Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ringing In Ear - What Is The Cause

Tinnitus, or ringing in ear, has been experienced by almost everyone at one time or another. This ringing in ear may be high or low pitched and vary but do not have an external cause.

A ringing in the ears has a somewhat mystical aura, because it can be heard only by the person. The ringing in ear comes from within and may be in one or both ears, short or long in duration and it may be constant or intermittent.


About 20 percent, of the nearly 50 million people who are bothered by ringing in ear, have severe symptoms. This ringing in ear is a symptom not a disease and is not by itself threatening to your health. A loud noise environment may be the cause of this ringing in ear.

If you work in a loud noise environment around heavy, noisy machinery you may want to wear ear protection to cut down on the decibels of the noise. Loud noise can generate a hearing loss and damage the sensitive hair inside your ear. You may even hear a ringing in ear in the absence of real sound. It is best to minimize your exposure to loud noise as much as possible.

When do the ringing in ear symptoms appear

Symptoms may appear after an airplane trip or deep sea diving, especially if you start out nursing a cold or allergy. You may have dizziness and feel like your ears are plugged. This kind of ringing in ear is known as barotrauma and will usually clear up on it own.

If you decide to take some over the counter medicine and you are taking a prescription medication be sure to check with your health professional before doing so. The ringing noise in the ear may even sound like a heart beat.

If the sound is of a pulsatile nature, the arteries in the brain could be widening and you could have an aneurysm. Nevertheless the ringing in ear is almost always the result of damage to the nerve that carries hearing messages back to the brain, and that can be cause by a tumor or by diabetes, pernicious anemia or the herpes or chicken pox viruses, or any other factor that damages nerves.

Depending on the individual case, a doctor may prescribe a special hearing aid radio to be placed in the ear. It gives off a signal that blocks the ringing in ear. But a simpler treatment is to use a FM radio and turn it on between stations and raise the volume. FM static can often block the ringing in ear and allow the person to sleep at night.

Ringing In Ear - What Is The Cause


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