Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Parkinsons Disease Patches

As a good method of treatment, Parkinson's disease patch is being developed for treating Parkinson's disease. This is being developed as a good method of treating it orally. The need to develop a skin patch for Parkinson's existed, due to the digestive tract of people affected by the disease.

disease proof your child

Skin patches are available for smoking cessation, heart problems, and pain control. A major research is going on for exploring new ways of treatment except oral medicines, of Parkinson's. The silicon patch that is being used in the clinical trials have Dopamine agonist , a drug commonly used to reduce the symptoms and help people lead a more normal life. 'Neupro' is the first trans-dermal patch that has been approved to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease.


The main symptoms of Parkinson's include memory loss, decrease of cognitive skills, dementia. As it is a disorder of the central nervous system, motor skills are lost over time. These Parkinson's disease patch medicines help in prolonging normal activity and suppressing the symptoms of the disease.

The main symptoms of this disease include stiffness and tremors in the limbs which is due to the reduction of Dopamine, chemical in the brain which controls movement in the body. Dopamine agonists clone dopamine and also stimulate the cells of the brain, just the way the normal chemical reacts.
Another Parkinsons disease patch that has been marketed is an active ingredient Rotigotine, which is a Dopamine receptor delivered through a skin patch. It is applied once to the skin and releases Ritigotine throughout 24 hours. Every day the patch needs to be changed. It is delivered to maintain stable rotigotine plasma in concentration level. The oral Dopamine agonists come in multiple doses but a patch is more effective and easy.

Parkinsons Disease Patches


5 Reasons For Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity severs threats for the society. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), shown that around 17% children between 6 to 11 age group are obese. There are many adverse effects on over weight leads to various diseases like breathing problems, diabetes, and asthma. Trouble in sleeping and various other complications. Although, there are lots of awareness campaign runs by various social groups and the schools are taking initiatives to get rid of obesity level from the present rate.

The initial problem lies with children are their daily habits. In USA health department has taken various initiatives and highlight in the health policy.
As per the dietary guidelines the average Americans does not meet the consumptions of vegetarian foods. Their food habits (non-veg food) resulted into higher calorie foods. In USA all aged group people drink beverages with high sugar contains. This has resulted into higher calories intake and resulted into obese. Life style of children studies shows that most of the children spend more than two to three hours in front of TV resulted into overweight. Recently China has banned the Cartoon serials after survey results on child obesity. Eating habits of fast food can also leads to obesity. Children spend less time in physical activities. It is necessary to spend at least 60 minute per day to remain feet.


It is necessary to take initiatives like growing awareness at school level, family and change in food habits. Try to make a habit to make a food and change the life style of your child. Common agenda and support group of parents to create awareness and launch various programs.

5 Reasons For Childhood Obesity


Tick Bite Rash - Understanding Lyme Disease Symptoms

The typical Lyme disease rash doesn't always develop into a bull's-eye.  The rash can be in many forms or not even be there at all.  This rash is usually the first sign .  This disease is from ticks and the symptoms and signs range from body aches and fever to much more serious ones like temporary paralysis, fatigue, weakness and joint swelling. For some people there is a lyme disease itching symptom, but others report no itchy sensations.

diseases and disorders a nursing therapeutics manual

EM or erythema migrans is a Lyme disease rash that develops because of a reaction to an infection caused by Borrelia spirochetes.  It's the primary symptom that is required to report and diagnose a case.


Appearance of the Tick Bite:

The most typical appearance of the Lyme disease rash is an oval or round rash that gets larger over a period of several days.  It will also develop an clear spot in the middle: bull's-eye rash.  About half of the patients have either no rash at all or they have ones that look different. Tick bite disease pictures can vary because the reaction is not identical for everyone.

Some appearances of the tick bite symptoms can be:

A) Fiery red and have an eroded or raised center.

B) Red or dark blue rash that looks like a recent bruise.

C) Multiple rashes of all different sizes.

When it comes to the disease about 10% of them are atypical types.  Even after getting rid of the tick 1 to 4 weeks prior, if they have an atypical rash some doctors won't associate this rash with their tick bite and just dismiss it from being lyme's because it doesn't fit the usual pattern.

Usually the rash is between 2 inches and 5 inches in diameter.  Yet, it also could be the size of a quarter or it may even cover most of the leg or torso.  You could have just a single rash or many rashes all over.

A Lyme disease rash is a skin discoloration and will vary in shape and size.  It often has rings of different shades, but can also be uniformly discolored.  The rash may itch and when you touch it, can feel hot.  The rash can range in color from bruised looking to purple to reddish.  These rashes can also be oozy and crusty.

Tick bite treatment is important as neglecting it can result in terrible fatigue, memory loss and joint issues.

Tick Bite Rash - Understanding Lyme Disease Symptoms


Piriformis Syndrome - Self Diagnosis

"Oh No!" It's the acute or chronic feeling of pain, hot or cold, numbness, weakness, "electric shocks," or strange sensations, starting near your buttocks and going down your leg. You've got sciatica, and all you know is that it can be excruciating. Sciatica may originate in your brain, your back, or where you sit, stemming from nerve problems in the back or entrapped nerves in the pelvis or buttocks. What causes the pain is just as varied and potentially confusing. The trouble is often due to a herniated disk, spinal stenosis, or piriformis syndrome--a commonly misdiagnosed compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle. Here we are going to tell you how to self-diagnose whether you have piriformis syndrome.

If you are wondering if you have piriformis syndrome you can do a lot to diagnose yourself at home. First, is the pain worse when you are sitting down? Do you have pain, numbness, and/or weakness in the buttocks, down the back of the leg, or both? Without such pain and discomfort, you can rule out piriformis syndrome. Next, if you press on the muscle in each buttock, just above the middle of the cheek, and you have pain on one side or both sides, that is another indication that you have piriformis syndrome. Sometimes you can feel the muscle in spasm there. If you don't feel any pain, tenderness, or discomfort with this pressure, chances are you don't have the problem, though there are a few exceptions to this rule. Third is the classic "straight leg raise test". To do this, you will need someone to help you out. First, you lie flat on your back on a hard surface. Next, the person helping you, will raise your legs one at a time. As this is being done, you must let this person know at what point you feel pain and at what angle you feel it. If the angle is between 30 and 60 degrees and the pain is in the back, it often indicates irritation of nerve roots that form the sciatic nerve. Bending the knee while the leg is still raised should relieve the pain. If this does not relieve the pain then the problem is probably in the hip. If the pain is in the back of your knee and occurs at the same angle for both legs, you may have nothing more serious than tight hamstrings. If, however piriformis syndrome is present, this test should cause more pain on the side that is most affected.


Next we will explain how to perform the FAIR test at home. A simple form of this test, without an EMG machine was created by a Norwegian surgeon named Solheim and is commonly referred to as the Solheim Test. First, lie on your side on the floor, with the painful side up. Next, bring the knee of the leg on that side down to the floor, without turning over and without facing downward. A friend can do that part and the next. Now press ypur knee downward and move the ankle upward, more or less using the leg as a crank to turn the hip joint counterclockwise(to the left)and clockwise(to the right). If you feel pain you may well have Piriformis Syndrome.

There is also a test called the Paces Test, which also requires the help of a friend. Assume the same position as at the start of the Solheim Test. Raise your bent leg. Your friend should now try earnestly but not too vigorously to keep it down Once your leg is up in the air, hold it there. If you are weaker on one side than the other, that is another indication that you may be suffering from Piriformis Syndrome. If you experience any severe abnormalities while performing these tests, you may want to go see your doctor for the full version of the Fair Test with an EMG machine.

A conventional X-ray will not show piriformis syndrome, nor will any standard MRI or EMG. However, the spasm of the piriformis muscle can affect the sciatic nerve and can damage or even sever some of its fibers, and an EMG can pick up that damage.

The various types of exertion that could have caused piriformis syndrome in the first place can also make it worse, or make it begin again if it has eased up. Running on a treadmill is an example of this, as is walking up steep stairs or a hill, or heavy lifting for a long period of time.

Most of the time, people who have piriformis syndrome have it on one side, then get it on the other side as well. The pressure of the abnormally large or stiff piriformis muscle pulls the sciatic nerve taut. The recommended physical therapy for Piriformis Syndrome is two or three times per week for one to three months. We sincerely hope that this has made it easier to tell whether you have this sydrome before you spend a lot of money and time on worthless doctor visits that may not tell you any more than these simple tests will tell you. And we hope that this will help you to tell the difference between sciatica pain and the discomfort and Piriformis Syndrome.

Piriformis Syndrome - Self Diagnosis


Degenerative Disc Disease - A Guide To Understanding Its Symptoms And Treatment

Degenerative disc disease is characterized by severe lower back pain. The symptoms of degenerative spine are easy for a person to recognize, the most common being stiffness and tingling in the spine. It is also one of the most misunderstood diseases. Degenerative disc is not actually a disease, but a term used to explain the normal changes that occur in your spinal discs as you grow with age.

Healthy spinal discs are extremely elastic and can be compressed. They separate the interlocked bones that make up the spine. Discs are responsible for absorbing shock that is caused to the spine, making it flexible, and able to bend and twist. As the discs get older, they become less elastic and problems occur.


