Friday, January 6, 2012

The Power Of Friendship - Health Benefits

"There are not many things in life so beautiful as true friendship, and not many things more uncommon."

Recent studies revealed that Americans have 1/3 less friends today than they did twenty years ago. Although technology is helping us to work faster and more efficiently, it is also keeping people from having the personal touch that they once experienced. One could argue that technology has allowed connections that otherwise wouldn't exist for example, emails and recent social network boom in recent years-Myspace, Facebook, Skype, and even text messaging.


Regardless of how we connect with our friends, convenience has become a commodity and often times friendship suffers as a result of the lack of personal interaction. There are several other legitimate factors that we can think of that makes it difficult to keep in touch with our friends regardless of distance; however, to the degree that we value relationships, we should make necessary means to stay connected. We may want to take a closer look at friendships according to recent landmark UCLA research on Women and Friendship.

Having friends can actually help you to live better and longer according to scientists. The benefits of having friends is so astounding, that scientists from UCLA testify to that fact being with your friends can decrease the stomach-quivering stress that most people encounter on a regular basis.

Let's assume that it's healthy friendships, as we know that sometimes being around the certain friends can bring on stress as appose to reduce stress!

Webster's 1828 definition of friendship is "one who has sufficient interest to serve another; genuine, pure real, not counterfeit, adulterated or false. True friendship is a noble and virtuous attachment, springing from a pure source, a respect for worth or amiable qualities."

I recently came across a quote that is an accurate depiction true friend, "A faithful friend is like a strong defense, he that finds such a one has found a treasure." If you've watched the movie, "National Treasure," you know those treasure hunters go through extremes to find that which is valuable. Friends are described as treasures because it is also something that has to be searched out. It is rare that you will find such a treasure of a friend in your life merely by chance.

I love the other point this quote makes- a faithful friends is a strong defense. Defense is described as, any thing that opposes attack, violence, danger or injury; any thing that secures the person, fortification; guard; protection; security. A wall, a barricade, safeguard. Just as God is the defense of the righteous, as a faithful friend is a defense to one another.

If we place "strong" in front of each of those verbs: guard, security, barricade, safeguard, we can accurately say, a faithful friend is a strong guard, a strong security, a strong barricade, and a strong safeguard. Now that is "The Power of Friendship!"

Solomon who was the wisest man in all the world quotes in Ecclesiastes, "Two people are better off than one; for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble." (NLV)

In fact friendship is so vital for the quality of life we have that a significant study by UCLA shows that women react to stress with a stream of brain chemicals that cause them to make and maintain friendships with other women.

The hormone "oxytocin" is released as a part of this stress reaction in women that encourages her to tend to children or be with her friends. Have you noticed that even after a long stressful day at work, that new mom's can't wait to get home to be with their baby?

When women take part in a nurturing friendship relationship, research shows that more "oxytocin" gets released, which then further reduces stress and creates a calming effect. This calming effect does not take place in men, unfortunately. The reason that this is not as effective in men is because when men have stress, they produce high levels of testosterone which reduces the effects of "oxytocin" release rather then promote it. Estrogen levels in women enhance oxytocin release.

"What is oxytocin?" It is considered to be the "love" hormone that causes attachment, connection, nurturing, bonding, and mothering. It's even the same hormone that is released when mother bonds with her baby at birth.

Repetitive research has discovered that social connections decrease the risk of disease by lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol. You can cut your risk of death by 60% just having a greater number of friends over a 9 year period. These findings are so incredible that studies have concluded that not having close friends or confidants was as damaging to your health as being a smoker or overweight!

According Dr. Josselson, PHD, and co-author of Best Friends: The Pleasures and Perils of Girls' and Women's Friendship; "Women should be careful and NOT put their girlfriends on the back burners. Every time we get overly busy with work and family, the first thing we do is let go of friendships with other women, push them right to the back burner. That is really unfortunate because women are such a source of strength to each other. We nurture one another." There is a comforting effect that women experience when in one another's presence.

Getting together with our girlfriends in a healthy atmosphere fosters intimacy, a closeness, times of laughter, joy, and bonding, which ultimately makes us healthier and happier! Ladies, lets schedule some girl time and get those oxytocin hormones flowing. You heard the saying, "If mama's happy-everyone's happy!" Don't neglect those treasures! "Life's truest happiness is found in friendships we make along the way."


Glamour Magazine, April 2008

The Power Of Friendship - Health Benefits


Gout Treatments - What to Do When Gout Flares Up

If you are having a gout attack you hurt, you are in pain and want some help. What do you do?

The first thing that you do is call your health care provider. When you first experience the symptoms of a gout attack, call immediately. There are medications that will have more effect when they are taken early in the gout attack.


When you talk to your health care provider, tell them everything. Tell them what medications you are taking, both prescription and over the counter. When you are talking to your health care provider make sure that you tell them what you ate and what herbal supplements and vitamins you are taking. All of this is important since combinations of what you are taking will have an effect on what your treatment plan will be.

Once your health care provider has determined a treatment plan expressly for you, follow the instructions you have been given to the letter. If you ask your health care provider for help to alleviate your pain during the gout attack; then follow the directions that you have been given. If you are told to rest, then rest. Rest is important during a gout flare-up. If you don't rest you increase the chances that you will have another gout flare-up quicker.

Ice is often used when a patient has a gout flare-up. Ice is often utilized to reduce swelling and inflammation. If your health care provider recommends that you apply ice to the affected joint make sure that you completely understand how long to leave ice on the joint and how often to apply an ice pack.

Once you get through the gout flare-up, make an appointment to discuss your condition with your health care provider. Part of the treatment for gout is preventing future gout attacks; not simply what you have to do during an attack. Once again, your health care provider will make recommendations to you that will help you keep from having another painful gout flare-up. You will be much more comfortable by preventing a gout flare-up than suffering through the pain of having your gout cause you problems.

Gout Treatments - What to Do When Gout Flares Up


Get Rid of Athlete's Foot - Learn How to Totally Cure Athlete's Foot

You don't have to be a sports figure to have athlete's foot. It's a condition that will plague you if the environment in your feet is ideal for the micro-organisms that cause it. Athlete's foot is a name given to the itchy lesions that appear in feet, often found between the toes. It's a very bothersome condition and it is important to cure it immediately. If you want to get rid of it, here are some important things you must know.

