Sunday, October 2, 2011

Disease Guinea Pig

Malocclusion of the Premolar Teeth or Slobbers is a common disease. Guinea pig - that is over the age of 3 years - contracts this disease when the upper premolar and the lower premolar teeth meet inappropriately while it chews. As time goes by, the problem results in the teeth wearing abnormally from the disease. Guinea pig then sustains entrapment and also injury to its tongue and this becomes continuous. The animal tries it utmost to eat and is unfortunate when chewing and swallowing its food. Drooling is the result of the disease. Guinea pig weight loss becomes dramatic. When one suspects this condition in their pet, a veterinarian has to be consulted immediately. The Guinea pig's mouth will be examined and this will confirm a diagnosis. To correct this problem it will involve anesthesia and trimming or/and filing of the teeth. The procedure is difficult because of the small mouth of the guinea pig. Before and after the procedure, the guinea pig will have to be force fed and antibiotics are necessary. Unfortunately, a permanent solution cannot be found to solve this problem, but periodic filing and trimming is necessary.

liver disease

The Scorbutis and Scurvy - lack of vitamin C - Disease. Guinea Pig cannot produce its own vitamin C and because of this an adequate amount must be supplied apart from food servings. A lack of vitamin C results in scurvy, and this is characterized when the ribs and joints pain, the development of the teeth and bone is poor, unwilling to move, and bleeding from the gums. Vitamin C is included in formulated diets to prevent this disease. Guinea pig being exposed to dampness, heat and light will result in the reduction of vitamin C in their blood. Even though your guinea pig is fed reliable diets, it could still lead to scurvy, because the content of vitamin C is either lost or is reduced. You should contact a veterinarian once this disease is suspected so that a vitamin C program can be prescribed and the disease cured.


Thinning of the hair or hair loss is known to be a common disease guinea pig of the female sex contract. During each pregnancy these sexes lose their hair and it is frequently seen among the juveniles. Another result of hair loss is caused by barbering, and this "bad habit" starts when they chew the coats of those guinea pigs whose social order is lower. As a result, younger guinea pigs can lose great amounts of hair. Another reason for hair loss can also be caused by another disease. Guinea pig can contract parasite infestation and also fungal disease.

Heat Stroke or Heat Stress is another disease guinea pig is susceptible to. This is contractible especially to those guinea pigs that are heavily furred or/and overweight. Temperatures that exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity anywhere above 70%, not enough ventilation and shade, stress and over crowding are additional factors. The signs of heat stroke before death include weakness, panting, refuse to move around, slobbering convulsions and delirium. Heat stroke in guinea pigs can be treatable, if the sign are recognized very early. Guinea pigs that are heat-stressed should be bathed or sprayed with cool water. Once this is achieved, a veterinarian is to be immediately contacted. Provide enough shade for guinea pigs if you house them outdoors and provide enough ventilation if your guinea pig is housed indoors. Having a device spraying a continuous mist of water within the guinea pig's enclosure will help lower the air temperature.

Cancer is a very rare problem in guinea pigs. However, it is likely to be contracted by the elders. The tumors that involve respiratory lining and the skin are benign. The mammary glands, reproductive tract and the blood may also be affected by cancer.

Cervical Lymphadentis or Lumps is a disease guinea pig contract beneath the lower jaw and the upper neck. This is usually the cause when foods such as hay hurt the lining of the mouth or when the skin over the Lymphadentis nodes is penetrated by shallow wounds. A veterinarian can determine the culture of the pus with antibiotic testing and then determine which antibiotic will be suitable for the injection to cure the disease a guinea pig is vulnerable to.

Disease Guinea Pig


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