Degenerative discs can occur anywhere along the spine, but the highest probability is for them to occur in the lower back--also called the lumbar region--and the neck--also called the cervical region.

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease are numerous. The most common symptoms are stiffness, pain and restricted activity, and depending on the nerve root affected, the pain can occur in the neck, legs and knees. In most cases, the symptoms are of mild pain, but sometimes there is deep pain that often increases when the joint is moved, and lessens when the joint has fully warmed up.

Intense pain is caused by compression of the nerves, which occurs when the spinal disc gets thinner. As a result, the space between the bones narrows. Sometimes, in severe cases, bone and nerve compression is caused that, apart from causing pain, also gives a burning sensation, numbness, and tingling. An extreme case can be that the organs connected to these nerves become diseased, with the seriousness depending on the way degeneration is caused in the discs.

Patients showing symptoms of degenerative spine complain of chronic pain in the lower back along with intermittent attacks of low back pain. These small episodes of pain from disc degeneration can last from a few days to a few months. The amount of chronic pain varies and can range from being a simple irritation to serious pain, disabling the affected person. In some cases the pain can become intense and then return to a low level or disappear entirely. Activities like bending, lifting and twisting can worsen the pain while activities like walking and running can give some relief rather than sitting for a long time. It is recommended to change positions frequently. Lying down is the best option. The symptoms and treatment for degenerative spine disease are covered further in more articles at []

However, in an active person aged between 30 and 40, the pain should not be severe and persistent. If it is, then medical advice should be sought. If degenerative disc disease is the cause of the pain, then ignoring the pain will only lead to the pain getting worse as time goes on. With the range of excellent treatments for back pain now including exercise, medicine and a range of surgical procedures there is no need to allow the pain to continue. A consultation with your doctor will enable you to consider the best treatment options for the type of back pain you are suffering from.

Degenerative Disc Disease - A Guide To Understanding Its Symptoms And Treatment


Is Interstitial Cystitis an Autoimmune Disease?

Interstitial Cystitis is painful and uncomfortable, and often misdiagnosed. Because of the symptoms, people who have Interstitial Cystitis, or IC, are often diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, bladder infections, or kidney infections. Symptoms of IC include bladder frequency and urgency, pelvic pain and irritation, and in women, pain may be worse around menstruation. Pain can range from being mild to so severe that it is debilitating. IC is usually divided into two subtypes - classic and non-ulcer.

huntington's disease

It is unknown what causes IC, however tests are being done that question whether IC is a single condition, or if it represents a spectrum of other disorders. Not so long ago, it was believed that IC was a psychological problem and that the symptoms were a manifestation of this. That belief left people, especially women, confused and wondering whether they were imagining their symptoms or not. Thankfully, new research is being done to address the causes of IC, the symptoms, and whether it is an autoimmune disease. Some doctors and researchers believe IC may be an autoimmune disease, or that IC represents several different disorders.


Several recent tests have been done in patients with classic and non-ulcer IC. Reports show autoantibodies in patients with IC, and some clinical findings also show similarities with those that show up in patients with autoimmune disorders. IC has also been shown to be associated with some autoimmune disorders. Some of these include Systemic Lupus, Lupus Erythematosus, Sjogrens syndrome, and autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland. What all of this means in simple terms is that systematic and autoimmune disorders show up more in people who have IC than in people who don't.

When our body encounters something foreign, it responds by mounting an attack on the object. In order for our body to do this, it has to recognize that the object is foreign, and not part of itself. Usually, the body recognizes what is and what is not 'self.' In autoimmune diseases, the body is unable to recognize some part of itself, and will attack it. This could happen with one organ, a particular part of the body, or the entire body.

So, what is the answer to the question, Is Interstitial Cystitis an autoimmune disease? Well, frankly, we just don't know. However, research studies may be pointing to the affirmative, or at the very least that it is definitely somehow connected. Until further research is completed, we won't have the answer to our questions. The good thing is that now doctors see that IC is definitely a physical medical problem, and hopefully research will continue and we will have an answer soon.

Is Interstitial Cystitis an Autoimmune Disease?


Dog Heart Disease

Like people, dogs can get heart disease. Acquired heart disease is the most common form.

liver disease

There are two main forms of heart disease in dogs. The first occurs when the valves in the dog's heart are no longer able to close properly, affecting blood flow. The second occurs when the heart wall becomes weakened and thin. Both types eventually result in heart failure.


A dog with heart disease will appear lethargic and without appetite. Weight loss is common. They will cough, appear generally weak and sick, and will probably have difficulty breathing. This is due to fluid buildup in the lungs, sodium and water retention in the kidneys, and restrictive blood flow in the dog's blood vessels.

It is important to take your dog to regularly to the veterinarian so that they can check for signs of this disease. They may ask for additional information and tests such as x-rays, blood tests, urine tests, or an EKG. Early detection is important to maximize treatment options.

Good preventative measures to ensure the health of your dog are to exercise frequently and make sure they eat a balanced diet. Like people, obese dogs are more likely to develop heart disease. Exercising with your dog can be good for you as well and strengthen the bond between person and animal.

There are some options your veterinarian has for treating a dog with heart disease, but you can help make sure they don't get in the first place and catch it early if they do.

Dog Heart Disease


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Addison's Disease in Dogs

Addison's disease is an uncommon disease where there is not enough of a production of stress hormone by the adrenal glands. This can be caused by a wide number of things like infections, tumors, or toxic drugs. But most commonly an autoimmune reaction in which the body tries to destroy the adrenal gland is at fault.


While less stress hormone production might seem like a good think, a certain amount is needed for the body to function properly. Excessive stress hormone production leads to a condition known as Cushing's disease.


Addison's disease can also be caused by trying to treat other diseases as well and this is an unwanted side effect affecting the adrenal glands. For example trying to treat Cushing's disease.

Some common symptoms of Addison's disease in dogs include muscle weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea, lethargy, and a very slow pulse. Also dogs that have this condition collapse sometimes as well.

Diagnosis is usually done with a simple blood test, called an ACTH stimulation test. Treatment usually involves giving intravenous fluids and corticosteroids as well. If it is a chronic condition sometimes giving daily cortisone can help correct the dog symptoms.

Treatment is almost always a lifelong ordeal and the dog's dosage level must must always be tailored to the symptoms that your dog is expressing.

Like any other disease, early diagnoses can lead to a better prognosis. If Addison's disease is caused as a side effect from another drug being given, the cure is simple, just stop giving the drug.

Addison's Disease in Dogs


Gum Disease Symptoms and Dangerous Effects

The majority of people throughout the world are unaware that gingivitis and gum disease have very dangerous effects. In fact, gum disease can result in death if the infection is left untreated. Other common symptoms include the bleeding of the gums and even the loss of teeth.


There is no denying how important it is for a person to properly care for their gums and teeth by brushing their teeth on a daily basis. It is also of the utmost importance that a person visits their dentist on a regularly scheduled basis each and every month to prevent the formation of this disease.


If gingivitis has yet to spread throughout the mouth in an uncontrollable manner it can usually be corrected by a person simply beginning to use a regimented dental care program. However, if the advanced disease has spread to a great length through the mouth, it may not be able to be corrected through cleaning.

There are many cultures throughout the world's history that have faced this problem. You can lose teeth from this disease and there were less options available in the past. This can still happen in modern society if a person lets their gum disease spread.

The symptoms and dangerous effects of this disease can be stopped and eliminated all together if a person quickly corrects the problem. This can usually be done by a person beginning to care for their gums and teeth more vigilantly at home. A person might even save themselves from a more serious disease, like heart disease by squashing this problem early. Next: Look for the links below to get more information on stopping and preventing gum disease.

Gum Disease Symptoms and Dangerous Effects


3 Stop Smoking Patch Reviews - Do They Really Work?

Barriers to Quitting Smoking

Out of the many different products available to help smokers quit, patches have been by far the longest and most established methods. But now, in 2010, there are more cigarette smokers than ever before in the United States. Given that these products are very well known, the question must be asked whether stop smoking patches really work. What follows in this article is an examination of the features of 3 patches to find the answer.


1. Equate:

Found exclusively in drugstores, Equate is basically a generic version of brand name Nicotine transdermal patches. They are identical in function and effectiveness to their competitors. Depending on the amount purchased, savings you will keep with Equate or other store brand patches may range from -.

Because these patches contain Nicotine, however, the calming effects of the patch will wear off as soon as their use stops. The patch user inevitably goes back to smoking because he never actually severs ties with the active ingredient in cigarettes: Nicotine. For this reason, smokers who genuinely wish to quit with stop smoking patches should find another solution if possible.

2. Nicoderm CQ:

This is the flagship brand of Nicotine transdermal patches. Since their original release many years ago, Nicoderm has come out with many new innovative modifications. They come in varied Nicotine strengths, and even offer a clear patch to help conceal visibility on the body. When compared to Equate or other store brand patches, however, Nicoderm offers absolutely no difference in effectiveness.

Despite Nicoderm's identical formula to generic brands, the company is able to sell considerably more of its product. The only logical reason users buy this product over the cheaper competitors therefore must be from its strong marketing campaign, from tv ads to coupon offers. In the end though, because Nicoderm also continues to deliver Nicotine to the body, its users will invariably return to smoking cigarettes. Less than 5% of Nicoderm users actually quit smoking for good. But there is an alternative.