What causes athlete's foot?


To cure athlete's foot or tinea pedis means understanding what it is and what causes it. The culprit in this case is fungi, which normally lives on our skin. They are usually harmless, but when there are changes in the skin's environment that encourages fungi to grow, this often results to fungal infections such as athlete's foot.

What does athlete's foot look like?

Athlete's foot begins as a scaly, flaky patch of skin that is very itchy. Scratching it will not stop the itch and may sometimes aggravate the discomfort. If left untreated, skin may crack and blisters may appear which expose the tissue underneath. The affected area may become inflamed and painful.

Is athlete's foot found in other areas of the body other than the feet?

The fungus that causes athlete's foot can infect other parts of the body like the knees, groin, elbows, armpits and even the feet. Once it moves to another part of the body, it's no longer called athlete's foot. If it settles in the groin area, for example, it will be known as jock itch and its medical term will be tinea cruris.

How do I cure athlete's foot?

If you already have athlete's foot, your first line of defense should be medications with antifungal properties. Your doctor will most probably prescribe topical creams and ointments that contain miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine or itraconazole. These creams are usually applied two or three times a day on clean feet. If infection has already started because of the exposed flesh, your doctor might also prescribe antibiotics to prevent further damage.

Take the recommended dosage and make sure you complete the full course of treatment to cure athlete's foot. A common mistake among athlete's foot sufferers is that they stop treatment just after the itching and inflammation disappear. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean the fungi are destroyed. It usually takes about two weeks for the symptoms to disappear so you'll have to keep using the medication for another week or so to complete the treatment. If the condition is severe, treatment can even take about 45 days or longer.

What can I do to totally cure athlete's foot?

To completely cure it, you must prevent the fungus responsible from acting up again. This type of fungus prefers warm, moist environments so it's important to keep your feet dry as much as possible, especially the area between the toes. Change your socks daily and wash your socks and beddings in 60C water.

Athlete's foot can transfer from one individual to another. If you have it, don't share your shoes, flip-flops, towels or clothes to anyone else. Keep athlete's foot at bay by not borrowing personal items from others. Wear rubber sandals in bathrooms, changing rooms and swimming pools. Prevent sweaty feet by using antifungal powders, creams or sprays. Wear socks made of natural fiber such as cotton to help absorb moisture.

Get Rid of Athlete's Foot - Learn How to Totally Cure Athlete's Foot


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dog Eye Diseases - The 8 Most Common Types

Dog eye diseases are oftentimes genetic, however others are the natural result of aging. Many eye problems are associated to the loose skin of the face, which happens in mixed breeds and purebreds alike. Traumatic eye diseases are sometimes caused by hereditary characteristics, although they might not always be related to genetics.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy:
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is a serious hereditary eye disease caused by the deterioration of retinal cells, resulting in the dog not being able to see stationary objects. It causes vision impairment by about five years of age. Purebred breeding stock should be tested for this disease. Ask your veterinarian about the various certifying agencies such as CERF. Some affected dogs are treated, however cure is unlikely. A dog affected with PRA can lose his vision, but blindness isn't fatal. If the vision decreases slowly, the dog can adapt and live a normal life as a pet.


A dog may inherit a predisposition for this condition, which may cause symptoms at any age. It's not a serious threat to the life of the dog, but if it's determined to be hereditary, affected dogs should not be bred. Entropion is caused by excess skin around the dog's eyes, which causes the lids of the dog's eyes (upper or lower) to roll inward. With the rolling skin, the hair of the eyelids rubs on the dog's cornea, causing severe irritation. Secondary conjunctivitis generally accompanies entropion, and the dog often squints in discomfort. This condition is easily fixed by a comparatively simple surgical procedure.

Ectropion is another surgically correctable eyelid problem. If too much loose facial skin causes the eyelids to sag excessively, the exposed conjunctiva is subject to infection. Predisposition for this condition is sometimes inherited, but may occur in mixed breeds.

Corneal Scratches and Ulcers:
These are usually traumatic in nature, though in some breeds ulcers can occur spontaneously and are considered to be genetically transmitted. Simple dust irritation or foreign bodies such as grass seeds that are picked up under the eyelids often cause dogs to scratch and rub at their eyes. Toenails can cause corneal scratches as well. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is needful. If unattended, the dog's constant scratching could cause the cornea to tear, and loss of sight ensues, sometimes followed by a loss of the eye. Whenever the dog squints, rubs his eyes, holds it closed, and it looks reddened and inflamed, rush him to your veterinarian.

Cherry Eye:
The nictitating membrane, also called the third eyelid, usually appears as a tiny pink structure located at the inside corner (nasal canthus) of the eye. If that membrane becomes irritated, it spreads out over the entire eye surface. If the gland located on the underneath side of the membrane becomes inflamed, it will swell and cause the whole third eyelid to turn wrong-side-out. This results in a horrible-appearing red mass, which, amazingly, doesn't appear to bother the dog in the least. Cherry eye is easily diagnosed, and if no cause is determined, can be treated either by surgical removal of the gland or occasionally by medication to combat the swelling and infection. A predisposition for cherry eye can be inherited.

Normally a condition found in older dogs, cataracts may be hereditary. A cataract is an opacity within the lens, which lies directly behind the iris. Eventually causing blindness, this condition can't be treated medically. Cataract or lens removal is surgically possible. Surgery is expensive, and even when performed by specially qualified veterinary ophthalmologists, it could have complications.

This disease is often genetically transmitted. It results when the fluid pressure within the eyeball increases, causing significant discomfort and possible blindness. Glaucoma is diagnosed with special veterinary equipment and is treated both medically and surgically with fair success.

Pigmentary Keratitis (PK):
A condition caused by the invasion of blood vessels into the normally clear cornea, PK is usually genetically linked with certain breeds. German Shepherds are probably the breed in which this disease is encountered most frequently. Invading vessels transport pigment into the cornea and deposit it there, and if allowed to advance unchecked, PK will in time cause a physical blockage to vision. The invasion of blood vessels can usually be controlled by the application of medication into the eye, or by injecting steroids into the critical point between the cornea and sclera (white) of the eye.

