Saturday, September 10, 2011

Impingement Syndrome Shoulder Exercises to Stop the Pain and the Pinching Fast

A program of impingement syndrome shoulder exercises should be the foundation for a fast and effective recovery from the painful, pinching shoulder disorder that can last many months if treated only with traditional methods. Such treatments always include anti inflammatories because this is exactly what they do, reduce an inflammation.

As an Impingement Syndrome is the result of the inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons and the bursa, respectively called Tendonitis and Bursitis, it is normal to be prescribed anti inflammatories because they do reduce inflammation and pain for a while. However, the Impingement Syndrome is a self feeding condition whereas the inflamed tendons and the bursa are constantly irritated by moving the arm in all daily activities.


As the sufferer moves his/her arm, the friction within the shoulder joint space between bursa and tendons causes an even greater swelling and inflammation, leading to an increasingly smaller subacromial space within the shoulder joint which in turn results in more inflammation and swelling and so on.

The problem is that anti inflammatories only cure the symptoms and reduce inflammation temporarily, but they do nothing to prevent the inflammation from arising in the first place, leading to dependency. Instead, a program of impingement syndrome shoulder exercises targets the disorder at its root, naturally eliminating inflammation, swelling, pinching and pain by strengthening the four rotator cuff muscles and tendons with specific rotational exercises.

These internal and external rotational exercises stimulate the cuff, recover good posture and recover it from inflammation because a stronger rotator cuff is keener to heal naturally than an inactive one or one with poor posture and addicted to anti inflammatories. Once the rehabilitation starts taking effects, the swelling of the bursa and the tendons subsides, the pinching disappears and the pain goes away naturally.

Other remedies include ice packs or even surgery. While cold temperature is useful at reducing inflammation, it is only temporarily so and needs constant re-applications without significantly cutting down recovery times. Surgery can be mostly avoided except in the most sever cases. Instead, impingement syndrome shoulder exercises provide the adequate answer for a fast and effective rehabilitation of the shoulder functionality, eliminating pain and clicking naturally in a fraction of time.

It is normal for an Impingement Syndrome to last many months, sometimes few years, leaving the sufferer in a chronic condition of pain, discomfort and dependency on anti inflammatories. But this does not need to be so.

Impingement Syndrome Shoulder Exercises to Stop the Pain and the Pinching Fast


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