3. Zero Nicotine:

This natural transdermal patch is distinct from other stop smoking patches because, as its name states, the product does not contain Nicotine. Using an array of natural ingredients, the patch reduces cravings by treating your Nicotine addiction rather than satisfying it. Among all other stop smoking patches, this company takes a clearly unique approach.

Unfortunately, because Zero Nicotine is relatively new to the heavily marketed stop smoking patch market, most consumers looking to quit never discover this alternative. But with time, as more and more smokers discover that continuing Nicotine use will not end their addiction, Zero Nicotine will naturally start to rise in popularity. For smokers who are seriously looking to quit, this stop smoking patch is the best choice.

3 Stop Smoking Patch Reviews - Do They Really Work?


Gerd Disease - 10 Helpful Tips For Living With Gerd Disease

If you've been Living with gerd disease, you know it can be very hard at times to deal with and very painful. But your not by yourself, many people worldwide are afflicted with the dreaded gerd disease and it's painful grip.

disease proof your child

Here I provide you with 10 helpful tips on how to live with gerd disease successfully.


1. Never exercise within two hours of eating. A full stomach causes pressure on your sphincter and that leads to the acid reflux of gerd disease.

2. Eat sensibly before you do exercise. Avoid acidic foods such as citrus and spicy foods. You should eat foods that are low in protein and fat but high in carbohydrates before you exercise.

3. During your exercise routine drink lots of water and hydrate yourself. Hydration always aids in digestion whether you have gerd disease or not.

4. Take an over the counter heartburn medication such as Zantac, Pepcid or Tagamet to help with your gerd symptoms.

5. Chest pain needs to be taken seriously. With gerd disease the chest pain is identical to pain that is also with heart problems. Always get chest pains checked out by your physician.

6. Take your heartburn medication before you exercise even if it is an over the counter medication.

7. With intense gerd symptoms less intense activities are best. Calmer exercises are like walking are better for your body.

8. Never quit exercising because excess weight can be a terrible thing for gerd disease. The added weight in the stomach and chest area make extra acid in the stomach as well as added pressure to the sphincter muscle.

9. Stay away from carbonated drinks. The carbonation cause unwanted gas that creates pressure in the stomach.

10. Eat many small meals a day instead of one or two bigger meals. Digestion is quicker and easier if there are small meals and snacks rather than larger meals.

With these few tips you will be well on your way to controlling your gerd disease.

Gerd Disease - 10 Helpful Tips For Living With Gerd Disease


Plantar Fasciitis - Common Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Most frequent symptoms of plantar fasciitis are a strong burning (as if someone is holding a match to the bottom of your foot) or sharp pain in the arch of the foot, usually close to the heel. You may also experience pain behind your toes, and sometimes across the bottom of your foot.

Plantar fasciitis sufferers most frequently report pain after short periods of rest and can be the most painful when you awake in the morning but the pain may start to subside as your feet warm up. The most common and sure sign of plantar fasciitis is painful feet in the morning. If you catch yourself frequently saying to yourself in the morning, "My feet are killing me", there is significant possibility that you suffer from plantar fasciitis.


If you are on your feet for an extended period of time than you are accustomed to, or walk or run on different terrain than you normally would, you may entice a bout of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis pain will flare up and be at its worst usually the day after these rare occurrences.

Below is a list of common conditions that sometimes get categorized as plantar fasciitis:

o The pain of bursitis is only experienced quite far back on the heel.

o If at night, you experience radiating, burning pain, numbness and tingling, the root cause is more likely to be something other than plantar fasciitis.

o Tarsal tunnel syndrome in particular causes diffuse symptoms all over the bottom of the foot.

o You experience extreme pain in your foot the longer you are on your feet, then you may very well have a stress fracture and you should seek immediate medical help.

o Your heel bone maybe bruised from a sudden blow or impact of your heel to a solid force and can quite often feel like plantar fasciitis.

o A condition called "fat pad syndrome" involves wasting away of the softness on the bottom of the heel.

Similar symptoms of plantar fasciitis can be also confused with the following conditions:

o A tumor in the heel bone would cause a deeper, duller pain than plantar fasciitis, and of course other signs of failing health as things get worse.

o A disease called Paget's disease also causes foot pain - but is associated with bowed shin bones, a hunchback, and headaches.

o Calcaneal apophysitis (Sever's disease) occurs only in adolescents and is limited to the back of the heel, where plantar fasciitis never goes.

Plantar fasciitis is as just as stubborn as all the other repetitive strain injuries. Once it sets in, it's not uncommon to have a recovery time as much as 2 years. The secret to success in beating and treating any injury is to avoid poor medical advice and to try to work around a limb of the body that we depend and rely on so much.

Plantar Fasciitis - Common Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis


Monday, August 29, 2011

How Not to Lose Yourself in a Relationship

Are you almost always with your boyfriend everyday and every night? Do you find yourself not being able to spend time with yourself, family, and friends anymore? Does your life revolve around your boyfriend?

Being in a relationship may be the best thing that has ever happened to you, so you may think that you need to spend every moment of your life with the man of your dreams. But what about your friends, family, and other people who matter? What about you?


You may not know it, but you could be losing yourself to your relationship, which is not healthy for you or for your partner at all because it severs your ties with other important people in your life. With that in mind, here are ways on how not to lose yourself in a relationship before it's too late.

• Spend some quality time with yourself
To not lose yourself in a relationship, learn to set some time for yourself. You do not have to be with your partner 24/7 because who knows, you could be suffocating him. For all you know, he also needs time to spend with himself or with his buddies.

• Don't neglect your looks

You've gone through a makeover, you started dressing up well, and you've been watching your diet just to look better and feel better to attract Mr. Right. Now that you've met him and you're already an official couple, don't forget to take care of yourself, too. If you enjoy going to the parlor to get your hair or nails done, don't sacrifice that just to be with your man all the time. You wouldn't want him to realize that everything was just for show.

• Set some time aside to meet with friends or to be with your family

You wouldn't want to hear your parent or best friend blaming your partner for your change in attitude towards them, so to not lose yourself in a relationship, be sure to not neglect your relationship with your closest circle. After all, they were already there even before you met Mr. Right, and just in case it does not work out with him, they will still be there for you. Catch up with them by inviting them out to dinner, watching a movie that your partner doesn't want to see with them, or visiting them. They will appreciate the attention and it won't make them think that your partner is keeping you all to himself.

How Not to Lose Yourself in a Relationship


Sever's Disease - Does Your Child Have Heel Pain?

Having a child who loves playing outside or playing sports is such a wonderful thing these days when so many children would rather sit in front of the television and play a video game. The only problem with this great activity is that children sometimes go home complaining about heel pain. Some parents think it is because of the shoes their children are wearing and others just assume their child is running improperly. In many cases, the reason is because of something called calcaneal apophysitis, sometimes called Sever's Disease. The good thing for you as a parent is that this can be treated and your child will grow out of it. The way Sever's Disease, or calcaneal apophysitis, works is that it is a disease of a growing bone. When your child's bones are growing and developing, there is a section on them that has not yet calcified. When children get to the stage in their lives when their bones fully begin to calcify, this section sometimes can get irritated because of pressure or tension. This is when your child will complain of heel pain. This typically occurs in girls between the ages of 9-14 and in boys between the ages of 9-16.

The one mistake that parents make when their children have Sever's Disease is they make them stop playing sports until it no longer is an issue. Because your child will grow out of calcaneal apophysitis, there is no reason to make them stop doing something they love and enjoy. If your child continues to complain about heel pain, it is best to see a foot specialist because they can help with alleviate the pain with treatments. If you have your child stop exercising during this period, your child could end up with a more serious medical issue such as obesity.


The reason the bones in the foot cause heel pain, and eventually Sever's Disease, is because the growth plate of the heel bone becomes tense from the Achilles tendon. This tension can end up causing stress and even swelling to the heel area. Many children are able to play through the pain while others see a specialist about their calcaneal apophysitis. Podiatrists can treat Sever's disease with anti-inflammatory medication, stretching exercises, orthotics (shoe inserts) and/or physical therapy. If your child's complains of heel pain, it is best to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist.

Copyright (c) 2009 Dr. Jennifer Feeny

Sever's Disease - Does Your Child Have Heel Pain?


Causes Of Maxillary Sinus Disease

There are four main sinus cavities in the head. They are frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and maxillary. As the name suggests, maxillary sinus disease occurs when the membrane of the maxillary sinus cavity becomes inflamed. The maxillary sinuses are basically located below the eyes on either side of the nose. The inflammation of the mucous membrane may be due to infection or allergy.

Maxillary sinus disease basically causes tenderness and acute pain in the cheeks. It may also cause swelling of facial muscles. Pain in the upper or back teeth may also occur. This pain increases on bending down.


Maxillary sinus disease can also occur due to lack of oral health. If a person does not take care of his/ her teeth in a proper manner, there is growth of bacteria in the teeth and the gums. The bacteria may then spread to the maxillary sinus as the sinus cavity is connected to the nasal cavity and the mouth. Maxillary sinus may also cause jaw pain.