Dog Eye Diseases - The 8 Most Common Types


Fenugreek - Fights Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity

Although fenugreek seeds are used extensively in the recipes of countries in the Middle and Far East, in the West it is not as well known as many other spices.
Not only does fenugreek impart a characteristic flavour and tang to food but it also has several very important disease preventing characteristics.

In traditional medicine, fenugreek has been used to treat a number of conditions including diabetes, sore throats, and in poultices used to treat sores and abscesses. Recent investigations into the medicinal properties of this spice suggest it is important not only as a preventive for chronic diseases such as diabetes, but also for enhancing normal physiological processes, especially with respect to athletic


As with most spices it contains many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds such as apigenin,
genistein, kaempferol, quercetin, rutin, selenium and superoxide-dismutase. It also contains compounds such as trigonelline that has shown to prevent the degeneration of nerve cells in neuro-degenerative diseases.

Medicinal properties of fenugreek

Cardiovascular disease and blood lipids

Fenugreek has a strong modulating effect on blood lipid levels and can substantially reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. In diabetics, who usually suffer lipid imbalances, it has demonstrated a remarkable ability to lower cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL levels while raising HDL levels. Another property of fenugreek is the reduction of platelet aggregation which, in turn, dramatically reduces the risk of abnormal blood clotting associated with heart attacks and strokes. Like most spices, fenugreek also contains many important antioxidants and has the added benefit of protecting other dietary and internally produced antioxidants from free-radical damage. This has important cardioprotective benefits, as well as helping to fortify the body against a range of other chronic conditions.


Fenugreek, which has comparable antidiabetic potency to cinnamon, is one of the most valuable spices for the control of glucose metabolism and thus the prevention and treatment of Type II diabetes.
Owing to its many properties it helps in the prevention and treatment of diabetes in several ways.

Working in a similar way to the common antidiabetic drug glibenclamide, fenugreek lowers cellular insulin resistance and controls blood glucose homeostasis. It has been shown to lower blood glucose levels of Type II diabetics by as much as 46 percent.

It also increases the levels of several important antioxidants and reduces the damaging oxidation of lipids associated with diabetes.

As an added bonus, fenugreek seeds are a very rich in a type of dietary fibre that modulates post-prandial blood glucose levels by delaying the absorption of sugar in the intestines. This mucilaginous fiber also reduces the absorption of fat and cholesterol from the intestines thus providing additional protection against heart disease and obesity.


Fenugreek is also effective against diabetes-related cataracts which occur commonly in diabetics. The enzymes that control glucose uptake into the lens of the eye do not function normally in diabetics and, as a result, glucose and its metabolites, fructose and sorbitol, accumulate in the lens tissues. The lenses of diabetic patients are also prone damage by enzymes that would normally protect against destructive free radicals, and a combination of these factors leads to the gradual opacification of the lens known as a cataract. As fenugreek has been shown to partially reverse both the metabolic changes in the lens and to reduce the density of the cataract, it is likely to be even more effective as a prophylactic agent against cataract formation in diabetics.

Alzheimer's and other neuro-degenerative diseases

Fenugreek contains the compound trigonellene that has shown to stimulate the regeneration of brain cells. This property has stimulated further research to see whether it can help in the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.


One of the greatest difficulties facing athletes who compete in endurance events is maintaining a readily available supply of energy in the body. In order to achieve this, muscle carbohydrate stores, in the form of glycogen, must be continuously replenished. In an event lasting more than one-and-a-half hours, glycogen stores become depleted, and for the remainder of the event the athlete has to rely on external sources of energy, such as high carbohydrate drinks, which are inferior to glycogen as an energy source. Post event re-synthesis of glycogen is also very important, and the two hours immediately following prolonged exercise is the crucial time for this process to occur.

Fenugreek has been shown to have a strong effect on glycogen replenishment; increasing post-event re-synthesis by over 60 percent in some endurance athletes. While its effects on glycogen re-synthesis during an event have yet to be tested, fenugreek is likely to exhibit a similarly beneficial effect during, as well as after, exercise.


Fenugreek is one of the richest sources of phytoestrogens and is thus a very useful spice for women who have low oestrogen levels. Phytoestrogens are also thought to help protect against certain types of cancer, and fenugreek may well be proven to have anti-tumourigenic effects should this property be investigated in the future.


Fenugreek is one of the richest sources of selenium, which is among the most important antioxidant micronutrients. When consumed regularly, selenium appears to have a protective effect against a range of cancers, including those of the colon, lung and prostate. Recent evidence also shows that selenium helps to prevent the progression of HIV and other chronic viral illnesses.

While other spices like chilies and cinnamon hold the culinary and medicinal headlines, the research into fenugreek is showing us that this spice has health benefits on a par with, or even superior to, those of the better known spices.

However it is important to appreciate that synergism between different spices enhances the bioavailability and efficacy of their respective bioactive compounds. Therefore, to obtain optimum benefit from fenugreek, it is important to use it with other common spices in both the prevention and treatment of disease.

Fenugreek - Fights Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity


What is Red Thread Lawn Disease and How to Cure It?

Since ages, people tend to adopt various measures to avoid the varied range of diseases that can harm the lawns. Among the various known lawn diseases, the red thread lawn disease can sometimes prove out to be severest and thus results in killing the entire grass of the lawn area. Therefore it is recommended to learn in advance about its symptoms and cures. This would help you in tackling any future problems related to this disease.

Identifying the Disease


Before learning about related aspects of the red thread disease, it is primarily important to know about its characteristics like shape, color, etc. This disease can be identified as a brown patch with reddish tinge placed at any part of the lawn. These patches at the affected area are commonly found in irregular shapes. Ironically, you can only completely identify the disease once it reaches its more advanced stages. When the pink fungus mycelium of the disease finally grows up to 1/16" to ¼" length of the leaves, you can surely mark it as affected by the red thread infection. This fungus then passes on to another nearby areas, and thus affects the whole plantation. It is also to be noted that the disease also gets transferred from the lawn mower since the mycelium can easily get loose and pass on to the related areas.

The red thread lawn disease is commonly caused by the laetisaria fuciformis / corticium fuciforme fungus. The temperature surroundings of the lawn also play a major role in disease occurrence. The lawn with temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit have more probability of getting affected by the disease. The disease mostly occurs during the autumn and spring seasons. During summers, the fungus may survive up to 2 years.

