Sunday, October 9, 2011

Salvia Divinorum - Disease Fighter

Salvia Divinorum is starting to garner attention as an herb that can have an impact on a stunning array of diseases. Researchers are starting to take a look at this Mexican herb from the mint family that can help both patients of cardiovascular disease and cancer patients. Salvia is also gaining interest as a potential cure in Alzheimer's disease, as well as patients suffering from AIDs, alcohol addiction, chronic pain, schizophrenia, and insomnia. Some studies indicate that Salvia Divinorum is both non-toxic and non-addictive, and can have some benefits in psychotherapy as well.

parkinson's disease

Chinese herbalists have used Salvia to treat and prevent heart disease. Salvia can also improve blood circulation in the myocardium, which acts as a preventative measure against cardiovascular diseases. Hot skin conditions like acne and boils can be treated with Salvia as well. In these applications, Salvia acts to clear out toxins from the skin and soothe inflammation. Other Chinese herbalists have had success treating issues arising from menstrual problems such as painful or irregular menstruation.


There are several ways to administer Salvia Divinorum. Ancient methods included crushing the leaves of this plant to create an extract from leaf juices, then mixing these juices with water to create a tea for oral consumption. Modern users of Salvia Divinorum often either smoke dried leaves in a regular pipe or water pipe (to cool the smoke). Chewing is also a popular method of using the plant; however, this must be done with care since it is believed that the active ingredient in Salvia Divinorum is deactivated when it enters the digestive system. Chewers will hold the plant for as long as possible in the mouth in order to absorb the maximum amount of Salvia into the bloodstream. This method does require more of the plant for consumption, but is also considered to provide the strongest and most long-lasting effects. And there are commercial herbalists who prepare capsules of Salvia Divinorum as a medicinal supplement.

Some psychedelic effects have been reported with the use of Salvia Divinorum. Some of these effects, while somewhat subjective, have been described as consisting of:

    Intense recall of past memories     Uncontrollable laughter     Trancelike introspection

More research in controlled environments is needed to fully measure these effects. Some researchers have found positive results in treating certain behavioral disorders, including:

Alcohol and drug addiction Post traumatic stress disorder Bipolar disorder  Attention deficit disorder  Depression  Anxiety

There is also promising research on the medicinal properties of using Salvia Divinorum, since it is considered to be generally not habitual. As such, it may be a source of safe and non-addictive antidepressants, analgesics and anesthetics. Salvia Divinorum's unique properties may lend itself to certain applications in psychotherapy - it has shown to create a state of self-reflection in its users; it aids in the retrieval of childhood memories; and it creates a mental state that allows psychotherapists access to often difficult-to-reach areas of the psyche.

Salvia Divinorum - Disease Fighter


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