces improvement after 1 to 3 months.

o Mithracin, an antibiotic that produces remission of symptoms within 2 weeks and biochemical improvement within 1 to 2 months. However, the drug may destroy blood cells or harm kidney function. Self-administration of Cibacalcin and Didronel helps people with Paget's disease lead near-normal lives. Still, they may need surgery to reduce or prevent fractures, correct secondary deformities, and relieve pinched nerves. Aspirin, lndocin, or Advil or Motrin usually controls pain.

Paget's Disease


Peyronie's Disease Cause and Treatments - What Options Do You Have to Fix Your Bent Penis?

When it comes to Peyronie's disease for the most part doctors don't have any idea what causes it.

However they have discovered some different things that might cause it including:


Injury to the penis- Penile injuries can be caused by extremely rough sex or an accident. Either way abnormal healing can result which leads to scar tissue under the skin of penis which if it happens often enough can result in a bent or curved penis.
Medications- Believe it or not a lot of different drugs can cause Peyronie's disease as a side effect. The most common of which are blood pressure and heart medications commonly referred to as beta blockers.
No matter what the cause of your bent penis might be, once you have one the next step is figuring out how to correct the problem so that you can have a straight penis again.
In some cases, especially when it is due to an injury the penis eventually corrects itself naturally without you having to do anything.
However, if you aren't willing to wait or would like to speed up the process you essentially have two different options.

Penis Surgery- Curvature surgery is what your doctor is going to recommend to you for a variety different reasons and unfortunately none of those reasons actually have anything to do with fixing your penis. Surgery is expensive, risky, and for the most part unnecessary except in the most sever of cases especially since there is a much safer way to straightening your penis size as well. Penis Devices- These products have been on the market for over 5 years and have a proven track record of helping men who have a bent penis eventually straighten it. What's more at a fraction of the cost of surgery and no side effects it really is the first and most often last option a man will need in order to treat Peyronie's disease.

Overall, if you are able to have a relatively normal sex life and the curvature of your penis isn't causing you any pain there really isn't that great of a need to correct the situation.
However, if it is causing you pain or you are having difficulty having a normal sex life then investing in a penis device such as Proextender really is your best and most effective option.

Peyronie's Disease Cause and Treatments - What Options Do You Have to Fix Your Bent Penis?


Monday, October 24, 2011

Causes of Disease in Chinese Medicine

1. Hereditary Conditions
These usually occur because the parent's have poor health, though they may also occur if the parent's are generally healthy but are suffering from an illness at the time of conception. Furthermore, children can be born with certain conditions if their mother experiences shock, illness, or trauma during pregnancy.

2. Excessive Emotions
In Chinese medicine the main emotions are joy, worry, sadness, grief, fear, shock, love, and anger. These are all considered to be appropriate feelings when given the correct circumstances. It is only when they begin to dominate our lives disproportionately that they become pathological. In Chinese medicine long-standing emotional imbalances can eventually even affect the functioning of the internal organs, leading to physical symptoms and more systemic patterns of disease.


3. Overwork
More than excessive physical exertion, this refers to the tendency of some people to consistently work long hours every day. People who do this wind up slowly depleting themselves both physically and emotionally, especially if they don't allow themselves time to rest, relax, and replenish themselves. The slow drain and high stress effect of this lifestyle weakens them and makes them susceptible to imbalances and disease of all kinds.

4. Improper Diet
The most common dietary imbalances are excesses of raw, spicy, or fatty foods, and eating too much or not enough. Too much raw foods makes it hard for we warm-blooded beings to maintain our internal heat, especially in the winter. Too much spicy foods can cause inflammatory conditions, and excessive fatty foods can lead to weight gain and excess mucus. Eating large meals stresses our internal organs and drains their energy, resulting in digestive disorders. Eating too little food, on the other hand, causes our bodies to struggle to nourish themselves and slowly depletes us in the long run. Improper eating habits can cause health conditions too. Eating too fast, eating while standing or working, eating at irregular times, or eating late in the evening are all factors that can cause digestive disorders.

5. Environmental Factors
Exposure to extremes of temperature and weather can have major effects on the body. At its worst exposure can even be life-threatening. The most common environmental causes of disease are exposure to excesses of heat, cold, damp, wind, or dryness. For example, exposure to too much heat and humidity can cause heat-stroke. Another example is joint pain that is sensitive to humidity or cold, an sure indication that excess exposure to these environmental extremes an aggravating factor in the condition.

6. Physical Trauma
The main effect of trauma is that it can cause a temporary stagnation of blood, which interferes with circulation and causes pain. If the trauma is severe, where bones are broken or surgery or stitches are required, the resulting scar tissue can permanently affect the circulation, leading to chronic pain or arthritis. Sever physical trauma can also have a lasting effect on our emotions.

7. Drugs
Pharmaceutical drugs have many well-known side effects and tend to interact with each other and with other medicinal substances like herbs, though their side effects resolve fairly quickly once the patient stops taking the drug. Unfortunately, many people wind up taking pharmaceuticals indefinitely, even though their side effects progress and advance over time. Recreational drugs can also have side effects, even the milder ones, especially with long-term use.

8. Excessive Sexual Activity or a Lack of Sexual Activity
What is considered to be excessive depends a lot on the individual's age and health and is a more important consideration for men than women because they actually loose a substance during sex. A general rule of thumb is to divide the man's age by 5 in order to determine how often he should be having sex (so every eight days for a 40 year old man). Signs of excessive sexual activity include lower back pain, dizziness, fatigue, and poor memory or concentration. Lack of sexual activity is mainly an issue if there is a sexual desire present. When this desire is unfulfilled it tends to affect the heart, causing emotional issues like anxiety and depression.

Causes of Disease in Chinese Medicine


Celiac Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Chronic or unexplained constipation and diarrhea are often categorized as irritable bowel syndrome, otherwise known as IBS. But these can also be signs of celiac disease. While celiac sprue disease was once thought to be uncommon in the United States, as we learn more we discover it may not be as uncommon as once thought. In fact some people who have been told they have IBS may actually have a gluten sensitivity or even celiac disease.


Correct Diagnosis Is Important


The sad part about a possible misdiagnosis is that celiac sprue disease is an autoimmune disorder that can cause damage to the intestines, which can affect the absorption of nutrients from food. Living for several years not absorbing all of the nutrients from your food can cause other health problems over time. This disease is triggered by eating gluten, a composite protein in grains like wheat, rye and barley. It is something most people are exposed to on a regular basis.

Symptoms Of Celiac Disease

There are a number of symptoms people may experience when they have celiac sprue disease or gluten intolerance. Because some celiac disease symptoms are fairly common and possibly a sign of another problem -- like loose stools, constipation, abdominal pain or bloating -- they are easy to misdiagnose.

Other symptoms of gluten intolerance or celiac disease are not gastrointestinal so they can be difficult to connect and correctly diagnose. Non-gastrointestinal symptoms can include skin lesions, joint pain, depression, anemia, fertility problems or osteoporosis. To make it even more difficult, some people don't have obvious symptoms but they may still be suffering from a lack of nutrition absorption caused by the damage done to the small intestine by the autoimmune response to gluten.

Risk Factors

There are a few uncontrollable risk factors to be aware of if you suspect you may be gluten intolerant. Celiac sprue disease can be genetic, so if someone else in your family has it consider getting tested. Women and Caucasians are more prone to this disorder. If you have another autoimmune disorder there is a greater chance you may be suffering from gluten intolerance.

What To Do

It is important to consult your doctor if you think you may have a problem digesting wheat products or any products with gluten, but in the meantime one thing you can do on your own is to completely eliminate gluten from your diet for a couple of weeks to see if the symptoms go away.