Though sinus can easily be cured by medication like anti-inflammatory drugs and decongestants, surgery may also be required at times. Nasal irrigation i.e. removing the mucous with the help of warm saline water and a syringe is another technique used to cure sinus. Some doctors also recommend a warm compress on the affected parts of the face.

Jaw pain caused due to maxillary sinus disease is often confused with regular dental pain though there is a major difference. Jaw pain associated with sinusitis is always accompanied by symptoms like fever, fatigue, nasal discharge and headache. This does not happen in case of dental pain. Jaw pain due to sinusitis always occurs in the upper back teeth whereas dental pain can occur in any part of the teeth.

Jaw pain or other symptoms caused due to maxillary sinus disease should not be ignored. A dentist should be consulted as soon as possible. If the dentist suspects sinusitis, he/she will further recommend the patient to a general physician. Medication should be taken at the earliest to avoid complications and surgery.

Causes Of Maxillary Sinus Disease


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is there a correlation between lower back pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Researchers have long argued that IBS may be caused by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. No indication or explanation is ever given as to why this malfunction might occur. To my knowledge there has been no adequate evidence to support this assumption. More over, I have not seen, heard of or read about any studies which were specifically implemented to test this hypothesis. Because of my own observations about my own IBS symptoms, I am inclined to believe and support this hypothesis.

Some of us who suffer Irritable Bowel Syndrome have tried for many years, without success, to eliminate the often debilitating affects of this mysterious disorder. Generally those who suffer have spent a great deal of time and money, having test after test only to be told that nothing conclusive was found.


Often after years of diagnostic procedures and expensive studies, patients are told there was nothing wrong with them. Their complaint of symptoms are brushed off as imaginary or more properly put in medical terms, psychosomatic. But with the ever increasing number of patients complaining of the same generalized list of symptoms, the medical community has been forced, in at least a small part, to acknowledge the malady as something more then imaginary symptoms of hypochondria.

So what can we surmise about IBS? It is a condition or disease in and of itself? Or is IBS is a condition caused by or a symptom of some other physical, neurological or possibly even psychological problem that is as yet undetected or undiagnosed as being relative to the IBS condition? I find this to be a more plausible conclusion and will provide some insight for my personal belief that IBS is a secondary condition rather then a condition unto itself.

For years doctors have proposed the secondary condition concept in relation to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Unfortunately, they have not yet been able to successfully document any evidence to conclusively say what might be the root cause of IBS. Moreover, I believe there is not just one cause, but several causes, all with the same secondary symptoms, which make up what is termed as IBS.

Please don't think that it is my intent to say the IBS condition is not real, or the symptomology is psychosomatic in nature. I know from painful experience the condition and symptoms of IBS are very real. I also would venture to say because of the sheer number of reported cases, the medical community had been forced to re-evaluate their approach while dealing with patients with complaints of Irritable Bowel Syndrome-like symptoms. I am merely going to express what I personally have concluded about another possible causation for IBS which may be overlooked by the medical profession.

I would like to also toss up for consideration that IBS, with its list of many symptoms, may be a traceable progression of symptoms stemming from a single causation. I believe, in my case, this is a very valid assumption. I have as yet been unable to get any physician to agree with me, at least to the point of taking up the position on the record.

Before going any further, I think it would be a good idea to review a partial list of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. IBS may be characterized by a combination of any or all of the following symptoms:

o Abdominal discomfort or pain, usually in the lower abdomen

o Altered bowel habit

o Chronic or recurrent diarrhea, constipation, or both. May be mixed or in alternation.

o Bloating

o Heartburn

o Nausea

o Abdominal fullness

o Feelings of urgent need to evacuate the bowel

o Feeling of "incomplete" bowel emptying

o Low back pain

o Headache

o Fatigue

o Muscle pain

o Sleep disturbances

o Sexual dysfunction

More and more it is generally believed that the symptoms of IBS are produced by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. More and more I personally agree with this as a valid and plausible perception of at least one of the causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. With some personal observations, I hope to give light as to why I believe this to be a possible causation for many IBS sufferers. Unfortunately, what I have come to believe as the causation for my particular brand of IBS, most assuredly will not be a diagnosis for all cases of IBS.

I think we who have suffered Irritable Bowel Syndrome tend to minimalize our symptoms and pain. We have been led to believe that other than common sense changes to diet and exercise there is nothing we can do because there is no cure. Many people who suffer will suffer in silence for years before seeking medical treatment. By then, and I include myself in this group, we may have subconsciously lessened or even put aside some of the lesser symptoms that IBS causes, focusing only on the ones that cause the most pain and discomfort.

Worse yet, we are less likely to bring symptoms to the attention of a doctor by mere assumption that it is just another facet of our complex disorder. This could become a dangerous scenario for anyone who suffers from IBS. We may ignore persistent symptoms that have gotten more intense or new symptoms that seem to be related only because we are discouraged by being told there is nothing anyone can do.

Doing these kinds of things could lead to serious life threatening symptoms being overlooked. Symptoms of conditions that, unlike IBS, can be treated if caught in time. Things like colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer or many others, might be missed because we want to ignore our IBS symptoms after so many trips to the doctor.

My story of IBS starts over 20 years ago when I was a young man of 26. While helping lift a very heavy cast iron wood burning stove from the back of a pickup truck, the other person lost their grip and the load all shifted down hill onto my back. I felt my back give way as the stove went crashing to the ground at my feet. I knew I had sustained a serious injury. I couldn't erect myself from the 90 degree bent forward position I was in. I had to literally pull my self up by using my hands and arms against the side of the pickup.

Being 26 and stubborn and thinking that I was invincible, I had my wife help me home and to bed, not bothering to go to the emergency room. I had some left over pain killers which numbed the pain enough to allow me to sleep. When I awoke in the morning I was horrified as I could not feel my legs. They were both cold and numb to the touch. I could move them, I just couldn't feel them. After about 30 minutes of movement the feeling began to return to my legs and at that point I knew it was time to get to the doctor.

After the examination and x-rays what the doctor had to say wasn't pleasant to hear. He told me I had two options. One was to go to a surgical specialist and have fusion surgery on several of my lower lumbar vertebra because the discs between them had been severely compressed. He mentioned that having this type of surgery would reduce my physical mobility by as much as 30% or more. At best, he explained, the surgery was about 40% effective.

My other option, he told me, was time... time allow let my body try to heal itself. He explained I would probably never be as good as I was before the accident, but with time my body should partially heal it self. He told me the inflammation which was causing the pain and partial paralysis should lessen. At age 26 loosing permanently 30% or more of my mobility was an unthinkable option. At least the second option offered some hope of recovery. He gave me muscle relaxants and pain pills and that was that.

I trusted this doctor...we were good friends. We had a good personal and professional relationship. I took him at his word. By today's medical standards, his medical advice probably wouldn't hold water, but over 20 years ago, it was most likely a very good perception of my problem.

For the next 6 months, I would wake up to cold, numb legs and each day, but as he said, the symptoms gradually got better. I was so focused on my back injury improving; I didn't pay attention to other, minor things going on which had become bothersome.

The first and most prevalent symptom was a change in my bowel habit. Not a big change, but it seemed that instead of a daily movement, it was now once every other day, and it took a bit more effort. But with the back issue, it seemed minor in comparison and for several years seemed to be the only symptom. My back continued to get better but my bowel never did return to normal.

I have always been a large person, in 1986 at the age of 26: I weighed about 220 pounds, standing 6 feet tall. Slowly, my weight began to rise. I attributed my initial weight gain to a lessening of physical activity over the first year or two of my back problem. By the end of the second year, my physical ability and activity had almost returned to normal. I learned to deal with the pain and my legs no longer went numb. I was able to function fairly well. Only occasionally did the pain in my back become such that I was unable to function in my "new" normal fashion, and usually only lasted a day or two. I now had added 70 pounds to my weight with no real explanation.

Only in the past couple of years (over 20 have passed since my back injury) have I begun considering the original injury being related to my bowel and stomach problems. Because I believed there was little I could do to rectify the situation, I have done as well as I could to manage the pain mentally. I did this well until the pain in my back started to worsen to the point that again my legs started going numb again. Not that this happened all the time, it was only occasional, but these bouts of pain have gotten much worse.

Only now that the back pain is impossible to ignore have I come to realize the cycle of events which have taken place. Now when I notice my legs are beginning to go numb on a more frequent basis, I have also noticed an increase in my IBS symptoms. More frequent and painful symptoms seem to begin with chronic constipation, lasting for many days. This is followed by the gas distress fatigue, head aches, bloating, acid indigestion, heartburn and eventually explosive diarrhea. Along with other symptoms, all interwoven into a cycle I now believe to be directly related to some type of nerve injury due to my original back injury.

I have since gone to a neurosurgeon and been diagnosed with severe disk compression and degeneration and spinal stenosis in the lower lumbar region. The treatment is as yet to be mapped out, but I now have at least one doctor who agrees that many, if not all, of my symptoms could be tied directly to nerve dysfunction resulting from my present spinal condition.

If you have sustained a back injury, or have IBS with lower back pain, it may be prudent to have a spinal study, to find out if an underlying back problem might be involved in the causation of your IBS symptoms. It stands to practical reason that if there is injury to the spine or lower back from where the nerves controlling lower bowl function stem, there could also be bowel dysfunction. With bowel dysfunction, the progression of symptoms in logical sequence right up the line to the top of the digestive tract would be a very plausible scenario.

