Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kidney Infections Require Immediate Treatment

Pyelonephritis is the medical term for kidney infections. It leads to sever complications that affect the day to day activities. Hence, the patient undergoes sever pain during the disease. It is mainly found among women due to their anatomy which makes them susceptible to the infections.

The infection occurs due to presence of kidney stones or kidney abnormalities. These factors hamper the functioning of kidneys that transport the urine to the urinary bladder through the ureters. Hence, the decreased activity initiates the formation of bacterial microbes that worsen the situation.


It can also occur as an after effect of bladder infections. Sometimes, the doctors fail to cure bladder syndrome, hence the bacterium creeps to the kidneys and leads to kidney infections. Initially, the bacterium resides in the bowel and moves to the urinary tract due to improper toilet hygiene.

This infectious disease leads to severe fatigue and illness. The patient is unable to work for long hours or conduct his day to day activities. Moreover, one can experience sever pain while passing the urine. Sometimes, the pain is unbearable and accompanied with blood or pus in urine. However, the symptoms may vary from person to person.

Hence, it is necessary to undergo treatment to heal the disease. The patient is asked to undergo a urinalysis or urine culture to detect the exact cause behind the infection. These tests detect the bacterium responsible for the kidney infections. Hence, the doctor should subscribe a suitable medicine for the treatment of the disease.

Usually, an antibiotic medicine is recommended for the infectious disease. A patient suffering from the Kidney Infections is asked to maintain proper hygiene and drink adequate water for proper functioning of urinary tract. So, undergo proper treatment so that the infection doesn't damages your kidneys or lead to kidney scarring.

Kidney Infections Require Immediate Treatment


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