Saturday, October 15, 2011

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Is There a Natural, Non-Invasive Way to Treat Heart Disease?

Statistics show that almost every second man and woman in the industrialized world, dies from the consequences of Coronary Artery Disease -- most often simply referred to, as Heart Disease, or Cardiovascular Disease.

diseases of the human body tamparo

Plaque deposits that cause blockages in the Coronary Arteries, the first blood vessels that branch off from the Aorta -- can lead to sudden heart attacks. If the same blockages occur in arteries supplying blood to the brain, then this can lead to a stroke. Sadly, many people miss the preliminary signs and symptoms of Heart Disease and so often their first 'symptom' is sudden death.


The epidemic spread of cardiovascular diseases, is largely due to the fact that until now, the true nature of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease has been insufficiently understood.

Conventional medicine is largely confined to treating the symptoms of heart disease. Treatments such as calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, nitrates and other drugs are prescribed to alleviate angina pain. Surgical procedures, such as angioplasty and bypass surgery -- are applied to mechanically improve blood flow. Rarely does conventional medicine target the underlying problem: the instability of the vascular walls, which triggers the development of atherosclerotic deposits.

Can you prevent and reverse heart disease without invasive procedures and avoid the complications of bypass surgery?

The answer is yes. Cellular Medicine provides a breakthrough in our understanding of the underlying causes of cardiovascular conditions, and leads to the effective prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease. The wonderful benefit of utilizing cellular medicine, is that the complications of bypass surgery are avoided.

According to many nutritional researchers, the primary cause of coronary heart disease and other forms of atherosclerotic disease -- is a chronic deficiency of essential nutrients in millions of vascular wall cells. This deficiency leads to the instability of the vascular walls -- thereby leading to lesions and cracks, atherosclerotic deposits, and eventually, heart attacks or strokes. Since the primary cause of cardiovascular disease, is a deficiency of essential nutrients in the cells of the vascular walls -- the daily optimum intake of these essential nutrients is the primary measure to prevent atherosclerosis and help repair artery wall damage.

Scientific research and clinical studies have already documented the particular value of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and other ingredients in the prevention of heart disease -- but what if you are already suffering from the symptoms of this disease?

One vocal proponent of using nutrition in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, is Matthias Rath, M.D. In Dr Rath's book, "Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks -- But People Do!", he outlines his theories about why optimum nutrition is so vital and can not only prevent, but even reverse heart disease. Dr. Rath believes that there are specific, essential nutrients that help to prevent cardiovascular disease and repair existing damage.

Vitamin research and cardiovascular disease.

One of the largest studies about the importance of vitamins in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, was conducted in Europe. It is a well-known fact, that cardiovascular diseases are more frequent in northern European countries, compared to Mediterranean countries.

Professor K.F. Gey, from the University of Berne in Switzerland, compared the rate of cardiovascular disease in these countries -- to the blood levels of vitamin C and beta-carotene, as well as cholesterol. His findings were remarkable:

* People in Northern European countries have the highest rate of cardiovascular disease, and on average, the lowest blood levels of vitamins.

* Southern European populations, have the lowest cardiovascular risk and the highest blood levels of vitamins.

* An optimum intake of the vitamins C, E and A -- had a much greater impact on decreasing the risk for cardiovascular disease than lowering cholesterol levels, a frequent focal point in conventional medicine.

This study finally provides the scientific answer as to why there is such a lower rate of heart attacks -- in France, Greece and other Mediterranean countries, when compared to the norm. The key factor for the lower cardiovascular risk in these countries, is the high intake of nutrition through the regular diets of these regions. Certain dietary preferences, such as the consumption of wine and olive oil, which are rich in bioflavonoids and vitamin E seem to be of particular importance.

Supplementation - Your defense against heart disease.

With our modern lifestyle and eating choices, it is simply not that easy to get all the nutrients we need from our diet alone. This is why so many people choose to supplement their diet with nutritional supplements such as vitamins and antioxidants. If your aim is to prevent diseases such as heart disease -- then supplementation has become more than just a 'quaint health fad' -- it's more a matter of life and death.

What are the best supplements to take for problems with the cardiovascular system?

Many people know of the general benefits of nutrients, such as vitamins, antioxidants, fish oil etc. But what is specifically good for the heart and cardiovascular system? Here are some suggestions:

* Vitamin C: provides protection and promotes the natural healing of the artery wall and the reversal of plaque

* Vitamin E: provides antioxidant protection

* Vitamin D: optimizes calcium metabolism and the reversal of calcium deposits in the artery wall

* Folic acid, Biotin and B Vitamins: provide a protective function against increased homocysteine levels

* Copper: supports stability of the artery wall with the improved cross-linking of collagen molecules

* Bioflavonoids, Grape Seed Extract and Pine Bark Extract: contain antioxidant nutrients and molecules known as 'OPCs' which act as biocatalysts for improved vitamin C function and improved stability of the artery wall

The most specific supplement formula for cardiovascular disease, would have to be what is known as an Oral Chelation Therapy supplement. This type of formula, is a blend of nutrients designed to heal and tone the cardiovascular system, as well as 'chelate' or 'claw out' the excess plaque and calcium buildup in the arteries. Oral Chelation Therapy is not as widely available as the individual nutrients mentioned before - however its specific formula provides the best combination of nutrients to fully assist the body in its healing processes -- so that one can prevent and even reverse the onset of cardiovascular diseases.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Is There a Natural, Non-Invasive Way to Treat Heart Disease?


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