Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Curing Crohn's Disease

If your reading this right now you probably have crohn's disease or know a family member with crohn's disease. Many people with crohn's are wondering how people are curing crohn's disease from there bodies and ridding themselves of this auto immune disorder/ disease. Crohn's disease can in fact be cured, and a lot of people will be skeptical when they read this but I am speaking from knowledge and from seeing people actually cure crohn's disease from there bodies.

If you have been recently diagnosed, you may be very scared. There's really no reason to be scared. Crohn's disease is not fatal, and the disease can be controlled with drugs and remedies. However, like any disease it can in fact lead to other problems and complications in the body as the disease progresses. Many individuals will have to in fact get surgery some point in there life time.


For a little background, crohn's disease is basically inflammation of the intestines or G.I. tract. You may already know this, so basically the drugs suppress your immune system and prevent your body from attacking itself (look up auto immune disorders for more info on this). Crohn's disease can in fact affect any part of the G.I. tract but for the most part usually affects the portion where the small intestine and large intestine meet.

As the disease progresses the scarring and healing process in the body can build up over each other and cause intestinal blockages. I have actually felt this on patients, it literally feels like a ball has formed and can be felt by touching the lower abdomen. This usually leads to sever sharp pain, nausea and diarrhea. Another symptom is weight loss, since the body can not absorb essential nutrients in time you may in fact lose weight.

Really everyone's situation is different and depending how long you have had the disease for there is a ton of variance in symptoms etc. Your doctor will most likely have already explained this to you. Some people actually can have crohn's and appear and will fell 100 percent healthy. This is called remission and is basically when the patient does not have any symptoms or signs of the disease. Sometimes a flare up will occur and all the symptoms will pop out of no where. This can affect the quality of life a lot. You may not be able to do the things you love to in life.

There is help however and curing crohn's disease is possible. There are a ton of remedies out there; diet plans, yoga and a bunch of other types of therapies that can help heal your intestinal tract. Doctors may be aware of this but are not trained to teach you how to cure this sort of disease. To put it simply curing crohn's disease is not the priority of these big corporate pharmaceutical companies. Instead they wish to create drugs that will put you into remission as long as you keep taking the drug. Can you see how the drug companies make there profit. Don't cure your crohn's just give a drug you take your whole life until your body can't take the drugs anymore then forward you to surgery.

Curing Crohn's Disease


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