Keep a food journal and record any changes as you start to add gluten back into your diet. Take detailed notes on any changes you notice and report your findings to your doctor. You may ultimately discover you do have irritable bowel syndrome and not sensitivity to gluten, so don't jump to conclusions.

If you find out you have celiac disease you will need to completely eliminate gluten from your diet. Luckily as the demand has increased there are now more and more gluten-free food options available.

Celiac Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome?


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dengue Fever - Know About and Protect Yourself From This Deadly Disease

Do you know the outbreak of dengue in Singapore caused more damage than what SARS did in 2003? In other words, we can say that even the Asia's cleanest city cannot escape deadly mosquito bites.

The Government took search-and-destroy campaign to curb mosquito bites on war foot basis. Anyhow, they controlled the disease in an effective manner. Now it is a high time to know about how Dengue occurs.


You will get dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue fever, if you've bitten by a mosquito from Aedes aegypti group. This disease was first identified in the Caribbean in 1827-1828.

Common Symptoms

If you are having muscular pains, rashes, extreme headaches, and recurring fever, then you may suspect dengue. The bright red petechia rash would be first noticed on the lower limbs and followed on the chest. In sever cases, rashes appear all over the body of the victim.

Other clinical manifestations include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Dengue fever will long last for at least seven days and may reach peak before it ends.

Prevention is better than cure

As we know very well prevention is better than cure, elimination of hubs will not only help to get rid of the dengue mosquitoes but also the malarial ones. Although most of the governments are taking utmost care to their citizens against Dengue, Cleanse is much better to have in your bag than a copy of your health or life insurance policy. After all Prevention is always better than cure.

Dengue Fever - Know About and Protect Yourself From This Deadly Disease


The Need For Server Configuration Management

For any enterprise to manage websites you need a dedicated server. Managed severs are always advantageous as they allow your company to focus on the important aspects of your business operations without worrying about the server functions. You can now manage various aspects of your business without wasting too much time on server configuration management, which can now be taken care of by managed servers. Managed severs also provide high level security and ensures the security of the stored data in their network by using high level scanning systems and anti-spam software.

Generally, in large network companies there are loads of network devices. With all the switches, routers and firewalls, the number of configuration settings that needs to be managed is substantial. On top of that you also have to worry about the security of your network as well as the parameters and settings that determine the traffic. To maintain a healthy and reliable network you need to constantly invest to make sure that the inter-operating devices are configured consistently and properly. Server configuration management comes in very handy to manage all these intricacies of your company's server without diverting your focus from the main objective of the company.


The biggest challenge in server configuration is not just fixing problems, but in configuring things also. While configuring, a lot of time is spent making changes and adding new equipments, which have to be done manually and takes up a lot of time. Having a dedicated server isn't easy and you need someone to minutely help you out with the configuration of your system for better productivity. Server configuration management automates all the manual work and keeps your system trouble free. With the latest software tools available you can easily set your routers, switches and firewall in a manner that they automatically notify you if any problem arises.

Unapproved changes are the single greatest threat to server operations and unless you have server configuration management you are bound to suffer as such changes are undocumented and there's no easy way of troubleshooting such problems. Generally such changes are induced by security violations or inappropriate user activity and it is very difficult to solve these problems unless you have automated configuration backups. Configuration management controls these features of your server and prevents configuration drift by ensuring that all environment settings are consistent with the established standards and follow all basic norms.

Configuration management generally deals with creation, documentation and updating of standard settings for all IT components. Change management and change detection are also part of the process, which establishes compliance with objectives that ensures IT infrastructure reliability. Development of network devices and hardware has grown steadily over the years and server configuration management has played an essential role in establishing the performance, security and accounting statistics of the network.

With the growth of infrastructure changes in configuration management is essential for the stability of your network servers and devices such as firewalls, switches and devices. Today, with the steady need for server configuration management, you can easily search for service providers online that will provide managed hosting and dedicated servers at reasonable costs for your company.

The Need For Server Configuration Management


The Actual Causes of Gall Bladder Pain

As a consequence of inappropriate diet and bad eating habits, more and more people suffer from gall bladder disease these days. Statistics indicate that in the United States alone, around 20 percent of people with ages over 40 suffer from gall bladder disease. The disease also has a high incidence in people with weight problems, people with high blood cholesterol levels and people with gastro-intestinal disorders.

The gall bladder is a small organ that assists the activity of the liver. The gall bladder deposits the bile produced by the liver and quickly releases it inside the small intestine when necessary. Bile is very important in the digestion of fat and a healthy gall bladder provides the organism with this substance as soon as foods containing fat enter the stomach and small intestine. Gallstones are mainly responsible for causing gall bladder disease and therefore, gall bladder pain. However, there are other causes of gall bladder pain apart from the accumulation of gallstones inside the gall bladder.


Gall bladder pain is considered to be the most intense symptom of gall bladder disease. Gall bladder pain has a recidivating character and usually occurs after meals. Gall bladder pain can also intensify with physical effort or sudden moves. Pain attacks can last for a few hours and they are usually triggered by the consumption of foods that are rich in fat. A late meal can cause gall bladder pain during the night and many people with acute forms of gall bladder disease (acute cholecystitis) have problems sleeping due to pain episodes. Gall bladder pain occurs in the upper region of the abdomen, but in the case of a pain attack, it can spread to the mid back and under the right shoulder.

Medical research results indicate that gall bladder pain doesn't always occur due to gall bladder blockage with gallstones. It is believed that some people have the symptoms of gall bladder disease as a result of intolerance to certain foods. Experiments performed in the past revealed that gall bladder pain attacks occur due to allergic reactions to foods like: eggs, meats with high levels of fat, dairy products and citrus fruits. Gall bladder pain attacks can also be triggered by the consumption of chocolate, coffee and carbonated soda. The least allergenic foods are considered to be fish, green vegetables and wheat products.

In some cases, the recurrence of gall bladder pain attacks can be avoided through the means of appropriate diet and specific medical treatment. Some interesting research findings reveal that many people who suffer gall bladder surgery still experience gall bladder pain even after the organ is removed from the body. This unusual phenomenon confirms the hypothesis that intolerance to particular foods is the main cause of gall bladder pain, and not the slow release of bile. In many cases, people with gall bladder disease that avoided the foods considered to be triggers of allergic reactions have experienced an amelioration of their symptoms.

The Actual Causes of Gall Bladder Pain


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Alzheimer's disease and dementia is a frightening word for many people. We want our brain function to remain intact and our memories to remain unharmed. For those experiencing dementia symptoms, it is a frustrating experience. Many different issues can cause dementia disease, but the common thread is that brain cells do not get the nutrients or oxygen they need to maintain good mental functioning and they begin to die off.

lyme disease

There are some medical conditions that can lead to symptoms of alzheimer's disease and dementia. Strokes, vitamin deficiencies, poor nutrition, head injuries or medicine reactions are just some examples. Many of these causes can be treated and the symptoms of alzheimer's disease and dementia is a frightening word for many people. can be reversed. It is important to seek treatment and work with your doctor to resolve or stabilize any medical condition that may be causing symptoms of dementia.


Make sure that you are following a balanced diet and that you have adequate levels of B vitamins in your system. If you have recently changed medications, it is important to talk with your prescribing doctor about the effects you are experiencing. By taking care of yourself physically, you can improve your brain power and help fight the memory problems that you are experiencing. For older people, the two most common types of elderly dementia are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. These types of dementia are not reversible, but there is new hope with medications that help to slow the progression of memory loss or other impairments.

Keep in mind that emotional stressors can mimic signs of dementia. If you are experiencing memory loss or difficulty completing tasks, issues like depression should be assessed to see if that is the cause of your issues rather than dementia disease or Alzheimer's disease. It is important to treat the right symptom.

Alzheimer's disease and dementia is not something that everyone is destined to experience. Awareness of causes and symptoms can help you to know when to seek medical attention if needed. Some symptoms of dementia can be reversed and some cannot, but there is hope that for those symptoms that will continue to progress, we can begin treatment to slow the process.

