Saturday, October 22, 2011

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Alzheimer's disease and dementia is a frightening word for many people. We want our brain function to remain intact and our memories to remain unharmed. For those experiencing dementia symptoms, it is a frustrating experience. Many different issues can cause dementia disease, but the common thread is that brain cells do not get the nutrients or oxygen they need to maintain good mental functioning and they begin to die off.

lyme disease

There are some medical conditions that can lead to symptoms of alzheimer's disease and dementia. Strokes, vitamin deficiencies, poor nutrition, head injuries or medicine reactions are just some examples. Many of these causes can be treated and the symptoms of alzheimer's disease and dementia is a frightening word for many people. can be reversed. It is important to seek treatment and work with your doctor to resolve or stabilize any medical condition that may be causing symptoms of dementia.


Make sure that you are following a balanced diet and that you have adequate levels of B vitamins in your system. If you have recently changed medications, it is important to talk with your prescribing doctor about the effects you are experiencing. By taking care of yourself physically, you can improve your brain power and help fight the memory problems that you are experiencing. For older people, the two most common types of elderly dementia are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. These types of dementia are not reversible, but there is new hope with medications that help to slow the progression of memory loss or other impairments.

Keep in mind that emotional stressors can mimic signs of dementia. If you are experiencing memory loss or difficulty completing tasks, issues like depression should be assessed to see if that is the cause of your issues rather than dementia disease or Alzheimer's disease. It is important to treat the right symptom.

Alzheimer's disease and dementia is not something that everyone is destined to experience. Awareness of causes and symptoms can help you to know when to seek medical attention if needed. Some symptoms of dementia can be reversed and some cannot, but there is hope that for those symptoms that will continue to progress, we can begin treatment to slow the process.

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia


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