If you have IBS and low back pain you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a spinal examination. At the very least you may find out that there is no problem with your spine thereby eliminating one more source.

Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome


What Are The West Nile Virus Symptoms?

West Nile Virus was first seen in the United States at the end of last century, and has since received a high profile due to extensive media coverage during the summer to autumn when it is prevalent. The virus can be fatal in a very small percentage of cases to humans, while birds and horses frequently suffer death from West Nile Virus infection. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and when a person is first infected they will feel no West Nile Virus symptoms. This is because the first stage is asymptomatic i.e. they are infected but do not feel any negative effects.

In around 75% of cases, the first stage of infection is all that the afflicted person will have and so they may never know that they had contracted West Nile Virus. However, roughly 25% of those infected by West Nile Virus will suffer from West Nile Fever, the West Nile Virus symptoms of which include: fever, swollen glands, chills, nausea, vomiting, body rash and muscular aches. If you have recently been bitten by a mosquito and, especially if you are in a high risk category (over 50), you should seek doctor's diagnosis and may benefit from supportive therapy.


A very small percentage of human beings infected by WNV go on to suffer West Nile Virus symptoms prevalent to the severe complications meningitis and encephalitis. These are neuroinvasive diseases which mean that they affect the nervous system. Less than one percent of those infected with WNV will be unlucky enough to suffer from meningitis or encephalitis. The West Nile Virus symptoms which those afflicted by these brain complications include: convulsions, stiff neck, sever headache, very high fever, disorientation, muscle weakness and loss of consciousness even coma. Only 2 or 3% of people with these severe complications of WNV will suffer fatality, meaning only around one in a thousand people infected with West Nile disease will suffer death. As with West Nile Fever, there are no cures for meningitis or encephalitis and instead the patient may be hospitalized and given intense supportive therapy until the symptoms relax.

What Are The West Nile Virus Symptoms?


Dermatographism or Skin Writing Disease

Dermatographism is a little known skin ailment that many people have, but do not know what it is. In fact, many family physicians, and some skin doctors or dermatologists are not even aware of this condition.

diseases and disorders a nursing therapeutics manual

What is dermatographism? This condition is known by many names. It is also called dermographism, dermatagraphism, or skin writing disease. Whatever term you use, it is essentially a form of urticaria or more specially pressure urticaria.


Individuals with this condition experience very characteristic symptoms. When the skin is stroked with pressure, even light pressure, then red hives or raised welts develop in the area that the skin was touched. In fact, not only do these hives or welts form on the skin, but they form in the shape of the applied pressure. The affected skin also becomes very itchy. For example, if you write your name on your skin with a dull object, the name will appear as red raised skin. This is why many people call it the skin writing disease. Usually the hives or welts disappear within 30 minutes and the skin goes back to its normal appearance. A doctor usually follows the procedure outlined in the example above to diagnose the skin problem. If raised welts form with applied pressure to the skin from a blunt object such as a tongue depressor, then you are diagnosed as having dermographism.

This condition is very frustrating for sufferers of this skin problem. Even a light touching of the face can produce very disfiguring and noticeable marks that can be quite embarrassing. In addition, many people experience unbearable itching that often leads to excessive scratching and the breaking of skin. Fortunately, dermatographism is more of a nuisance than a serious health or skin problem.

The cause of dermatographism is unknown. It is likely a result of the many allergens that people are exposed to daily acting on the body or because of some sort of allergic event such as a food allergy attack, a reaction to an insect bite, etc.

The treatment involves finding the right dosage and type of antihistamine in order to suppress the itching and the hives that develop. For many people, prescribed antihistamines will help control the problem. However, antihistamines are not a cure for this skin problem. In fact, currently there is no known cure or remedy. Suffers will need to stay on antihistamines for many years to avoid experiencing the symptoms. In some people, the dermographism suddenly disappears. However, for most, it is a battle of several years in length.

Many suffers are not thrilled about being on prescribed antihistamines for many years. There are alternatives such as natural antihistamines, which include vitamin C, butterbur, and many others. Noni juice has also been tried as a remedy.

Dermatographism or Skin Writing Disease


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Data Dedupelication Backup and Backup Compression

Data deduplication backup and compression offer similar purpose in a backup program-to save storage space. But in an information system, decision in choosing a particular storage technique that can save money and still offer quality backup is essential. Here are comparative points between data deduplication and compression to help you decide which storage saving technique to avail.

Compression is changing the size of a data into other forms that will occupy lesser storage space. This is basically achieved by removing the redundant parts in files or data. Compress, Unix and Winzip are some technologies that compresses data. In the hardware side, tape drive compression can be done to compress its data improving tape drive speed.


In SQL severs, data and backup compression can be done in its database to save storage space. In data compression, the tables and indexes contained in the database are compressed. This can be done upon creation of tables or index. However, compression is more meticulous for SELECT, INSERT, AND UPDATE. It is also more expensive than decompression. Because of these, Microsoft discourages compression for tables and indexes that are smaller than the entire database or if tables are always used for DML operations.

In SQL servers, backup compression is off by default. Manipulation sp_configure procedure can set compression to work. With this, sizes and backup/restoration time period can be decreased. Data deduplication backup has gained popularity due to amount of saving it can offer in terms of storage cost. This saves only a single copy of files duplicated across the network. Bandwidth is also saved in the process up to 90%. Any changes of any file in the network and is provided backup unless there is a duplicate delivering up to 10 times faster backup.

It is worthy to note that todays dedupe systems do both data deduplication and compression. Storage space savings is largely increased with this process.

Mere compression or data deduplication can both save storage space and bandwidth. It can also enhance backup and transmission speeds. Choose wisely which compression or data deduplication technology to use.

By implementing the right deduplication technology you can significantly lower the costs of the backup systems. Less storage space is needed to store the the files and the time to backup is significantly reduced. It is important to not compress everything since the compression might actually cost more in the long run. By strategically choosing your methods that work for your company you will provide a valuable asset and trim the bottom line.

Data Dedupelication Backup and Backup Compression


Patch Management

When I go to companies and ask them if they have a patch management policy the answer is always yes. They are required to patch desktops (Windows) on a monthly basis, usually after Microsoft "Patch Tuesday". Then the servers typically get a quarterly patch window. However, the policy usually states this, but the procedures do not always uphold this. And well, patches for Microsoft are essential, but they are not the whole picture. There are non-Microsoft based servers and all of the networking devices that also need to be reviewed.

Having WSUS (Windows Service Update Services) is a great method to push out the standard Microsoft patches, but it does not patch the other applications that are on the Windows systems. There are many other common applications that run on Windows that will not get patched on a regular basis. This is due to not having a good method in place to test them, to patch them, to deploy those patches to them. Applications such as Adobe Reader, Winzip / WinRAR, RealPlayer and many, many more. These too have issues that arise from time to time and need to have a method added to the procedures.


There are several companies that come to mind that will make patching a much simpler process. Companies like PatchLink and BigFix will alert that a patch is available and be able to install it. This alerts when say RealPlayer has an update and allows the user to click on update. The admin can still administer it and not allow the end-user to install the updates, but it still allows a company to patch systems with non-OS updates. This is so important as OS vulnerabilities are not the only way to penetrate a system or network.

Now I touched on a sensitive subject a few sentences ago - allowing the user to decide to install. There are typically settings where a patch can be pushed to the system, can be downloaded by the user, or can be pushed and installed on the system. A delayed reboot can be set for times in the future so an end-user is not going to lose any data, they should be prepared for the reboot. It's not important who decides when to put the patch on, the important thing is that the patch was installed.

When it comes to networking devices, there are routers, switches, firewalls, IDS's, VPN severs and "A-A-A" devices. All of these ensure that packets get sent, stopped, analyzed, and kept intact. It only makes sense that a SysAdmin or Network Administrator would want to keep them up to date and operating well. To do this they too need to be maintained.

Only patching the MS machines and not worrying about the UNIX patches, the application updates, and the networking updates is like changing the oil in the car (yes, it must be done). But then ignoring adding gas to the tank and air to the tires. Again, yes, the oil does need to be changed to keep the engine running, but if the tires aren't rotated and aired properly then the ride won't be nearly as smooth.

A patch policy is absolutely necessary. A security admin can't hold the network and sysadmins responsible to a policy if it does not exist. But that policy needs to be an all encompassing policy that goes beyond Windows.

Patch Management


Natural Cure For Liver Disease

One of the greatest abilities of the Liver is that it can regenerate itself. This should provide a great deal of hope for anyone suffering from liver disease. There are a few things that you need to do in order to turn your scarred liver into a brand new healthy liver. Follow the steps below:

diseases and disorders a nursing therapeutics manual

Start consuming Dandelion (that plant that probably grows all around your home). The leaves of the Dandelion plant can be picked, washed, and mixed in with your salads. But you can also find Dandelion tinctures or other forms of Dandelion extracts at your local health food store. Dandelion is extremely useful for the health of the liver and related organs and glands. (Note that a poorly functioning liver will only bring DOWN the function of other organs and glands). It has been used to successfully treat liver disease, such as hepatitis and liver insufficiency.