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia


How To Fix Penile Curvatures Or Peyronie's Disease

One of the most common disorders of the penis are penile curvatures and Peyronie's disease. There are thousands of men all over the world who suffer from these conditions. The condition includes a slight bend or arc in the penis that happens during an erection. A man with Peyronie's disease has calcified or hardened tissues around the erectile tissue.

celiac disease

It is estimate that over 3% of men suffer from these conditions. The majority of men affected are from ages 45 and 60. However, it can still happen to men as young as 18 years old.


Symptoms of Peyronie's Disease include a bend or arc during an erection, painful erections, noticeable narrowing of the width of penis during arousal, and a thick band of hardened tissue inside the penis. This disease is usually caused by the formation of hard plaque of tissue on one side of the penis. Other men suffer from forms of Hypospadias, which is an abnormal development of the penile tissue before birth.

Some men with these penile curvatures don't need any treatment at all. It's possible that the disease can clear by itself, although it might take up to several years. However, most men do need treatment.

There are drug treatments available for those suffering from Peyronie's or penile curvatures like Vitamin B-complex or Vitamin E treatments, radiation therapy, and calcium channel blocker injections. The most well known treatment for this disease is penile surgery. However, surgery can be a painful and very expensive process.

So if you're noticing a slight arc or bend in your penis during an erection, you should take immediate action before it gets worse. The condition is progressive and can eventually lead to male impotence or the inability to have sexual intercourse.

However, even though most men are usually reticent to taking action, a penile curvature is not an insurmountable issue. There are certain natural penis exercise programs that help you straighten your curvatures. These exercises are completely natural and have been used for increasing erection length and width, increase sexual pleasure, as well as fix curvatures. These techniques are pretty simple and can be performed at the comfort of your own home in as little as 7 minutes a day.

There are other options available such as penis traction devices (or extenders). These traction devices are commonly used by men looking to increase their erection size and width. However, these traction devices are also used by men looking to fix or straighten any penile curvatures they might have. It has been reported that some of these devices can actually fix curvatures up to 90%.

So if you are suffering from Peyronie's disease, you need to take action right now. If you fail to act immediately, the consequences can include male impotence and inability to have sexual encounters. If you experience any of these conditions, you are not alone. There are options out there that you can use to take care of these issues without the need of penile surgery or radiation therapy. If you're looking for a safe and effective way to help fix these conditions, we recommend natural penis exercises, or traction devices.

How To Fix Penile Curvatures Or Peyronie's Disease


China - America's First Choice For Adoption

More than any other country, American Couples turn to China when adopting. Since 1992 American families have brought nearly 50,000 Chinese orphans into their hearts and homes. Why adopt? Why China?

The adoption question is an easy one. Americans thrive on family life. Many couples, unable to grow their family through more traditional means, find themselves faced with choosing between medical solutions and adoption. The medical rout is often physically and emotionally draining, always expensive, and rarely guaranteed. While adoption presents its share of emotional and financial challenges, its results can be more predictable, especially when the adoption is from China.


Why China? The reasons are numerous, starting with availability. There are many orphans available for adoption in China. In the 1970s, China implemented a family planning policy. The policy, legally limiting the number of children allowed per couple, has been very effective in helping to reverse their dire poverty rates. A side effect of the policy - a sharp increase in the number of Chinese orphans.

You would think that with poverty issues, Chinese orphans would be at a higher risk for health problems. Not so. Chinese orphans have been found to be very healthy. Harvard University recently conducted a study which showed that the orphans in China are significantly healthier than their other-country counterparts. Most Chinese birth-mothers live simple country or farm lives with little or no exposure to drugs and crime. Once given up for adoption, China provides its orphans with individualized care versus the institutional care offered in many other countries such as Russia.

Everyone has heard the nightmarish stories of adoptive hopefuls traveling to Russia three, four, even five times, spending untold amounts of time and money only to come back empty handed, broken-hearted, and with no satisfactory explanation from the host country governmental agencies. Not so with adoption from China.

The United States and China have enjoyed longstanding governmental cooperation regarding U.S. citizen adoption of Chinese orphans resulting in a smooth, streamline and very affordable adoption process, overseen by the China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA).

The CCAA severs all parental rights to Chinese orphans prior to making the child available for adoption, so there is virtually no waiting period. Only one trip to China is required for adoptive couples and within days of arriving, they become responsible for the care of the child. Adoptions are finalized in China within a very short time period if both adoptive parents are present. China touts their tried and true procedure of matching children with eligible parents based on compatibility characteristics rather than birth-mothers selecting the adoptive couple.

And finally, the Chinese government has made it safe for Americans traveling to China to adopt. They have imposed strict laws and serious consequences which protect visiting couples as well as all foreign tourists.

American families seeking their newest hand to hold, look to China and are rewarded.

China - America's First Choice For Adoption


Friday, October 21, 2011

Celiac Disease in Children

Celiac disease is a condition which transpires in the small intestine. It is basically an autoimmune disorder that that occurs to people who are genetically predisposed to this condition. The disease in children may be a bit difficult to diagnose since those affected by this condition are too young to talk and communicate properly. Since this disease in children can stunt growth and reduce thriving, it is advisable to be aware of one's family history to be able to tackle this condition forewarned.

disease proof your child

Children are initially introduced to solid food around five to seven months. It may be around this time that a genetically predisposed child may be exposed to gluten which in turn triggers the autoimmune disease which if celiac disease. Regular ingestion of food products with gluten can worsen the condition and ruin the small intestines. This condition is also known as celiac spruce disease and is passed on genetically from one relative to another.


Celiac disease in children may not be immediately obvious since this disease is triggered by the presence of gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat that can cause the autoimmune system to affect the absorption function of the small intestine. One surefire symptom of celiac disease in children is stunted growth. This is caused by the malfunction of the absorption process of nutrients in the small intestines. This symptom manifests in the slow weight gain of the affected child as well as the slow growth, either horizontally or vertically of the child.

Diarrhea and fatigue are also other classic symptoms of celiac disease in children. Diarrhea has something to do with the inability of the small intestine to process and absorb food properly which means that there is a digestive problem. Fatigue is caused when the child lacks nutrients for an active lifestyle and is constantly tired due to the presence of celiac disease in children. In some cases, though, there is not much diarrhea occurring to the child which can result to a misdiagnosis of the disease.

Celiac disease in children can prove fatal if left untreated or unnoticed. Frequent ingestion of gluten can destroy the villi as well as the mucosa lining of the small intestine. This is where the problem arises and stays because the damage is usually permanent and can affect the digestive processes of the child. This disease in children should be treated properly as soon as it is diagnosed to avoid malnutrition or stunted growth.

Celiac Disease in Children


Hypothyroidism and Menieres Disease

Hypothyroidism is a disease caused by the inability of the thyroid gland to produce sufficient thyroid hormones. Severity of this disease varies from case to case and oftentimes, the milder symptoms can be misdiagnosed as a different disease. Extreme cases of hypothyroidism can lead to myxedema. Cases of this disease are often found in women after pregnancy because of the draining of the woman's mineral stores.

celiac disease

If you have hypothyroidism, you will experience different symptoms, depending on your age. If you are an adult you may experience slower speed in your movement, a hoarse, breaking voice; memory loss; sensitivity to changes in temperature; slow heart rate; poor reflexes; dry puffy skin, especially on the face; hair loss, especially on the eyebrows; depression; weight gain; anemia; constipation; fatigue; tendency to choke or difficulty swallowing; shortness of breath; the need to sleep more; muscle cramps and joint pain; decreased sex drive; brittle finger nails; paleness; irritability; and thin, fragile or absent cuticles.


