Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to Stop Porn Addiction & Find Happiness

Have you been trapped in the destructive grasp of pornography? It can so often feel dark and like there's no way out. As someone who knows how you feel, I'd like to offer some helpful hints on how to stop porn addiction from ruining your life. There IS hope!
Be honest. When we're not honest we so often hurt ourselves the most and we typically don't even realize what we are doing. Turn inward and ask why you look at porn. What reasons do you give to allow you to justify it? Examine these reasons. Are they true? What will you do to live in greater harmony with yourself? If you can't be honest with yourself first then you'll never be honest with others. Confide in someone you trust. There's a powerful bond that severs when the secrecy of your struggles is divulged, the bond that holds you captive to addiction. You also understand that you are worthy of being loved. Know your limits and set barriers. If you struggle with alcohol, don't go to the bar. If you struggle with internet pornography, find constructive ways to limit or hold yourself accountable for your internet use. You know where your limits are, don't ride close to the cliff. Serve others. The deep joy that's found from connecting to real people is amazing. When someone smiles at you, surprises you with a note of thanks or helps you with your groceries think of how you feel. Small daily acts of kindness will allow you to see the difference between the fake promises of pornography and the promise of real intimacy & love. Learn about your addiction. Knowing is half the battle, was the line from the old GIJOE cartoons. Said another way, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Devote yourself to learning and you will be amazed at the strength you have to face and conquer your porn addiction. Trust in God. In all 12-step programs there is a key principle that invites the seeker of freedom to open up to their higher power. There's a very good reason for this. It is because our Heavenly Father from his unique vantage point is the only one that really knows what each of us is going through. He knows just exactly how you can find real lasting happiness. Turning to your God will open up doors for you to gain access to these truths. He is a God of truth. He will be your greatest friend. Be active. This is two tips in one. Exercising and doing productive work helps greatly. If you feel depressed, worthless or have low self-esteem, you can often find relief from working hard and by working out. My goal with these steps is to give hope and ideas to those seeking to know how to stop porn addiction from ruining their lives. I am assured that there is deliverance and hope to any and all true seekers of freedom from porn addiction. Hope and light can fill your mind and heard if you are sincere in your search.


How to Stop Porn Addiction & Find Happiness


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