If you only had one choice for picking a natural cure for liver disease it should be Milk Thistle Seed Extract (...fortunately you have more than one choice, so why not use all of them, it will only speed up your healing). There are a few reasons why Milk Thistle Seed Extract (also referred to as "Mte") is beneficial to the liver and liver regeneration. Firstly, it protects the liver from toxins. Toxins, like Alcohol (the number one cause of Cirrhosis), compete against Mte for space on the cell membrane of the liver...except they always lose against the much stronger Mte. If your liver has Mte (milk thistle seed extract) all around itself, therefore preventing harmful toxins from destroying the liver, then the liver actually has time to regenerate. Also, Mte increase protein synthesis, which means that it speeds up the regeneration of destroyed liver tissue.

Another huge benefit of Milk Thistle Seed Extract is its interference with the enterohepatic circulation. Now, you might be wondering what the enterohepatic circulation is? Toxins are constantly being cycled back in forth between the gastrointestinal tract and the liver. Each time the toxins pass by the liver, the liver gets damaged. However, Mte interrupts the first absorption of toxins and then it helps prevent the re-absorption when the toxins are recycled. Cells that are not yet poisoned are therefore protected and become sites for new liver cell growth. In time a full restoration of the liver can be achieved.

I don't want to sound repetitive so all I'm going to say about Artichoke is that it has the same healing properties as Milk Thistle. That being said I would use both Milk Thistle Seed Extract and Artichoke extract to heal my liver (along with a regular consumption of Dandelion extract). The human liver will regenerate itself, by using the above mentioned natural healers we can restore our livers faster. Don't give in to taking pharmaceutical drugs they cause way too much damage to the liver, even if they are meant to heal your liver. Use natural cures and you will heal your liver faster, safer, and cheaper.

There are many other ways to speed up the recovery of your liver. Things like Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, Magnet Therapy, Essential Oils, Homeopathic Medicine, Home Remedies, Healing Crystals, and other Healing Herbs can all be used simultaneously to increase the restoration of the liver.

Natural Cure For Liver Disease


Friday, August 26, 2011

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is where the tissues that support your teeth have an infection. Although it may look as though the gums are attached very high to the teeth, it's not as high as it may look. The small v-shaped gap is called a sulcus between the tooth and gums. The infection stems from the sulcus. When the disease damages the tissues, the sulcus develops into a pouch. The more severe the disease is, the greater the depth of the pouch is. If the disease gets bad enough you might have to visit a periodontist for special attention.

liver disease

Periodontal disease is usually caused by plaque collecting on your teeth and gums. Plaque is an invisible sticky layer of germs that contains bacteria that irritate and damage the tissues and teeth. Depending on how severe it is depends on how the gum diseases are classified. The two main phases of the disease are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a more mild form of the disease that only affects the gums and can be taken care of if seen by a dentist. Periodontal disease, however, can not be taken care of as easily. This is when the disease eventually leads to more critical forms of the disease like periodontitis. When you have Periodontitis, this can lead to having your teeth become loose and even falling out. This can also lead to infection in the gums, sulcus, and the bone. If you don't get the plaque off of your gums in a timely manner, it will harden and form a calculus crust. Once this calculus is on your teeth, it is almost impossible to remove it without the help of a dentist.


There can be many different signs that can let you know that your gums are becoming infected. Tissues bleeding when brushing teeth, inflamed and even sore gums, permanent teeth that are loose or separating, persistent bad breath. Sometimes there aren't any signs that there are problems so getting a regular check up with your dentist would be highly recommended. If any kind of infection is beginning to occur, your dentist will see it and be able to take care of it effectively. The earlier you can catch this disease, the better off your gums will be. Females are more likely to get this disease during pregnancy and while taking birth control because of the hormones.

Gum Disease


VPS - Is It the Right Time to Shift?

VPS is a fairly new technology that has gained much popularity in a short amount of time. There are mainly three options currently available when it comes to hosting, dedicated hosting, shared hosting and virtual private severs. Shared hosting is mainly selected by new websites and smaller businesses that do not have very specific needs. dedicated servers are used by large websites and businesses that have to deal with very high traffic levels and require resources of their own. Virtual private servers lie somewhere in between both of these options and offer good features, reliability and flexibility at cost effective prices.

Would It Be A Better Option for Your Business?


VPS is much similar to dedicated servers when you think about user experience. You would get the same kind of isolated experience, same response time, flexibility and speed. However, the major difference between both of these options is the cost involved. When it comes to dedicated servers, you will be required to invest a large amount of money for the hardware and infrastructure that would be required because the resources will be for your own use. With virtual private severs you would be sharing the resources with other users and so there is no need for any investment in hardware. If you want cost effectiveness, then virtual private servers are definitely the right choice for you.

When is the Right Time to Shift?

Before you consider shifting to VPS from your shared hosting plan, it would be important to know what would be a good time for it. If you are using shared server currently and if you are not really facing any major problems with your account then you may not want to immediately shift. Virtual private servers are a step up from the standard shared packages and so the best thing to do would be to shift to it when shared hosting does not meet your requirements any longer. If you have a new website and a very small business then shared hosting may be sufficient for you.

If you have a business for quite some time now and have increased traffic levels then shared hosting may no longer be sufficient when it comes to performance. At this stage you would want to think about shifting to a new hosting option. If you are planning an expansion in the near future or are thinking about adding new services and products on your website then it would be best to change your hosting plan to VPS before it.

VPS - Is It the Right Time to Shift?


Food Poisoning Remedies: Know the Parasites

Food poisoning has become common now-a-days. Hence the time has come to find very effective remedies to control this illness. Normally, viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxins cause food-borne illness. In this article, you will find brief explain regarding how some parasites can cause this disease.

Although parasites have lesser role in causing these kinds of disease, they cause long-lasting food poisoning signs. They usually enter your body through contaminated or untreated water. Actually, a single-celled being called Protozoa and worms cause food-borne illnesses. Here are few parasites and they are as follows;


Giardia lamblia: This parasite is responsible for causing Giardiasis disease in North America. Children are very prone to this disease. It spreads through contaminated water and food. Another medium is contaminated vegetables.

The usual food poisoning signs caused by this parasite include stomach pain and diarrhea. Other symptoms such as swelling, malaise, nausea, fatigue and fever can also be seen. This illness lasts for 2 - 4 weeks normally. The treatment should be provided immediately.

Entamoeba Histolytica: This parasite is in a form of cyst and mixes into water, soil and foods through fresh feces. It causes a disease known as Amebiasis, when a person consumes the contaminated food or water. The people with lower immune system and children are very prone to this disease.

The most common symptoms are nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. In a severe condition, an affected individual may experience stomach tenderness, infrequent fever, weight loss and stools with blood. Immediate treatment is advised since, in sever condition, Amebiasis may damage liver, lungs, brain and other parts of body.

Food Poisoning Remedies: Know the Parasites


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Obesity and Heart Disease are Related

For years medical professionals believed that obesity and heart disease were only related indirectly. Major risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries and type 2 diabetes are attributed to how obese a person is. Obesity was believed to be a contributing factor to heart disease, new studies now show a direct link between obesity and heart related diseases.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by using a person's height and weight and applies to both men and women regardless of age, frame type or muscle mass. For example someone who is 5'5" tall and weighs 140 pounds will have a BMI of 23.3 and someone who is 5'10" tall and weighs 175 will have a BMI of 25.1. If you have a BMI of over 25 you are considered to be overweight and if you have a BMI of over 30 then you are considered to be obese. The body mass index calculation does not apply to athletes and body builders or pregnant women. If you wish to find your own BMI all you need to do is do a search on the Internet for BMI index and you will find a number of web sites that will calculate your BMI for you.


A recent 14 year study of middle aged women with a Body mass index of between 23 and 25 had an increase in the risk factor for coronary heart disease of over 50 percent. This study showed a direct connection between heart related diseases and obesity.

The left ventricle of the heart pumps oxygenated blood thought out the human body. Abnormalities of the left ventricle is primarily associated with high blood pressure or hypertension. However, there are recorded cases with this abnormality of the left ventricle has been seen where the patient is only suffering from sever obesity but has no signs of hypertension. This condition can lead to congestive heart disease and failure.

It has been shown that even a small reduction in overall weight such as caused by restriction of sodium in the diet, can dramatically improve heart function. Sodium restriction will only reduce overall weight for the short term but it is a good way to kick-start your weight reduction routine. If you suffer from morbid obesity, BMI index of over 40, you may be a candidate for gastro-intestinal surgery which can cause a drastic weight loss. Today over 33 percent of the American population is considered to be obese (BMI 30) and between 5 and 10 million are considered to be morbidly obese.

Everyone knows that reducing you food or calorie intake, some medications, getting proper exercise and quiting smoking can lead to weight reduction. Certain genetic and social factors can have a direct effect on how much you weigh. If your family has a history of being over weight then you are at risk of being over weight. If you attend a lot of social functions where food is the primary attraction then again you will be at risk. What is now well known is that certain allergic reactions to specific foods can cause weight gains and also can cause mental health issues.