Women may experience infertility or difficulty in becoming pregnant. Infants experience feeding problems, constipation, and excessive sleep. Symptoms for later toddlers include a protruding abdomen, rough and dry skin, and delayed teething. Children may experience delayed growth and a puffy, bloated appearance. A blood test is necessary to determine and diagnose the disease.

Menieres disease has four symptoms: periodic episodes of vertigo; fluctuating, progressive unilateral or bilateral hearing loss; tinnitus of one or both ears; a sensation of fullness or pressure in both ears. You may notice only one symptom at first that later leads to the others. The vertigo you experience might last for hours or for as long as days. After you experience a tinnitus attack, it can feel better at first but later on become worse. It is believed that Menieres disease is caused by endolymphatic hydrops or excess fluid in the inner ear. Proper clinical testing is necessary, as Merieres disease shares symptoms with a number of other diseases.

Hypothyroidism and Menieres Disease


How to Identify the Care Needed For an Alzheimer's Patient

I have spent several years pulling this information together, some from reading, some from talking to doctors and mostly from real life observation. I offer it as a help to others, I am available for a conference should you want it. Alzheimer's disease sometimes can be difficult to diagnose due to the unique signs and symptoms you each may have. The conditions and symptoms are also seen in several other diseases. This disease called Alzheimer's has seven different stages. I will list these stages for you and will speak of them as you being the patient:

1. Dementia (pre): You would show no visible signs of impairment, your memory and mental abilities are seen as normal. A medical review is necessary to identify you as being in this stage.


2. Impairment: A very mild decline in your mental abilities is seen in you. This could even be a normal age related change as opposed to Alzheimer's. Your friends, family and health care professional would hardly notice any memory lapses. It is sad to say that approximately fifty per cent of us that are over sixty five years of age will start experiencing slight difficulties with recalling an occasional word or concentration.

3. Confusion: This is when a mild mental decline is noticed.

a. You would show slight difficulties with some every day functions. In most cases this difficulty will be hidden.
b. Your problems will include difficulties with words, organization, planning, and misplacing things.
c. Reading a passage and not retaining the information will be a problem for you.
d. You would exhibit moodiness, anxiety and some depression.

4. Mental Decline: This is the mid point and this stage will last for about two years. Symptoms are now very easy to identify with this disease.

a. You would still be able to identify familiar people and you are alert.
b. Now you exhibit a lack of personal history.
c. You now have problems with numbers like family finances.
d. Your knowledge of current events will have decreased.
e. You will have difficulty with things like shopping alone.
f. Withdrawing from conversations and social events will be common for you.
g. You will become defensive and deny there is a problem.

5. Moderate Decline: the duration of this stage is about eighteen months.

a. Your mental deterioration is much more significant.
b. You would be unable to survive living alone.
c. You will have no memory of personal history.
d. You would be confused as to what day, month or year it is.
e. You would be good pray for scammers.
f. You will need supervision relative to dressing correctly.
g. You would still be able to eat and use the bathroom.

6. Severe Decline: This stage lasts for about two and one half years (this becomes troublesome for those that love you).

a. There is now considerable change in your personality.
b. You would not be aware of your present and most recent experiences.
c. You still may be able to call people by their names.
d. Family members may be familiar to you but you may not be able to recall their names.
e. You may be able to communicate pain and pleasure non verbally.
f. Incontinence is likely and you will require help in the bathroom.
g. Your sleep patterns may be disrupted.
h. You can get lost easily.
I. You eventually will need much care.

7. Very Sever Decline: late stage of Alzheimer's and it lasts one to 2 and one half years (this is very difficult for family members).

a. You would not be able to speak or recognize speech.
b. You would not be able to walk and health would deteriorate.
c. You would be bed ridden and your muscles would be rigid.
d. You now sleep a lot and require around the clock care.

We have had several family members succumb to this disease, most people with the disease will die form something other than the disease, infections and pneumonia are examples of complications. My Dad passed on from Alzheimer's while my wives Uncle died from an infection. It is best to get on top of this early and add quality to the life of the patient and family, if this is you, get help now! In my neighborhood we have an outreach group dedicated to this very issue.

How to Identify the Care Needed For an Alzheimer's Patient


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why Cloud Hosting Is Important for Businesses

What is Cloud Hosting? Why it is important for businesses? These are some of the questions that are there in minds of entrepreneurs. Cloud Hosting has surely emerged as an effective platform for websites and has taken the world by storm. In simple terms it can be referred to a web hosting service that is carried out from a group of connected servers. It can also be defined as a process of operating a website through numerous servers.

In this type of web hosting, all users in a network are linked to several servers. They can secure information from several servers instead of just one server. This methodology allows users to access several servers at any point of time. The servers used in this kind of hosting are called Cloud Severs. In this type of web hosting, the servers are placed at various data centers which are located at different places. These servers provide users with superior safety and matchless performance.


This type of web hosting has gained a lot of popularity among organizations mainly because of its cost efficiency and scalability. The technology allows users to expand their website without any major hiccups. It also allows the data to travel from one server to another very easily which further permits the user's website to stay active at all times. A Cloud Server also allows the user to meet unexpected flows in website traffic. The companies that offer these services charge their customers on the basis of quantity of computing consumed. A customer just needs to pay a fixed amount for the service he/she takes. It can be related to a normal electricity bill, wherein a user just needs to pay for the amount of consumption.

Web hosting via a cloud setup also provides businesses with the benefit of getting access to a number of servers with limitless processing. As and when businesses grow, an entrepreneur can simply add on new servers and scale up accordingly. The transformation from customary servers to these servers is also known to be very simple and convenient.

Another advantage businesses have with this hosting package is that it assures them with no downtime. As the website is hosted in a cloud set up, a business can be assured that there will be no performance related issues. The website will have continuous and uninterrupted service. By taking this service a user can be rest assured that his/her website will be live at all times without any troubles.

Why Cloud Hosting Is Important for Businesses


Colon Disease Symptoms - Do I Have Any Colon Disease? Check the Symptoms

With the passage of time it has been witnessed that lifestyles of people have changed a lot. In fact their hectic schedule rarely gives them time to concentrate on healthy diets. Further the intake of the junk foods and sugar seem to increase the health related issues a lot. The most prominent among them can be the clogged constipated colons. The symptoms of colon disease rarely show up.


Some of the common symptoms can help you identify Colon Disease are :


* Blood in your stool

* Irregular stomach pain or cramps

* You experience change in your stool habits

* Weight loss

In case, if you are suffering from these symptoms, then you must immediately consult your doctor.

Do I have Colon Disease? Check out the Symptoms:

There are various types of colon diseases. You can check out the symptoms so that you can pick up the appropriate treatment option in a wise manner. Check them out:

* Colon Polyps: It more or shows no symptoms at all. In most of the cases they are found incidentally during the x-ray or endoscopy of the bowel. However, in some cases you would find symptoms like mucus discharge, bleeding, abdominal pain and change in the bowel function.

* Crohn's Disease: In such a case, symptoms might include fever, bloating, skin lesions, joint pain, weight loss, bloating, rectal abscess and cramping etc. Bleeding might be dangerous in most of the cases as it would lead to anemia. This disease might even cause infection in the bladder or skin.

* Ulcerative Colitis: In this case you would experience abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss, fever, bloating etc. Kids suffering from such a disease won't grow properly.

* Deverticular disease: Most suffering from this disease won't experience any symptoms or discomfort. However, the most common symptom which would disturb you a lot is the abdominal pain. Further, if you are suffering from infection then you would suffer from nausea, vomiting, cramping, constipation, chills etc.

Colon Disease Symptoms - Do I Have Any Colon Disease? Check the Symptoms


3 Reasons to Try Cloud Servers

Thousands of people around the world are now using cloud servers. I recently tried them and was blown away. If you have not tried them yet here are a few reasons why you should.