The Cure

It is essential to learn about the curing tips of the disease otherwise it may transfer the fungus from the infected blade of grass to the whole of grass. This may further result in killing the lawn grass. In order to prevent the onset of the disease, the following measures are recommended-

· Since the lawn with lack of nitrogen is more susceptible to the disease therefore make sure to use a high quality fertilizer with adequate nitrogen percentage.
· A well drained lawn helps in avoiding the fungus of the disease.
· During autumn, always aerate the lawn through a hollow spike lawn aerator.
· Make sure to regularly remove the lawn thatches.
· However, if the disease have already attacked a grass blade, you can prevent the spread of red thread lawn disease by adopting the following measures-
· Mow and burn the grass clippings collected from the infected area.
· You can also use fungicides, especially during wet weather. It is recommended to use fungicides that contain carbendazim or benomyl.

Initially the red thread disease affects a blade of grass, which further gets spread to the rest of the lawn area. Make sure to follow the above mentioned curing measures well in advance to prevent your lawn from perishing.

What is Red Thread Lawn Disease and How to Cure It?


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Poor Blood Circulation - Your Leg Pain Could Be Peripheral Arterial Disease

A lot of times during the course of taking care of patients with type 2 diabetes, the discussion wanders casually to 'poor circulation'.

It may go something like; 'You know I always have poor circulation in my feet'.


Well here is what you need to know. Poor circulation is not normal. Poor circulation may be a sign of a more serious condition called peripheral arterial disease.

What are some factors that put a person at risk of developing peripheral arterial disease?

Cigarette smoking. In one study people who smoked had an increased risk of:

Type 2 diabetes especially in those over the age of 50 High cholesterol levels High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) People over the age of 70 If you have had blocked arteries elsewhere. This is calledatherosclerosis. Examples would be angina (chest pains) or a heart attack, strokes or kidney disease.

You may notice that a lot of the above factors, except cigarette smoking, type 2 diabetics are at risk of developing anyway.

Now do you see why poor circulation is something that cannot be ignored?

Peripheral arterial disease is the leading cause of non-traumatic amputations in the United States.

I have met some myths in people with type 2 diabetes, especially African-Americans. One of these myths was that if you are diagnosed with diabetes, that eventually your legs would get cut off.

In fact they usually could tell me stories of friends or relatives that this had happened to.

A myth does not have to become self-fulfilling prophecy.

I want to dispel this myth. I want to prove that people living with diabetes do not have to give up on life. They don't have to wait for their legs to get amputated. End up on dialysis, suffer a heart attack or stroke.

In order to change a statistic, we need to increase our awareness.

How do you know if you have peripheral arterial disease?

A common complaint that people have is claudication. Claudication causes pain and/or cramps in the legs. They may start to walk. Have to stop because of the pain. And then start to walk again. Then they have to stop again.

As peripheral arterial disease gets worse, the pain in the legs may occur even when at rest. A lot of people may describe this as cramps in the legs, or a 'Charlie horse'. Peripheral arterial disease may cause less hair on the legs. The toenails may become brittle and break off easily. The skin may also get darker in color and shiny.

How is peripheral arterial disease diagnosed?

It is straightforward to diagnose someone with peripheral arterial disease when they already come in complaining of 'poor circulation'. So the person who complains of pain while walking that stops them in their tracks or even pain at rest, most likely has peripheral artery disease.

Your doctor most likely will refer you to a vascular specialist.

Here are some tests that may be done:

Ankle-brachial index (ABI)

This is a test that measures the resting blood pressure at the ankle compared to the blood pressure in the arm. Sometimes the test may be normal. So the doctor may have them exercise by walking on a treadmill. Or by taking a brisk walk outside. The normal value for the ABI is between 0.9-1.3.

Segmental Blood Pressure Testing

In this test, the blood pressure is taken at different levels of the leg. For instance the thigh, the calf, and the ankle. The readings are then compared to decide where the blockage is.

Imaging Tests

There are different imaging tests. Ultrasound, CT angiograms and Magnetic resonance angiograms are all examples of imaging studies that can be done. The vascular disease specialist decides what test gets done.

If the symptoms get worse, then the specialist may need to order a more detailed invasive test called an arteriogram. This will help map out exactly where the blockage is. At times surgery may even be needed.

How can you prevent peripheral arterial disease?

You can reduce your risks of developing peripheral arterial disease by making adjustments in your lifestyle. Also follow the medical treatment plan that your doctor recommends.

It is very important to make sure that you follow up with your doctor regularly.

So if you are a person living with type 2 diabetes and you smoke, quit smoking.

Get your cholesterol checked and if it is high, then make sure that it is treated. Lowering the cholesterol to less than 100 mg/dL will help to reduce the symptoms of claudication.

If you have high blood pressure, take your medications. And make sure that you keep your blood pressure under 130/80 mm hg.

If you have had a heart attack, stroke or have angina make sure that you are being properly treated for these conditions. They increase your risk for peripheral artery disease.

Think of the circulatory system in the body like the plumbing in your house.

If the sink gets clogged up one day, there's a fair chance that the toilet may get clogged another day. This is because as your house gets older the plumbing system will need to be unclogged from time to time.

The same thing with cholesterol build up (called atherosclerosis) in the circulatory system of the body.


Your doctor or the vascular specialist may also start you on medications for peripheral artery disease.

Always remember that you can prevent peripheral arterial disease. And even if you do get symptoms, the important thing is to treat it early.

Let's reduce amputations from peripheral arterial disease. So remember if you have 'poor circulation' please schedule an appointment to see a healthcare provider immediately.

Poor Blood Circulation - Your Leg Pain Could Be Peripheral Arterial Disease


Colloidal Silver Side Effects

Colloidal Silver - though considered a powerful germicide - when taken in excess amounts can be a potential toxin to living tissues. As silver has no known biological function in the human body, it will be excreted within 24 hours. But, only a small quantity - approximately 50 mcg per day - can be excreted. The remaining silver particles are deposited under the skin and tissues as silver sulfide. This probably leads to many health issues.

Argyria is one of the serious side effects caused by the prolonged ingestion of colloidal silver. It is a dermatological condition, characterized by grayish-blue pigmentation of the whole body. No effective treatment is available for argyria. However, no known cases of argyria have been reported from pure and protein-free colloidal silver.