If you have ever had a craving for a specific food that will not go away until you satisfy that craving. Dr William Philopott has speculated that frequent ingestion of allergenic foods will trigger a rise in the amount of opioid enkephalin found in the brain which is a natural narcotic that is produced by the human body. These chemicals can cause you to suffer from withdrawal symptoms when access to a particular food is denied.

Irritability, weakness, and hunger symptoms will not go away when food is consumed in normal amounts they you may be having an allergic and addictive response which in turn can result in uncontrollable eating.

Your health care professional may put you on a low allergen diet. After having started the low-allergen diet the patient usually experience a marked increased sense of well being with a first month. Food allergies or food intolerance can cause the body to retain both water and fat. Water retention is a common symptom of an allergic response. With a low-allergen diet a rapid water loss of five to ten pounds within a week is often noticed and after the excess water has been removed from the human body the patient will tend to loose fat more readily.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with weight loss such as vitamin B, copper, Natural diuretics, Garlic, Lecithin and M.S.M.

Vitamin B taken together as B-Complex perform vital biological processes including aiding in the healing process for congestive heart failure and reduces fluid retention. Vitamin B boost energy levels.

There is strong evidence that trace mineral Copper is vital to the tensile strength of the coronary blood vessels.

Natural diuretics are contained in cranberries, anything that has caffeine and apple cider vinegar. Fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and cucumbers contain a lot of water and will help increase urination.

Garlic counteract the usual result of high fats in the diet and to help reduce high blood pressure.

Lecithin has the potential to protect against fat clogged arteries when take daily.

M.S.M maintains the development of the body's protein by forming flexible disulfide bonds between certain amino acids and in maintaining the strength of connective tissue. This allows water and nutrients to flow freely into cells and allows toxins to flow freely out of the cells. M.S.M increases athletic stamina and helps eliminate muscle soreness. M.S.M is a natural supplement that is getting a lot of attention due to its role in tissue healing at the cellular level. It is a natural organic sulfur that comes from rain fall and is found naturally in the human body.

This report is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

Obesity and Heart Disease are Related


Alexander Disease - A True Horror

With all the pain and suffering in this world, you would think that eventually we'd just run out of horrible things to inflict people with. You can make your own list, but Alexander Disease is right up there at the top of mine as one of the truly horrible diseases that any human being should have to suffer from. In this article, I'm going to explain what this very rare disease is, how it effects people and what the treatments and prognosis is for those suffering from this disease. I warn you in advance. This article is not for those who are sensitive to the suffering of others.

lyme disease

Alexander Disease is a very rare disease that effects the nervous system. It is genetic, degenerative and progresses at an extremely rapid rate. This disease is actually just one of many genetic disorders called leukodystrophies. These diseases destroy the covering of the nerve fibers in a person's brain. The disease itself, usually hits at a very early age of about six months or so. The symptoms are outwardly noticeable, such as retardation and an enlargement of the head. Even though this disease usually strikes very young babies, there are forms of this disease which strike adolescents as well.


The sad part about Alexander Disease is that there is no cure and there is absolutely no treatment since this is a genetic degenerative disorder. The only thing that we can do at this point in time is treat the symptoms of the disease. For the symptoms, there is also very little that we can do.

People who suffer from this disease, sadly, or maybe mercifully, do not survive very long. It is rare that somebody suffering from Alexander Disease lives past the age of six. With older sufferers, it is rare that anybody lives past ten years after diagnosis is made.

As of now, nobody really knows what causes this disease. It is a gene mutation, but the problem is that nobody understands what exactly causes the gene to mutate as it does. The frustrating part is that many times this disease will develop with absolutely no family history of it. Both parents can be absolutely normal and yet have a child who develops Alexander Disease. This kind of genetic defect is called sporadic, meaning that it just happens spontaneously and for no apparent reason, which is one of the most frustrating things about this disease.

Fortunately, for patients and families suffering from and affected by this disease, there are support groups all over the world and many online. They provide information on how to deal with this disease both physically and emotionally.

Alexander Disease is truly one of the horrors of this world.

It seems like we never run out of them.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

Alexander Disease - A True Horror


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Penis Enlargement Surgery Prices

When some men begin to feel that their penis size may not be fully satisfying to their partner or to themselves, they begin to think of ways in which they can possibly solve the problem. There are many methods available to these men, such as certain enlargement devices, enhancement exercises or even penis enlargement surgeries. Some of these methods hold benefits over others, obviously. One of the most notable differences among them is price. A penis enlargement surgery is certainly not a budget operation.

Monetary cost


Every operation inherently carries with it some measure of risk. And any medical procedure obviously ends up costing a large amount of money. Since penis enhancement surgery is considered to be both elective surgery and cosmetic surgery, there will be no help from health insurance companies. The price of the surgery tends to differ for each procedure.

The penis lengthening surgery involves anesthesia and being cut open with a scalpel. The surgeon makes an incision and severs the tendon which holds the penis in place. This operation can cost anywhere from four thousand to fifteen thousand dollars.

Surgeries to enhance the wideness or girth of the penis are achieved through the injection of silicone into the shaft of the penis and scrotum. This procedure can end up costing anywhere from ten thousand to twenty thousand dollars.

Further cost

The price of penis enlargement surgery is not only monetary. The dissatisfaction rate among men who have had procedures done is astronomical. Many men have experienced unexpected pain long after the procedure was over. In addition, many men have lost some or most sensation in the penis following surgery or have been completely unable to penetrate during sex. Deformations are not uncommon side effects, and some men have been humiliated when their partners are put off by the appearance of their post surgical member.

One of the biggest costs of penis enhancement surgery is the inability to go back to normal. Penis enlargement procedures are irreversible. This means that once a man has altered his penis, for better or for worse, it is permanent. Thousands of dollars have been spent, and the man's penis is mutilated, with no going back. Men considering surgery should weigh these costs against other safer and more affordable alternatives.

Alternatives to surgery

Most men looking to enlarge their penis turn to tried and true methods of enhancement provided by devices such as SizeGenetics or Jes Extender. These devices use sensible methods of regular stretching in order to safely and privately enlarge the penis. No anesthesia is required and there are no incisions or injections involved. These devices attain best results when used with accompanying exercises and supplement pills. Thousands of men have achieved satisfying results from the use of these implements.

Cost of alternatives

One of the best aspects of these alternatives to surgery is the cost. While the cost of penis enlargement surgery can soar up to twenty thousand dollars, the most deluxe packages of enhancement devices only amounts to about six hundred dollars. There are also less expensive packages that only run less than three hundred.

Penis Enlargement Surgery Prices


Is Crohn's Disease Deadly?

You have probably heard this question..."Is Crohn's disease deadly?". This question arises because there is very little publicity about Crohn's unlike conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. This disease is a digestive disorder, which can become very serious and thereby causing doubts about Crohn's disease being deadly. It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease which causes inflammation of the intestinal tract. It can affect the body anywhere from mouth to the anus.

parkinson's disease

Risk Factors
Age - People in the age group of 15 years to 30 years are detected with this disease. It can even develop in a younger age group. Ethnicity - Whites have the highest risk of the disease. Even Jews and those of European descent are likely to develop this condition. Family History - You are at a higher risk if your close relative suffers from this condition. Chances are 30 times higher if it is a sibling. Area of Living - People in industrial areas are more likely to get affected by this disease. This could be owing to their diet rich in fat or refined foods, high in sugar and low in fruit and vegetables. Smoking - Smoking increases the risk of contracting this disease. It can worsen the illness if you continue to smoke during the treatment. Abnormalities in the immune system are also found to be a cause of this disease.


An answer to the question, is Crohn's disease deadly can be yes if it is not diagnosed properly. The toxins can remain in the body and with the kidneys malfunctioning; it could poison the whole body. Bowel leaks to the other parts of the body could also be a serious issue. It is thus very important to have regular medical checkups and you need to take good care of yourself to minimize the risk. You need to maintain a good relationship with your physician. You must make the best of the chances you get to improve your health. It is a chronic disorder and requires constant attention, regular visits to the doctor, taking the right nutrition and treatments in order to try and lead a normal life.

The severity of the disease varies from one person to the other. The symptoms exhibited could be similar but with different degrees of intensity. The treatments given are based on the stage of the disease.

Mild To Moderate Symptoms

People with mild to moderate symptoms can take their food normally without dehydration, stomach pain, fever, intestinal blockages and minimal weight loss.

Moderate To Severe Symptoms

The patients progress to the stage of displaying moderate degree of symptoms if they have not shown any improvement in the first stage. They have high fever, significant weight loss, occasional nausea or vomiting, stomach pain or tenderness and significant loss of red blood count leading to anemia.

Severe Stage

Patients are put on steroids during the previous stage but sometimes it can worsen and lead to a chronic display of symptoms like high fever, persistent vomiting, and blockages in the intestines or an abscess in this stage.

Crohn's disease is a digestive disorder with no known cause or cure. There is very little understanding of this disease in the medical community but there are many treatment options available for it. With proper medical care and attention, if you are suffering from Crohn's you can still lead an active and long life. If you are unable to cure this disease permanently, it is important to learn to live with it. You can feel in control of the situation if you find out as much as possible about the disease and follow whatever is required to do to lead a normal life.

Is Crohn's Disease Deadly?