Cloud servers are flexible allowing you to experiment and try new things. Most vendors allow you to startup a server and run it for as long as you want. This can be as little as a few minutes or much longer even permanent. I recently heard that Centos Linux version 6 was available and wanted to find out what the changes were and check out all the cool new apps. I logged into the online control panel via my Firefox web browser to one of my cloud accounts, clicked on create new server, selected 256 megs of ram, typed in root password, then waited about 3 minutes for the server to load. Then I logged in via my ssh client(putty) and it was play time. I had the option to upgrade to more CPUs and memory, you can do it in small increments to find out what works best for your web application. A few days later I wanted to test samba on a Debian Linux system. Instead of spending an hour loading Debian from DVD, I simply fired up a cloud server saving about 45 minutes. This time I chose a server with copious amounts of memory since that is what I needed, it was great.


Some vendors are now offering load balancing so you can build a whole server farm using cloud servers. This is especially useful during peak time like a special event or shopping season, it can also be useful in the case of a denial of service attack allowing for more capacity as a counter measure. A multi-server system can scale out to hundreds or even thousands of servers. I have not tried this personally but I hear it works pretty good. I read about an online E-commerce web site that was under a Ddos(distributed denial of service) attack who simply added servers to negate the flood of connections, then the attackers went on to pick on someone else.

Have you ever needed to backup a whole system? You are going to love new cloud based method. You can make snapshots of your server so you have an image of all your data at some point in time. It only takes about 30 minutes to copy all data on a 10GB system. You can also make multiple snapshots and even setup automatic snapshots every 4 hours so you always have a recent backup.

Another cool thing you can do is making your own boot image. I fired up a Linux server, then spent an hour loading applications like MySQL database server, Bind name server, Postfix mail, Cpanel, and Apache web server. I configured it with mod security and some complex rewrite rules. I then saved the image as its own image so I can make clone systems anytime. I can also share my image with the public if I choose.

You can use a cloud server for a few cents per hour. There are many vendors that offer smaller size servers for less than ten cents per hour. I am always firing up various servers, everything from Windows 2008 to Linux and my bill has never been more than per month because I shut them down when not in use and you only have to pay while they are active. There is a small charge for storage if you are saving snapshots or boot images but disk storage is relatively cheap these days. In case you need a more powerful system for web hosting tomcat with a quad core CPU with 16GB of memory will cost you about per hour.

There are many reasons to use cloud based servers. They are flexible, easy to backup using snapshots, and relatively low cost. There is no shortage of cloud vendors. I suggest you surf to your favorite search engine and type in cloud server or cloud hosting where you will find a ton of choices. I don't think cloud servers will ever replace virtual or dedicated servers but they make an excellent compliment.

3 Reasons to Try Cloud Servers


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Preventing Congestive Heart Disease

For most people who have it congestive heart disease is preventable or even reversible if caught early enough. Its causes and effects are directly related to lifestyle choices and in some cases to other underlying diseases that can cause it symptoms. Smoking, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, metabolic syndrome, and diet are all risk factors for this most deadly of diseases.

celiac disease

These risk factors can cause atherosclerosis, which are lesions in blood vessels. This can lead to arteriosclerosis, which is a thickening, hardening, and calcification of arterial walls leading to a decreased blood supply. This affects the ability of the heart to do its job in an efficient manner. These risk factors can also damage the heart, weakening the muscle itself.


Preventing congestive heart disease is a matter of living a healthy lifestyle. By following some rather simple rules the majority of people can keep this disease from ever touching their lives. Here are some things to consider in the fight against this disease.

Eat oatmeal every morning. There are studies that show that oatmeal helps remove excess fat from the body. Not only is it good for your heart but it is high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, helping to provide sustained energy through out the morning.

Eat more Omega 3 fatty acids. These come from fish in the form of fish and are known to fight LDL (low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol and lower triglyceride levels.

With this in mind it makes sense to eat more fish, like salmon, that are high in Omega 3s. These types of fish contain no bad cholesterol, unlike red meat. If you do eat red meat stick with lean cuts to help cut down on the fats and bad cholesterol that is known to clog and harden arteries, which is a leading cause of congestive heart failure.

Getting daily exercise is also a good way to keep the affects of congestive heart disease at bay. Cardiovascular exercise keeps the heart strong and healthy. The heart is essentially a muscle and needs to be worked as such. If your overall body condition is weak chances are the heart is weak as well. Aerobic exercise works the entire cardiovascular system, including the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. It can be as simple as going for a walk or as you get stronger jogging, biking, or even swimming.

Learning to relax is the last thing you can do to help prevent congestive heart disease. Stress is known to increase the risk of congestive heart failure so taking time to de-stress is important in fighting this disease.

Preventing Congestive Heart Disease


Colleges Look to Green Dedicated Servers to Save Energy

Green dedicated servers help colleges save energy by using less power. Between campus environmental organizations and recycling bins, colleges are even more in tune to the green cause.

Colleges Help Decrease Earth's Carbon Footprint
By using dedicated servers, hosting companies are offering colleges another alternative to save energy and decrease the carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is impact that consumers' activities have on the environment.


Carbon footprints are the amount of greenhouse gases that are produced when fossil fuels are burned through electricity or heat. Green dedicated servers use far less power (which equates to less energy). This decrease in power usage also helps reduce the carbon footprint. Thus, colleges are taking a socially responsible role in helping to reduce the greenhouse effect and acid rain.

Green Dedicated Servers Use Power Efficiently and Reduce Costs
Although dedicated servers are using less energy, they still perform at fast speeds. When choosing a hosting plan, colleges look to green dedicated servers because of the many benefits they still receive: large memory and storage, and high bandwidth.

With collegiate budget cuts in a tough economy, colleges need a solution that will help them save money. Dedicated servers are offering the perfect solution for this earth-friendly dilemma. These dedicated servers use renewable energy sources such as solar, water or wind. As a result, these servers help reduce colleges' technology expenses (by using less electricity).

Green Dedicated Servers Allow Colleges To Manage Web Sites
Green dedicated servers also make running a college's web site less expensive and more manageable. Colleges don't have to incur the expense of a professional IT staff member to run the site (although, some colleges may opt for this choice). Hosting companies can help academic staff pick the right server that fits their needs and can help them upgrade to extra features.

These dedicated servers give back the power to colleges, and allow them to oversee and manage the overall layout of site. They can also revise content on a regular basis (which occurs frequently due to seasonal course catalogs). Unlike shared hosting, colleges directly own their web domain which makes it far easier to manage and control during a busy academic year (which includes owning their IP address).

For colleges who don't have web hosting expertise, web hosts can help manage dedicated green servers and the college's web site. Hosting companies also act as a resource for colleges who have questions during the installation process.

Colleges Look to Green Dedicated Servers to Save Energy


Severum Cichlid - Basic Information About the Breed

They are scientifically known as the Heros severus and commonly called as the green severum, or the Hero cichlid, or even the Banded cichlid. This variety belongs to the family cichlidae of the South American cichlid. Normally they can grow as much as 8 inches in length at maturity and has a life span of approximately 10 years.

They are endemic of South America and can thrive in a 40 gallon aquarium. They do well together with New World Cichlids as tank mates such as the Firemouth, Green terror, Salvini, Texas, Blood Parrots and even Peicos.


Severum cichlids came from the Northern American region of Brazil and appear to have a body shape similar to that of a discus. There are two color variations of these species and that includes Gold severum which was developed out of the green severum. They are originally bred from a pale yellow iridescent color without dark band original color. From the word green, green severum possess a greenish body with a good number of bands on its body.

Severum's thrive well with a water temperature of 72 - 84 degrees Fahrenheit, a pH range from 5.1 - 6.5, and a hardness between 3 - 10 inches. Regularly change about 10 - 20% water change weekly or bi-weekly depending on the number of cichlids on the tank.