Excess colloidal silver consumption can even cause arteriosclerosis or the hardening of arteries. If left unchecked, arteriosclerosis often ends up in a heart attack. Deposition of colloid silver on the tissues results in organ damage and it also affects the normal immune processes. Intake of large doses can also cause neurological problems like seizures. Other possible side effects include stomach distress, headaches, skin irritations, and fatigue.

Sometimes, colloidal silver reacts with certain drugs like thyroxine, penacillamine, quinolones, and tetracyclines. So, great care must be taken while using these products, especially during pregnancy. Individuals with kidney trouble and liver disease should also limit the intake of colloidal silver, as they are more susceptible to silver toxicity.

In the light of the above facts, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has refused to approve the use of colloidal silver supplements for medicinal purposes. No colloidal silver ingredients or products are considered safe or effective. Moreover, the FDA has taken serious action against many companies for making unsubstantiated drug-claims for their over-the-counter colloidal silver products. Only those products approved under the FDA?s drug application procedure can be sold as drugs.

Colloidal Silver Side Effects


Ringing In Ear - What Is The Cause

Tinnitus, or ringing in ear, has been experienced by almost everyone at one time or another. This ringing in ear may be high or low pitched and vary but do not have an external cause.

A ringing in the ears has a somewhat mystical aura, because it can be heard only by the person. The ringing in ear comes from within and may be in one or both ears, short or long in duration and it may be constant or intermittent.


About 20 percent, of the nearly 50 million people who are bothered by ringing in ear, have severe symptoms. This ringing in ear is a symptom not a disease and is not by itself threatening to your health. A loud noise environment may be the cause of this ringing in ear.

If you work in a loud noise environment around heavy, noisy machinery you may want to wear ear protection to cut down on the decibels of the noise. Loud noise can generate a hearing loss and damage the sensitive hair inside your ear. You may even hear a ringing in ear in the absence of real sound. It is best to minimize your exposure to loud noise as much as possible.

When do the ringing in ear symptoms appear

Symptoms may appear after an airplane trip or deep sea diving, especially if you start out nursing a cold or allergy. You may have dizziness and feel like your ears are plugged. This kind of ringing in ear is known as barotrauma and will usually clear up on it own.

If you decide to take some over the counter medicine and you are taking a prescription medication be sure to check with your health professional before doing so. The ringing noise in the ear may even sound like a heart beat.

If the sound is of a pulsatile nature, the arteries in the brain could be widening and you could have an aneurysm. Nevertheless the ringing in ear is almost always the result of damage to the nerve that carries hearing messages back to the brain, and that can be cause by a tumor or by diabetes, pernicious anemia or the herpes or chicken pox viruses, or any other factor that damages nerves.

Depending on the individual case, a doctor may prescribe a special hearing aid radio to be placed in the ear. It gives off a signal that blocks the ringing in ear. But a simpler treatment is to use a FM radio and turn it on between stations and raise the volume. FM static can often block the ringing in ear and allow the person to sleep at night.

Ringing In Ear - What Is The Cause


7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

Almost everyone is troubled by constipation once in a while, but when constipation is prolonged or becomes chronic then it becomes a serious health problem and needs to be dealt with. In this article I will give some natural, life-style based, tips that you can use to prevent and cure constipation.

Before I go on to the tips, it should be remembered that while constipation by itself is uncomfortable and annoying, it becomes more than an annoyance if it is allowed to continue. Constipation plays a role in the onset of ailments such as cancer, heart disease, appendicitis, diabetes, hernia, abnormal menstruation and other diseases. If you are not able to move your bowels at least one time per day, then you need to take some action now if you want to prevent serious health problems later on in your life.


It is better not to try to solve the problem with laxatives alone. Like many medicines, laxatives treat the symptoms but do not offer a long-term cure to the problem. Here are some natural ways in which you can fight constipation:

1. Get plenty of fresh air each day

If you are cooped up in a room or office and don't go outside then your digestive system will not work properly. Kids who play outside seldom get constipated, and likewise for anyone who has a job which entails outdoor labor. Make it a point to go outside and take a walk in the fresh air each day. Breathe deeply and walk until you have worked up a sweat and then you will know that you have taken enough air.

2. Drink a lot of water

Water helps your digestive system to function. It is said that "water is a cure for all diseases." A healthy person should drink around four liters (quarts) of water per day. Start the day with a glass of water and keep drinking continuously through the day. It is not good to drink all the water at one time, and it is especially bad for heart patients to drink a lot all in one sitting. If you have constipation in the morning, start drinking and keep drinking; the water will act as a natural laxative. It is also helpful to put a little bit of lemon and salt in the water.

3. Use the toilet as soon as you get an urge to "go"

Another old saying says that "If you are in doubt about whether to eat or not, then don't eat. However, if you are not sure whether or not to use the toilet, then use the toilet." Listen to the demands of your body and as soon as you get the call of nature, then respond. If you delay, then it may not be possible for you to move your bowels later on.

4. Eat fresh and fibrous foods daily

It is very important to include fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your daily diet. If you only eat processed foods and refined starch products then you are inviting constipation. When I am troubled by constipation I like to cure it with a "leafy lunch." I eat a big lettuce salad and a large portion of steamed spinach and it usually does the trick.

5. Squat at the toilet

In many parts of Asia you have no choice in the matter. The toilets are holes in the ground or porcelain holes and you are obliged to squat down to relieve yourself. This is the natural position for defecation and it is superior to sitting on the "porcelain throne" that is found in western toilets. You don't have to rip out your plumbing and dig a hole in the floor. You can get a better position by squatting on the rim of your toilet bowl. (You may find it strange, but no one will see you and it will definitely help you to eliminate the waste that is accumulating in your body).

6. Learn and practice yoga postures and mudras

There are several yoga postures that prevent constipation. These postures put gentle pressure on the digestive system and help the natural process of your body. Visit a competent instructor and ask for yoga postures that help the digestive system.

7. Exercise daily

One of the causes of constipation is a weak liver, and a major cause of liver weakness is lack of exercise. Combine exercise with the taking of fresh air, and walk briskly, jog or run, or practice some outdoor sport and you can overcome one of the root causes of constipation.

