Monday, December 19, 2011

Genital Herpes Symptoms in Men, Are You Infected?

For those who are not familiar with genital herpes, detecting symptoms in men may be difficult. Understanding the disease is key to recognizing the symptoms associated with it. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with it, genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. Known also as herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV2), it is one of two kinds of herpes, the other being HSV1 or what is more commonly known as cold sores. HSV2 is considered as the more severe of the two kinds of herpes. Once acquired, the virus stays in the body of the infected individual for life. It can lie dormant for a long time but can result in outbreaks that are usually triggered by stress or other diseases.

Genital herpes symptoms in men usually start with a tingling and itching sensation in the genital area. These symptoms are usually warning signs before an actual outbreak occurs. During an actual outbreak, the infected person may experience having painful red bumps on and around the penis. These bumps will eventually turn into blisters and then into open sores. The final stage of the outbreak is characterized by the formation of scabs over the sores.


Other symptoms in men include swollen lymph node, painful urination, headache, fever and fatigue. The symptoms begin to appear between the 3rd and 7th day of acquiring the disease and last for two weeks on the average.

To minimize the discomfort and pain associated with genital herpes symptoms in men, it is important for a person feeling these symptoms to immediately see a medical doctor. It is important for persons with genital herpes to know that the disease is not a death sentence. In fact, many people with genital herpes are able to live a normal lives.

Genital Herpes Symptoms in Men, Are You Infected?


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