Breeding information:
Although they are a peaceful species, they still have the possibility of eating small fish when placed together. Furthermore, severums may be quite difficult to breed compared to the other New World Cichlids because they are hard to pair off and also they do not readily pair off with the females. Sexing female or male severums are hardly recognized merely by its appearance. But they also have features that matches that of other cichlid varieties and that is they basically spawn in a particularly clean horizontal surface as well as acting very concern parents to its young. They would patiently guard and take care of their young while growing up.

What is its proper diet?
Severums are omnivorous, they love flake foods, blood worms, brine shrimp, and cichlid sticks which is considered as its favorite. They also like blanched zucchini, earthworms, or marine crustaceans. However, do not feed beef heart or liver for this food is hard to digest and may cause illness. Feed the food only 2 - 5 pinches in small amount and in small quantities a day and not at once. This way the quality of water is kept in a long period of time. By letting your fish fast for one day once a week is also advantageous to your pet. Providing severum cichlid with vitamins and supplements which are added to its food may also be beneficial.

Severum Cichlid - Basic Information About the Breed


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Parkinson's Disease: A Neurodegenerative Disorder

Parkinson's disease is a common disorder that arises due to some imperfection that amends the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Parkinson's disease is the outcome of the death of the dopamine-containing cells of the midbrain region identified as substantia nigra. The reason for the death of these cells is still unidentified. The prompt symptoms of the disease are problems related with movement like shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty in walking and gait. As the disease progresses the patient suffers from cognitive impairment as well as behavioural problems. Dementia is the most protuberant feature in advanced phases of the disease. Other secondary symptoms are sleep, emotional and sensory problems. This disease is generally found in the old people who have crossed their fifties. When the main motor symptoms are taken into contemplation then the disease is termed as Parkinsonism or Parkinsonian syndrome. This disorder is sometimes also kept under the idiopathic category although some in unusual cases genetic origin also plays a key role. Studies have clearly indicated that the jeopardy of PD escalates if individuals are exposed to certain pesticides although the risk diminishes in tobacco smokers. From the pathological point of view PD crops up due to the accretion of a protein known as alpha-synuclein in the form of inclusions. These inclusions are designated by the term Lewy bodies that accrues in neurons. Inadequate formation and function of dopamine in certain specialized areas of the midbrain are also considered to be accountable for PD. Apart from the symptoms neuroimaging of brain is very helpful in validation of the disease.

Levodopa and dopamine agonists have been found to be effective in treating early symptoms of the disease. As the disease progresses the dopamine neurons endure to get lost from the midbrain regions and a stage arrives when the drugs become futile for treating the early symptoms. When this stage is reached another impediment known as dyskinesia arises that is associated with involuntary writhing movements. Diet and some types of rehabilitation can however help to reduce some symptoms. When drugs become ineffective then surgery and deep brain stimulation is the ultimate solution as it can reduce motor symptoms. Studies carried out on animal models have shown that stem cell transplants, gene therapy and neuro-protective agents can help to reduce the disastrous symptoms of PD. Medications for the sleep disturbances and emotional problems are also accessible. The disease is named after the English doctor James Parkinson who first gave the detailed account of the disease in An Essay of the Shaking Palsy in 1817. Red tulip is the icon of this disease and world Parkinson's day is celebrated in the memory of Dr. Parkinson on 11th, April. Michael J. Fox and Muhammad Ali are the renowned personalities who also suffered from this disease and helped to engender awareness about the consequences and treatment of PD.



The term Parkinsonism is applied for a motor syndrome whose core symptoms are tremors at rest, stiffness, slowing of movement and postural instability. Parkinsonian syndrome can be classified in four categories depending upon the origin of symptoms. These subtypes are primary or idiopathic, secondary or acquired, hereditary Parkinsonism and Parkinson plus syndromes. Parkinson's disease is the most common type of Parkinsonism also known as primary Parkinsonism but the applicable cause of this disease is still mysterious. In the topical years studies have directed that genes play a foremost role in this disorder. PD is generally classified as a movement disorder but it is also accountable for many non-motors problems like sensory problems, cognitive impairments and sleep disruptions. The symptoms of the primary Parkinsonism comprise multiple system atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration and dementia with Lewy bodies. From the pathophysiological point of view Parkinsonism is considered a synucleinopathy as there is anomalous amassing of alpha-synuclein protein in the form of Lewy bodies in brain. This condition can be equated with the Alzheimer's disease as there is accretion of tau protein the form of inexplicable neurofibrillary tangles. Studies have indicated that there is a clinical and pathological intersection between the tauopathies and synucleinopathies. The neurofibrillary tangles have been segregated from the brains of patients of PD. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) has resemblances with PD. The meticulous association between PD and DLB is still not clear. They may be studied together or can be treated as discrete categories.


PD causes movement allied difficulties resulting in motor problems. Apart from motor problems non-motor problems like autonomic dysfunction, neuropsychiatric problems followed by sensory and sleep difficulties also show their presence in advanced phases of the disease. Four motor problems are contemplated as serious in this disorder and these are tremors, rigidity, slowness of movement and postural instability. Tremor is the very frequently noticed symptom of PD. In about 30% cases tremors do not arise as the first symptom of the disorder but develop later as the disease progresses. Among the tremors the frequency of the rest tremor is high and it escalates when the limb is at rest but fades when any voluntary action is executed or the patient is sleeping. The rest tremor is known to distress the distal part of the limb first. In the beginning only the single hand or leg is encompassed but as the disease progresses this tremor becomes bilateral. The frequency of the tremor ranges between 4-6 hertz. The index finger of the hand comes in contact with the thumb and performs a circular movement known as pill rolling which is the strategic feature of rest tremor.

Slowness of movement also known as Bradykinesia is another crucial feature of PD. As the name signposts this symptom is acquainted with difficulties in performing movements. Sequential and simultaneous movements become intolerable. This symptom becomes more penetrating in later phases of the disease. The prompt symptoms of Bradykinesia are difficulties in performing daily activities like writing, dressing etc. as fine motor control is required. The next distinctive symptom of PD is rigidity which can be recognized by failure of the limb to carry out movement. Rigidity is caused by increased muscle tone due to disproportionate and incessant contraction of muscles. Rigidity may be uniform or ratchety in Parkinsonism. The term cogwheel rigidity can be applied when tremors and increased muscle tone come into play. Rigidity can be associated with joint pain as it is the earlier symptom of PD. Rigidity may be disproportionate as it tends to upset the muscles of neck and shoulders first. As the disease progresses rigidity affects all the movements of body. Postural instability arises in later phase of the disease causing impaired balance and the bones are at the risk of getting fractured effortlessly. This symptom is generally inattentive in the young patients as it ascends in later phase of the disease. About 40% patients fall very frequently and about 10% patients experience weekly fall showing the severity of the disease. Other motor problems embrace gait and posture disturbances like festination, speech and swallowing disturbances like voice disorders.

Neuropsychiatric problems are also an imperative part of Parkinson's disease and they may range from slight to severe ones. These problems comprise disturbances in cognition, mood, behavior and thought processes. Cognitive problems may arise in the preliminary stages of the disease and can upsurge as the disease advances. The most frequent cognitive disturbance is the executive dysfunction which can be characterized by problems related to abstract thinking, cognitive flexibility, inappropriate actions and selecting relevant sensory information. Slow cognitive speed and fluctuations in attention are other problems. Visuospatial problems are also not uncommon. A person suffering from PD has at two to six times greater risk of getting affected with dementia in comparison to the normal population. Dementia can be coupled with reduced quality of life and resilient support as well as care of the family is necessitated for the patents suffering from PD and dementia.