Finally, if you really want to relieve the problem immediately, you can flush out your intestines with a half liter to one liter of warm water. Here's how to do it: add the juice of one lemon to the water and then add plenty of salt (a tablespoon should do the trick and the solution should taste both lemony and salty). The more salt you add the surer the water will move through the body without being absorbed. If you do a full day's fast or a half day's fast before taking the lemon water, then you can get excellent results.

Incorporate these points into your daily life and you will seldom be troubled by constipation.

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Allergies in Dogs

Allergies are one of the most common complaints among dog owners. Truly, not too many puppies have allergies their first year but many are already becoming sensitized to things in their environment. If your puppy already shows signs of allergies, and some do, don't hesitate to get it treated. You may head off a lifetime of trouble if you get a handle on it early. Allergies get worse every year if left untreated.

Allergies usually materialize in the form of small skin eruptions, rashes, hair loss, itching, moist or oozing dermatitis, and ear infections. Dogs will over wash themselves, chew, scratch, and rub to alleviate the sensations which in turn makes them worse.



Allergies are such that your dog may be exposed to a pathogen one year and show no outward signs of ailment...this time. Next time he comes in contact, it will create a reaction, maybe small at first, but each time he is getting more sensitized and each time the reaction will be a little, or a lot worse. We often hear owners saying, "he never had this problem before". Yeah, we know, that's how it works.

Dogs can develop allergies to any number of things such as grass, trees, shrubs, dust mites, molds, and most commonly...fleas. If your dog has an allergy to something, it will take very little to set of a histamine reaction in his body. Dogs are most commonly allergic to things their skin touches rather than something they inhale. They may be allergic to pollen but it is usually a contact problem, not an inhalant one like with people.


Fleas are the most common cause of allergies by far. You may not even think your dog has fleas but it could only take one bite to set him off. One of the most important things you can do is protect him against fleas. Protect him aggressively and often. There are excellent products on the market now such as Advantage, Frontline, Revolution, and Sentinel. A couple of these require simple blood tests before they can be used because they also protect against heartworms. You must always make sure your dog is not infected before starting on heartworm medication.


It is also vital that you treat not only your pet but also his environment as best you can. Fleas can live anywhere. They reside quite nicely in your yard, grass, sand, dirt, carpet, bedding and anywhere else you can think of. And the are resilient. Persistence is a must. One study showed fleas that were found in Arctic Turns nests which were thawed out and found to be still viable after having been frozen for a long time.

The fleas life cycle must be broken to gain any sort of advantage at depleting their population. Treat the house, the yard, and your pets. Make sure you use products that are safe for all your pets. Cats and other small animals can be very sensitive to toxins. Please NEVER use over the counter products unless they are recommended by your veterinarian. Many of the products sold in stores are very dangerous and can be deadly, especially to cats.


There are many ways to treat your dog if he develops allergies. If it is not too bad you may only have minor flare ups in the summer which can be treated with oatmeal baths and antihistamines. The dogs who really suffer often require year round treatment, or at least aggressive treatment through their sensitive times of the year. A regimen may include injections of steroids, antihistamine and steroid tablets, a special diet, flea products, and frequent soothing baths.


Less that 10% of dogs who have allergies are allergic to what they eat. We often make that leap on our own because there are so many allergies with the human population. Not so with your dog. While it is quite possible. It is not usually the best place to start looking for solutions. Many dog food companies have created diets for those dogs who are sensitive to their diets however. Hills and Nature's Recipe are among the leaders. They make a variety of foods with ingredients that your dog won't have come in contact with. They may include venison, duck, whitefish, lamb, rice and potato.

The trick to ruling out a food allergy is to eliminate everything else they may put in their mouths and it will take up to 60 days to clear everything from their system. You must only change their diet but also eliminate treats unless they are just hand outs of the same biscuits he gets at meals. You must have him eat from stainless bowls. You must remove any chew toys, like rawhides, and cows hooves. This sounds easy but it must be maintained without hesitation or fail or else it will all be for not. Any contact will set you back to the beginning.


Dogs and usually allergic to more than one antigen. Most will react to varying degrees to a number of different things the come in contact with. While dogs are often allergic to pollens, it is not usually due to inhalation, but due to contact with the skin. If your dog has a severe sensitivity to grass for instance, you may need to wash off his feet every time he comes in from outside. Even just rinsing them will help prevent further involvement. He may need baths several times a week but only with specific types of treatments and direction from the veterinarian. The wrong things could aggravate instead of help the problem.

Dog allergies usually come in the form of dermatitis, some form of skin inflamation, itching, redness, hair loss, scratching, oozing, and ear infections. The animals are truly miserable and inconsolable. If you can get by with a few treatments in a season you should consider yourself lucky as allergies go. If you have a dog who is sensitive to something all year or hyper sensitive at certain times of the year you may need to explore allergy testing and injections.


Allergy testing is the best way to determine what exactly you are battling and how best to handle it. The tests are done either in the form of skin testing where part of the dog is shaved and tiny amounts of possible allergens are injected under or applied to the skin to see what he might react to. The areas are checked regularly for signs of reaction. Another is a blood test where the dogs blood is drawn and sent to a special laboratory who just does this type of blood work. The results can take a week or two but the answers come without further insult to the dogs skin.

An blood test will tell you not only what they are allergic to, but HOW allergic they are. It will show a titer, or a number out of normal range to help you and the vet understand how severe it is. The test will cover 20 or more different possible pathogens which are prominent in your part of the country and test the blood to all of them. You can also test for food allergies this way.

One other benefit of blood testing is that you have not only the vet and his experience but you also have the laboratory to help guide him with their vast and focused expertise. The labs will guide you through the many types of treatments that may be done at home and by the vet.


Once the blood work has determined what the dog is allergic to, the lab can make an antigen therapy which the dog will undergo to begin de-sensitizing him. The antigen vial will contain an injectable and sterile form of what the dog is allergic to. Tiny amounts are injected under the skin and regular intervals and strengths to allow the dogs body to start to build a tolerance to it. This can take months and may have to be done every so often to maintain the effect but it is the most promising form of treatment.

If your dog has severe allergies you and your vet will become well acquainted so make sure you and your dog are comfortable with them and their office. Allergies can be expensive, infuriating, frustrating, and time consuming but they can almost always be alleviated.