Crohn's Disease Activity Index

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the alimentary tract and can affect any part of it, from the mouth to the anus. It typically affects the terminal ileum and well -demarcated areas of the large intestine.

liver disease

Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI) is a measure of the progress or lack of it, in patients suffering from Crohn's disease. It is used for the detection of post-operative recurrence of Crohn's disease. The equation enumerated below, utilizing eight selected variables, is called Crohn's Disease Activity Index.
CDAI = 2x1 + 5x2 + 7x3 + 20x4 + 30x5 + 10x6 + 6x7 + (weight factor) 8
Each number in the above equation is multiplied pertains to certain factors.


These factors range from the number of liquid or soft stool that a patient passes to the hematocrit measure. Fluctuations in the weight are also considered to be serious factors influencing the CDAI. The other factors considered in the index are abdominal pain ratings on a scale from 0 to 3. General well-being is also factored in a scale of 0 to 4.The symptoms or findings related to the disease are given due importance. The number of incidences of administration of the specific drug, Lomotil for diarrhea is also a factor considered in the equation. Abnormal mass of a patient constitutes yet another parameter for calculating the activity index.

Hematocrit is an important measure of both the number and size of red blood corpuscles. The normal count in males is supposed to be 47 whereas females generally have a hematocrit value of 42.

Generally speaking, CDAI scores below 150 indicate a better prognosis than higher scores. Index values of 150 and below are associated with inactive disease, values above that indicate active disease, and values above 450 are seen with extremely severe disease. Crohn's disease activity index may identify patients in remission. However, many researchers use a 'subjective value' of 200 to 250.

CDAI is used to gauge only the progress by comparing the readings from one week to the next and determine if the patient of Crohn's disease is getting better or worse. Patients of the disease have to use the CDAI on a regular basis and view it as a personal gauge to measure progress.

Crohn's Disease Activity Index


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Gall Bladder Disease

Due to inappropriate diet and obesity, many people suffer from gall bladder disease. Gall bladder disease commonly affects overweight people as a result of high blood cholesterol levels. The consumption of foods that are rich in fat also contributes to the development of gall bladder disease and many people suffer from gall bladder affections as a consequence of inappropriate diet.

liver disease

Gall bladder disease is usually caused by gallstones, solid structures formed from cholesterol, calcium and bile salts. Gallstones can cause cholecystitis (inflammation and swelling of the gall bladder), choledocholithiasis (occurs when gallstones accumulate inside the bile duct) cholangitis (infection of the gall bladder and bile duct) and pancreatitis.


Judging by the seriousness of gall bladder disease and its rate of development, there are two forms of the disorder: chronic cholecystitis (biliary colic) and acute cholecystitis. In the chronic form, the symptoms of gall bladder disease are milder and have a recidivating character. In the acute forms, the symptoms of gall bladder disease are very intense and in some cases suggest the development of complications.

The generalized symptoms of gall bladder disease are: abdominal pain, indigestion, vomiting, nausea, bloating of the abdomen, discomfort and pain when ingesting fatty foods. These symptoms of gall bladder disease are common in patients with chronic cholecystitis. However, apart from gall bladder pain, many patients may have no other symptoms of gall bladder disease. Gall bladder pain is characteristic to all people who suffer from gall bladder disease and it usually occurs after meals. This major symptom of gall bladder disease usually intensifies at night and after physical effort.

Persistent bitter taste in the mouth, bad breath and headaches can also be symptoms of gall bladder disease. Other symptoms of gall bladder disease are constipation and discolored stools.

In its acute form, the symptoms of gall bladder disease are accompanied by fever, sweating and severe pain attacks. Pain attacks are very intense in acute cholecystitis and they may last for a few hours. Pain episodes usually occur after meals and at night. The pain usually occurs in the abdominal region, the mid back region and under the right shoulder. Fever suggests the aggravation of gall bladder disease, occurring due to bacterial infection. Other symptoms of gall bladder disease that may indicate the development of complications are: yellowish aspect of the skin and eyes, chills, sweating and ongoing abdominal pain.

Gall bladder disease can become serious if it not treated appropriately. It is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of gall bladder disease in order to timely spot the presence of the disorder. If the symptoms of gall bladder disease don't ameliorate after medical treatment and appropriate diet, surgery may be the only option left. However, gall bladder surgery is uncomplicated, involves minimal risks and allows patients to recover quickly after the surgical intervention. Many people with recidivating pain often decide to have their gall bladder removed even if their condition is not serious. Gall bladder surgery is a very effective way of overcoming the intense symptoms of gall bladder disease and it is also considered to be very safe and quick to recover from.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Gall Bladder Disease


Physiotherapy and Chronic Airways Disease

The above titled is not a disease in single but it is a clan of disease with somehow same line of action. Chronic Airways Disease is termed as Chronic (lasting for a long time) Obstructive Pulmonary (related to lungs) Disease abbreviated as COPD. These diseases strike the victim very ruthlessly but physiotherapists have managed the way outs.

Two major bullies of the gang are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. All other diseases in which there is something wrong with the rhythms of breathing rest I the same group. Among the causes cigarette addiction or smoking has been found the major triggering threat but the condition has been observed in non-smokers as well because besides smoking irritating agents and noxious gases also cause the same disease. The second thing is age normally aged people have been found victims due to weak defense system of the body against the diseases.


Symptoms or indicating factors are arrhythmic pattern of breathing and sever and recurrent cough. While spitting; the patient finds blood mixed with viscous spit. Due to bursting of alveolar sacs less oxygen is carried by the blood hence the patients get the distal ends of their appendages colored blue specially finger tips and nails.

The method developed to curb the chronic airways disease is physiotherapic. Here the problem is of rhythm in breathing which breaks due to severe coughing so physiotherapist actually works as a teacher who teaches the patient how to modify his breathing methodology so that required quantity of oxygen may be sucked into the lungs.

Besides making the pattern of breathing modified the physiotherapist adopts another method called clapping and postural drainage which has been found working. By this method the physiotherapist actually makes it sure that the lung which is affected is placed above the trachea precisely.

This is a simple process which can be praised even at home but after training from a licensed and learned physiotherapist. The first step is making the patient lie of the bed in such a way that he is almost head side down to cause the secretions drain into the lungs but this method is strictly avoided in case of children due to the danger of reflux.

The second step is called clapping or chest percussion. Actually in this step the patient is clapped or tapped on his back with a cupped hand to induce secretions from the chest area. This obviously can't be done by own so physiotherapist teaches this technique to patient's family members or attendants.

The pain of this disease causes the patient to lie on a bed and avoid any physical executions so that he may have physical and bodily relief. But this harms him in fact; due to lack of physical activities the patient's lower as well as upper appendages get weakened which arise new complications which though have no link with the main disease so physiotherapist prescribes stationary cycling and walking to the patient so that he remains physically normal. This not only makes his muscle system work normally but this also help relieve the patient from chronic airways disease.

Therapy treatment being a modern technique has been found more effective as compared to the rest of the techniques. So physiotherapy is a tool to make the patient; escape from the prison of his life threatening disease.

Physiotherapy and Chronic Airways Disease


Eliminate Skin Diseases with Natural Skin Care Products!

Are you suffering from a skin ailment?

The most common skin diseases that affect the major percentage of the population across the globe are acne, dandruff (seborrhea), eczema and psoriasis. Not only do they look odd on facial and other exposed parts but are itchy, red and irritating.


Acne and dandruff affect people of all ages, cutting across geographical boundaries and regions. Understanding what psoriasis, acne and seborrhea have in common, except that they are names of skin diseases!

All of them have scaly dead skin cells accumulation with redness, itching and thickening of skin patches. While Psoriasis affects elbows, knees, scalp, back, fingernails and toes, dandruff is restricted to high sebum areas like face, scalp and trunk. Acne also affects the trunk, facial skin, back and scalp. These skin diseases are a constant source of continuous discomfort, finding the right skin treatment from these diseases is the quest of all patients.

Finding the right skin treatment products is a challenge in itself. Have you ever tried finding a shampoo for dandruff? You know how tough it can get with the innumerable choices, each claiming to be the best to eliminate dandruff. But, that's just a marketing gimmick, which as a wise consumer you should not fall for. Attractive packaging, bright colors should not blind you to buy it.
Go in for herbal skin treatment products as the best way to combat your skin diseases. There are many things to look for while buying a good skin treatment product.

Go in for skin products that are natural, chemical free and easily absorbed by the skin. While symptoms of seborrhea can be greatly reduced, by applying pure, organic coconut oil on the affected part. Usually it affects the scalp so massage a fair amount of the oil and leave it for some time before washing with shampoos that have zinc pyrithione, nizoral and salicylic acid.

Psoriasis is also greatly reduced by anti biotic gel treatment in sever cases, while mild cases can be helped with application of pure oils and intense moisturizing medicated creams. For acne care buy products that are good astringents and tone up the skin containing citrus fruit extracts like lemon and orange. Natural and herbal extracts of neem (Azadirachta Indica) in pure organic creams have also showed good results. The most important aspect of using herbal and organic base skin treatment products is that the side effects are greatly reduced. So, whether you are suffering from acne or psoriasis or even seborrhea, nature has in store many cures for you!

Eliminate Skin Diseases with Natural Skin Care Products!