Mood and behavior alterations are very frequent in patients of PD with dementia. These alterations are also present in patients without cognitive impairment. Depression, anxiety and apathy are the most common mood alterations. Medication overuse and craving, hypersexuality is also common and is related with the medication which is used in the management of the disease. Delusions and hallucinations have been notified in about 4% patients. This symptom is the upshot of the dopaminergic excess. PD can also disturb other functions of body. Sleep problems are very frequent if PD and can be deteriorated by medications. Sleep disturbances comprise drowsiness and insomnia. Alterations in the autonomic nervous system cause oily skin, orthostatic hypotension, excessive sweating, altered sexual function and uncontrolled urination. Gastric problems and constipation also become severe and can jeopardize patient's health. Problems related to eye and vision also come into action and comprise of declined blink rate, dry eyes, saccadic movements, decreased ocular pursuit and blurred vision. Impaired sense of smell and sensation of pain followed by paresthesia are also noticed. These symptoms make their appearance much before the diagnosis of the disease.


Most patients of Parkinson's disease can be placed in the category of idiopathic disease as the meticulous cause of the disorder is unknown. A very trivial portion of cases can be cogitated under the category of genetic factors. Other factors can be placed under the category of risky elements that may cause PD but the precise relationship between them and the disease is still vague. PD is generally considered a non-genetic disorder but in about 5% cases mutation in some unambiguous genes can result in this disorder. The genes namely SNCA, UCH-L1, PRKN, LRRK2, PINK1, DJ-1 and ATP13A2 code for alpha-synuclein, ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1, parkin, leucin-rich repeat kinase 2, PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 and mutations in any of these gene can result in PD. Mutation in LRRK2 gene proliferates the chances of occurrence of PD in comparison with other genes. SNCA and LRRK2 are the most comprehensively studied PD-related genes. Mutations in SNCA, LRRK2 and glucocerebrocidase (GBA) increase the risk of sporadic PD. Mutations in GBA result in Gaucher's disease.

Role of SNCA is very vital in PD as this gene is accountable for the formation of a protein known as alpha-synuclein which is the foremost element of Lewy bodies. Missense mutations of the gene followed by duplication and triplication of the locus have been noticed in groups with familial PD. Although missense mutations are intermittent but multiplication of the SNCA locus account for 2% of cases with familial PD. Multiplications have been noticed in the asymptomatic carriers. LRRK2 gene codes for a protein known as dardarin. Mutations in the LRRK2 gene are primarily accountable for sporadic and familial PD. It accounts for 10% of familial and 3% of the sporadic cases of PD. According to a guesstimate about 40 different mutations in genes have been found to be blamable for PD.


A group of brain structures which are innervated by dopaminergic system and identified as basal ganglia are severely damaged in Parkinson's disease. The cells in the regions of substantia nigra and pars compact die very frequently. Macroscopic alterations can be identified in the cut surfaces of the brainstem due to neuronal loss. The melanin pigmentation also reduces in the substantia nigra and locus coeruleus. Histopathology of substantia nigra and other regions of brain show heavy neuronal loss as well as heavy accumulation of Lewy bodies. Neuronal loss is followed by death of astrocytes and activation of the microglia. Presence of Lewy bodies in different regions of brain is the key feature of this disorder. The primary symptoms of this disease are due to the reduced activity of dopamine producing neurons especially in the regions substantia nigra and pars compacta.

Basal ganglia are connected to other areas of brain through five major pathways. These pathways are motor, oculo-motor, associative, limbic and orbitofrontal circuits. In PD all these circuits are disturbed and so the patient suffers from the problems associated with movement, attention and learning. Out of all the five circuits, motor circuit has been intensively studied. A conceptual model has been in practice since 1980 which shows direct relationship between alteration of motor circuit and appearance symptoms of PD. The model is however, modified with recent advances in research but is still used even today. According to this model, the basal ganglia exert an inhibitory influence on a wide range of motor systems that prevents them from being active at inappropriate times. When a particular motor action has to be performed then this inhibitory effect is reduced. This inhibitory effect diminishes with the release of dopamine. High levels of dopamine are required in order to perform motor actions but if the level of dopamine declines symptoms of PD get a chance to make their appearance. The condition in which the level of dopamine declines is known as hypokinesia and causes difficulty in motor actions. The drugs that are used to treat PD may produce excessive high levels of dopamine resulting in activation of motor systems at inappropriate times causing dyskinesias.

A number of mechanisms are known in which loss of brain cells is observed. One such mechanism consists of abnormal accumulation of a protein known as alpha-synuclein. This protein combines with ubiquitin and results in neuronal loss. This protein accumulates inside the cells in the form of inclusions known as Lewy bodies. According to Braak staging Lewy bodies first make their appearance in the olfactory bulb, medulla oblongata and pontine tegmentum. As the disease progresses Lewy bodies start accumulating in substantia nigra, areas of midbrain and basal forebrain and later in the neocortex. These areas are the chief sites where heavy neuronal loss occurs. Lewy bodies may not be responsible for cell death and may be protective. In the patients suffering from dementia heavy accumulation of Lewy bodies have been noticed in the cortical areas. Neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques may be observed in patients of Alzheimer's disease with dementia. Other mechanisms associated with cell death are proteosomal and lysosomal dysfunction followed by reduced mitochondrial activity. Iron accumulation has been noticed in the regions of substantia nigra.


Parkinson's disease can be diagnosed by medical history and neurological examination. There are at present no definite laboratory tests available that can clearly depict that a person is suffering from PD although brain scans help in disease identification but the chances of accuracy are low. The patients may be given levodopa which results in reduction of problems of motor impairment and the disease can be diagnosed with greater accuracy. Isolation of Lewy bodies from the midbrain by autopsy also confirms that a person is suffering from PD. Alzheimer's disease, multiple cerebral infarctions and drug-induced Parkinsonism can also produce Parkinsonian syndrome. Medical organizations have created certain criteria by which the disease can be diagnosed in early phases. The most widely used criteria have been developed by the UK Parkinson's Disease Society Brain Bank and US National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The PD Society Brain Bank focuses on rest tremors, slowness of movements and postural instability.

Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of brain of the patients of PD appear to be normal. These techniques can be useful in identification of the secondary symptoms of PD like basal ganglia tumors, vascular pathology and hydrocephalus. Diffusion MRI is however, useful in differentiation of typical and atypical Parkinsonism but more research is required in this field. PET and SPECT radiotracers can be used for measuring the activity of dopaminergic neurons in the basal ganglia. Reduced dopaminergic activity in the neurons of basal ganglia can be a clue for this disorder.


In the present scenario there is no possible cure for Parkinson's disease but medication, surgery and multidisciplinary management can help the patients to survive. The most promising drugs used to curing the motor symptoms are levodopa, dopamine agonists and MAO-B inhibitors. These drugs are generally prescribed on the basis of the phase of the disease associated. In general terms two stages of medications are identified. In the initial phase the patient with PD develops some disability for which he or she requires pharmacological treatment and in the second phase the patient develops motor symptoms related to levodopa usage. The treatment in the initial stage aims at minimizing the side effects that have resulted from the enhanced dopaminergic activity. The starting of the levodopa treatment can be delayed by the usage of other drugs like dopamine agonists and MAO-B inhibitors. These drugs can delay the onset of dyskinesias. The second phase of medication aims at reducing the fluctuations that have resulted as a result of treatment. When medications fail to give the desired results then surgery and deep brain stimulation methods are employed. In the final stages of disease palliative care is provided in order to enhance the quality of life.