Allergies in Dogs


What Does That Headache Mean?

Headache is one of the most common medical complaints. Almost everyone experiences a headache from time to time. In the large majority of cases, it is a completely benign condition which is a nuisance and does not represent any significant or long-term medical problems. However, many people worry about a headache and are concerned that it could imply something much more serious. We all know the old "It's not a too-mah!" line and joke about it, but what do headaches really mean? Can they mean something more serious?

The answer is a definitive yes. Some very serious medical conditions can be associated with headache. However, I must state again that the very large majority of headaches do not imply anything serious. While millions, if not billions, of people on this planet experience headache in their lifetime, only a small percentage will every have a more serious, related condition diagnosed.


So how do you know? What does that headache mean? That is not an easy question to answer. In fact, there are physicians who spend their whole career specializing specifically in headache, its causes and its treatments. While there is no easy answer that covers all possibilities, this article will supply you with a handful of the most common causes and types of headaches, from the most harmless and benign to the medical emergencies. It will explain some of the differences that help to distinguish one type of headache from another. This is not an exhaustive list of every possible cause of headache, there are certainly others. It starts with some of the more common causes and moves on to more rare causes.

This article is not intended to offer medical advice. Every patient and headache is different. Only your personal physician can help counsel you about what is best for your particular situation. If you are concerned about a headache or headaches you are having, consult your doctor.

Stress/Tension Headache

By far the largest majority of headaches that most people experience are what is known as a Tension Headache, or some similar variant. While the exact cause of these headaches is not known and probably varies from patient to patient, this benign type of headache is usually associated with stress and muscle tension or spasm of the neck, facial or head muscles. While their severity, location and characteristics can vary, they are almost always harmless and do not represent any more serious underlying problem. This is the typical headache most of us have experienced when you are over-tired, over-worked, or stressed. Tension headaches do not cause other neurological symptoms. If other symptoms are present, it should raise the question of another diagnosis.

Sinus Headache

The paranasal sinuses are mucosa-lined chambers in the bone of the skull and face. There are several of them surrounding the nasal passages. Normally, mucous secretions that are produced in the sinuses flow out of openings into the nasal passage. However, if a sinus is obstructed so that its contents cannot exit, the pressure inside the sinuses can build up. This can occur with mucosal swelling associated with allergy (allergic rhinitis or hay fever) or with infection such as a cold or sinus infection. When pressure builds up inside a sinus, it can cause pain. While some sinuses (such as the large maxillary sinuses) are in the face, most are associated with the base of the skull. This pain can be interpreted and described as headache. While these sinus headaches can occur in anyone with a "stuffed nose" of any cause, patients who have chronic sinus problems with recurrent sinus infections can often have quite severe pain associated with this condition.

Migraine Headache

A migraine headache is a specific type of headache which is thought to be of vascular or neurologic origin. They are more common in women and in some patients can occur regularly, often following a particular part of the menstrual cycle. While they traditionally are described as causing pain on only one side of the head, they can occasionally cause pain on both sides of the head as well. In addition to the headache, other neurological symptoms usually accompany the headache. For example, many patients describe having an "aura" prior to the onset of the headache. These can vary but the patient generally has some symptom that lets them know a headache is coming. They can even experience seemingly focal neurological symptoms such as a scatoma (a temporary blind spot in their field of vision) or other visual changes. Photophobia, avoiding bright lights, can occur as well. Finally, many patients experience nausea and even vomiting. All of these neurological effects do not occur in a typical tension headache and help to distinguish migraines. However, some of the symptoms of migraine, particularly the nausea and vomiting and photophobia, are similar to symptoms of more serious causes of headache such as subarachnoid hemorrhage or meningitis. Therefore, those more serious disorders should be ruled out before classifying a headache as a migraine.

Cluster Headache

Cluster headaches are a unique neurological form of headache with an unknown cause. These extremely painful attacks are usually only on one side and is often described as a stabbing or boring pain that is located behind the eye. It usually occurs suddenly and periodically, followed by periods of remission. In addition to pain, which can be extraordinarily severe and one of the most painful conditions a human can endure, cluster headaches are characterized by symptoms that seem to come from the autonomic nervous system. These include ptosis (a drooping eyelid on the same side), tearing, runny nose, redness of the eye and even facial redness, swelling and/or sweating. These symptoms all occur only on the same side as the headache. Some patients describe certain triggers that set off attacks, such as ingestion of alcohol or exposure to heat.


Meningitis is an infection of the coverings of the brain, the meninges, and the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, the cerebrospinal fluid. It can be caused by viruses or by bacteria. While the bacterial form is much more dangerous and has the potential to lead to severe neurological injury and death if not treated promptly, both have similar presentations. Both cause headache as one of the hallmark symptoms. Because of the infection and severe inflammation of the coverings of brain, any movement of the head and neck can be very painful. Generally it is a severe headache (with or without a back ache as well) that progresses rapidly and is accompanied by a high fever. The patient generally has a very stiff, painful neck as well, called nuchal rigidity. It is so painful that they keep their neck very rigid to prevent any movement, even if they are lethargic or unconscious. Photophobia, as with migraines and subarachnoid hemorrhage, and seizures can occur as well. In the case of bacterial meningitis, these symptoms can quickly escalate to a progressively deteriorating level of consciousness, coma and eventually death if not treated quickly. The combination of high fever, headache, stiff neck and/or lethargy should be considered concerning for meningitis until proven otherwise. Untreated bacterial meningitis can progress quickly and can be life-threatening. Thankfully it is relatively rare.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Subarachnoid hemorrhage means bleeding into the space around the brain into the cerebrospinal fluid. While this can occur with trauma to the head, it can happen spontaneously due to the rupture of an intracranial aneurysm. An intracranial aneurysm is an abnormal bulging of the wall of an artery that feeds the brain. These weakened blood vessels have a tendency to rupture and bleed. This type of bleeding typically causes a sudden-onset of severe headache. Most patients describe it as the "worst headache of my life." It comes on very suddenly and is usually of a stabbing quality. It can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, seizures, stiff, painful neck and/or a depressed level of consciousness. In severe bleeds it can even lead to coma or sudden death. In patients who have a history of chronic headaches, such as migraines or cluster headaches, they will generally say that the character of this headache is different. Therefore, a sudden, intense, new headache, particularly if associated with any of the other symptoms, should be considered a ruptured aneurysm until proven otherwise. An aneurysm rupture, like bacterial meningitis above, is generally a medical emergency. An aneurysm which has ruptured is at increased risk of re-rupture. Often the second rupture is more severe and more devastating than the first. Again, this is a rare cause of headache, but a potentially deadly one.