Levodopa has been used for the treatment of Parkinson's disease for more than 30 years. In the dopaminergic neurons L-DOPA is converted into dopamine in the presence of dopa decarboxylase. As motor symptoms in PD are caused by the lack of dopamine in the cells of substantia nigra, the administration of L-DOPA can help to diminish the motor symptoms temporarily. Studies have indicated that only 5-10% of the L-DOPA crosses the blood brain barrier. Although L-DOPA is converted into dopamine but it produces a number of side effects also like nausea, dyskinesias and joint stiffness. Carbidopa and benserazide are potent peripheral dopa decarboxylase inhibitors. They block the conversion of L-DOPA to dopamine therefore reduce side effects by increasing bioavailability. Levodopa is also related to dopamine dysregulation syndrome which is the result of overuse of the medication. If the doses of levodopa are given intravenously and through intestinal infusions, then the rate of spread of medication increases.

Tolcapone is known to inhibit the COMT enzyme activity which is responsible for the degradation of dopamine and this in turn prolongs levodopa activity. Usage of levodopa in later phases of the disease results in involuntary movements also known as dyskinesias and fluctuations in response to medication. When this happens the patient of PD switches from good response to medication and few symptoms to no response to medication and significant motor symptoms. Therefore, it is advised to keep the doses of levodopa low in order to maintain the functional stability of the patient. Use of alternatives for levodopa is now in practice.

Dopamine agonists

A number of dopamine agonists are known that have similar effects like that of levodopa and are known to bind the dopaminergic post-synaptic receptors. They are generally used for the individuals suffering from dyskinesias and the common examples are bromocriptine, pergolide, piribedil, apomorphine and lisuride. Although they are known to produce significant effects but also cause some mild side effects namely drowsiness, hallucinations, insomnia, nausea and constipation. Sometimes in very mild doses side effects emerge out so the physician has to search for another drug. These drugs are useful for curing the motor symptoms caused by overuse of medication and are useful for treating the symptoms that arise during the initial phases of the disease. They are more expensive than levodopa and dyskinesias due to dopamine agonists are however, rare in younger people but other symptoms may crop up as the age as well as the disease advances.

MAO-B inhibitors

These drugs are known to increase dopamine levels in the basal ganglia by blocking it metabolism. They are known to inhibit the activity of monoamine oxidase-B that breaks down dopamine secreted by the dopaminergic neurons. Reduction in the activity of MAO-B increases the levels of L-DOPA in striatum. They are used to improve the motor symptoms in early phases of the disease but are less effective than levodopa. They produce more side effects.

Surgery and deep brain stimulation

Researchers earlier believed that surgery and deep brain stimulation can help to treat the motor symptoms of PD but with the discovery of levodopa the number of operations experienced a heavy downfall. Surgery is generally performed in those cases where drugs fail to produce significant effect. Surgery in case of PD can be placed under two group namely lesional and deep brain stimulation (DBS). The target areas for lesions and DBS are thalamus and subthalamic nucleus. DBS is the most commonly used surgical treatment and it involves use of brain pacemaker that sends electrical impulses to specific areas of brain. DBS is generally used for the individuals who suffer from motor fluctuations and uncontrolled tremors or those who suffer from sever neuropsychiatric problems.

Rehabilitation and diet

Speech problems can be cured with rehabilitation although more research is required in this area. Regular physical exercise with or without physiotherapy can be helpful for treating the problems associated with mobility, flexibility, gait etc. although the exercise program must be practiced under the strict supervision of the physiotherapist. Muscles and nerves that take control over the digestive process are generally affected in PD resulting in constipation and gastroparesis. A balanced diet is recommended by the doctors as swallowing difficulties may occur as the disease advances. In some cases gastrotomy is practiced where food is directly delivered in the stomach. Strong competition occurs between proteins and levodopa as both uses the same transportation system in the intestine and blood brain barrier. When both are taken together the effectiveness of the drug decreases. Therefore, when levodopa is taken heavy protein diets are discarded and the patient is suggested to take balanced Mediterranean diet.

Palliative care and research directions

Palliative care is generally required in the final stages of the disease when all the medication strategies become ineffective. The prime aim of palliative care is to enhance the quality of life of the patient. Strong family support is very effect in this regard. PD is the second most dangerous neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease. We can end up by saying that PD must be taken seriously as it bears the potential of making the life of an individual worse if neglected.

Parkinson's Disease: A Neurodegenerative Disorder


Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome - What is It?

Alcohol is highly calorific. It contains nearly double the number of calories that protein does. While for many regular drinkers it simply means piling on a few pounds, the calorific nature of alcohol has huge implications for people whose drinking habits border on abuse. It is this that can lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

The body does not distinguish between calories from drink and calories from food. This will mean that energy-wise, the body can cope well on a liquid diet. But alcoholic drinks do not contain other essential nutritional components such as carbohydrates, fat, protein or vitamins. Since people who are alcohol dependent tend to have poor eating habits, often eating very little at all when they are drinking excessively, this can eventually lead to sever malnutrition.


Being severely malnourished can cause Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is triggered by a long term deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B). Advancing brain damage leads to Wernicke's encephalopathy, which includes symptoms such as involuntary eye movements, sometimes followed by full or partial paralysis of the eyes, short term memory problems and balance difficulty. Korsakoff's syndrome can cause severe amnesia and confabulation. This means that the person will experience gaps in the memory and try to invent events and stories to fill in those holes.

Thiamine deficiency can destroy glial cells and neurones, and damage the areas surrounding the hippocampus in the brain. Since the hippocampus is important for forming fresh memories, Wenicke-Korsakoff syndrome can cause chronic problems to the sufferer's mental facilities, and disrupt their quality of life.

Alcohol dependency is a serious and growing problem. While Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is not currently very well known there is a good chance that it will become increasingly common. If you think you or someone you love is slipping into alcoholism it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. Your family doctor will be able to help put you in touch with organisations which specialise in helping alcoholics recover.

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome - What is It?


How to Fix Holes in Your Lawn

Fill the hole with topsoil and firm it down then reseed it as if it were a bald patch. In removing the plugs of soil from your lawn this process severs roots, rhizomes and stolons. The affects of this stimulate your grass to produce new shoots and roots that will fill in the holes and increase the density of your lawn. They help aerate the soil, loosen it up, and are more beneficial than a problem. The little mounds will eventually disappear and the holes will fill in.

Manure with a high content of bedding materials may rob more nitrogen from the soil than it provides. A knife-type of tine also can be used to shatter dry soils and create many cracks in the ground that also serve for aerification. Most lawns receive a real benefit from solid, hollow and shatter tine aerification. Lawns like Barry's, struggling to grow in heavily compacted soil, may fail to thrive or die out no matter how much water and fertilizer you give them.


Winter freezing and thawing cycles and earthworm activity can help loosen slightly compacted soils. If the lawn has a thatch layer in excess of 1/2 inch, then core cultivation can be used as a preventative approach to control excess thatch build up. THATCH REMOVAL In addition to the deeper roots, the plugs of soil that are deposited on top of the ground help decompose thatch - without the risk of turf damage that power dethatchers pose. If you are doing a light fall overseeding on a fescue lawn, the holes left by the aerator make a perfect place for the seeds to fall into and germinate. While spiking will put holes in the turf, it actually compacts the soil rather than removing the core.

Aeration helps to prevent soil compaction and enables oxygen and water to get to the roots of the grass. Soak the food into the soil by watering (see second image below). Feed any new plant with plant food in the spring and fall until it reaches maturity. Because the grass clippings will be pulled into the soil and decomposed by soil organisms, you will need much less fertilizer. It is a myth that grass clippings cause thatch.

Without lawn aeration, grass roots tend to knot into each other instead of growing vertically into the soil. Due to the root's diminished contact with the soil's nutrients, lawn grass becomes vulnerable to predators like worms and insects as well as weeds like dandelions or crabgrass. Some professionals prefer to use a blend of 60% compost and 40% coarse sand because it is heavier than pure compost, it will move more easily through the grass to the soil. If the soil is saturated with water or even too dry it may lead to poor results.

How to Fix Holes in Your Lawn