Brain Tumor

While the brain itself does not cause pain, increased pressure inside the head or irritation of the coverings of the brain can cause headache. With a brain tumor that does either, one of the presenting symptoms of these tumors can be headache. Most types of brain tumor, whether primary or a metastases from another tumor elsewhere in the body, can cause this symptom. A new headache in the setting of new neurological symptoms should raise red flags. Other symptoms that can accompany a brain tumor are seizures, changes in vision, or sensory or motor symptoms such as weakness of a part of the body. Many different neurological symptoms are possible depending on the type and location of the tumor. Headache that is caused by increased pressure in the head is often worse in the morning or will wake the patient from sleep, getting better when upright and awake. Again, this is a rare cause of headache, but clearly one which is potentially a very serious condition.

What Does That Headache Mean?


Blocked Arteries in the Neck - Symptoms of Severe Arterial Plaque Deposits

The carotid arteries are 2 blood vessels, one either side of the neck, that each transport blood to the brain from the heart. These arteries can become partly or totally blocked resulting in the decrease of blood flow to the brain. This condition in turn is caused by atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is the outcome of a build up of cholesterol and calcium on the inner lining of the arteries. These deposits are referred to as plaques, which might eventually become so thick that they totally prevent the blood flow through the arteries. Those with untreated blocked carotid arteries are statistically likely to have a stroke.

Carotid artery occlusive disease is a permanent but treatable condition. Treatment is designed to stop further blockage and stroke. If there is some blockage devoid of symptoms, treatment will probably be limited to regular checkups, with ultrasound being used to monitor the condition along with medication that will cause the blood to thin to prevent the blood cells from clotting. Even if the arteries are severely narrowed, there is no guarantee of symptoms. If the blockage is severe, surgery might be recommended to reduce the possibility of stroke.


The most usual method of surgery, carotid endarterectomy, seeks to remove the plaque from the artery. For some patients, a balloon angioplasty (the inflating of a balloon to press the plaque to the artery wall), with the placement of a stent, may be recommended. If a carotid artery is 100% blocked, then it is unlikely anything would done to clear it because the risk of stroke is too high during or post operation.

Efforts are then concentrated on keeping the opposite carotid as open as possible. A person can live a good life with only one open carotid artery. The body is smart enough to reroute blood via a complex network to the side of the brain that would normally get blood via the blocked carotid. A dietitian (check with her MD) could help you devise an eating plan that is healthy &

If the brain is deprived of oxygen, it stops working -- with potentially catastrophic effects. If the resulting impairment is permanent, we call the event a stroke. If it is temporary, it's called a transient ischemic attack (TIA).

Every human has 4 carotid arteries through which blood moves from heart to brain. TIAs and strokes normally begin with an increase of cholesterol plaque in the carotid arteries -- the large blood vessels on either side of the neck which supply blood to the head and brain.

Blocked Arteries in the Neck - Symptoms of Severe Arterial Plaque Deposits


Monday, January 2, 2012

Adrenal Burnout

Adrenal burnout has become a common disorder in today's stressed out, over-worked, emotionally exhausted society. As more and more people appear to suffer from perpetual fatigue, experiencing physical, mental, and chemical stress; affecting the body's chemistry on a cellular level and it is the cells in the adrenal glands that take the brunt of these stresses. All illnesses start with fatigue. The body is like a new car with power steering, power brakes and power windows. When the power goes down, the entire car stops working right. Burnout is a serious medical problem, although symptoms may be vague and unrelated to a specific disease. The adrenal glands, which produce stress hormones, are affected by xenobiotic compounds (chemical compounds that are foreign to a living organism) more than any other organ.

Over the years, prolonged episodes of stress can cause the adrenals to become fatigued and are unable to regulate all the constituents of a healthy body. Sometimes the adrenals, in a weakened state, are referred to as insufficient, and as the progression of adrenal breakdown continues, it leads to adrenal burnout as termed by the late Dr. Paul Eck who researched adrenal function and tissue analysis for decades.
Adrenal Burnout is a very debilitating malady that can cause life-changing disruption. In severe cases the adrenal activity is so acutely diminished that people have difficulty getting out of bed for more than a few hours per day. In each increment of reduction in adrenal function, every organ and system in the body is more profoundly affected. Changes can occur in the carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance, heart and cardiovascular system, and even the sex drive.


Prolonged stress keeps the body in a constant and heightened fight or flight' state; if allowed to continue it would eventually compromise the adrenal function. The adrenals are the glands that sit near the top of each kidney. The inner part (the medulla) secretes hormones, including adrenaline and corticosteroid that control blood pressure, heart rate and sweating. They also act as chemical messengers; initiate immune responses; regulate blood sugar levels and produce much of the digestive juices used in breaking down foods. As they respond to stress the hormones raise blood sugar and blood pressure, and promote energy production. Adrenalin or epinephrine are used in emergencies, when the adrenals become depleted, the body is unable to handle stress and this can lead to serious illness.

Symptoms of adrenal burnout can be weight gain, chronic infection especially respiratory problems such as influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia; impaired digestion, allergies, high blood pressure; high and low blood sugar levels, cravings for sweets; multiple chemical sensitivities, PMS; irritability and depression and even anxiety may occur.
The condition is also called adrenal hypofunction, exhaustion or insufficiency. Unlike fatigue, energy levels do not return after a good nights rest; it is a common misconception that the body is unable to regenerate energy during slumber; waking up tired after 8-10 hours of sleep is a primary symptom of burnout, like a dead battery, the body cannot recharge itself during sleep. Burnout is a more serious derangement of the body's energy system.
Adrenal burnout syndrome is rarely diagnosed by physicians and can be wrongly identified as Addison's disease which doctors consider incurable. However recovery from adrenal burnout is definitely possible.
Burnout can develop slowly or may be caused by a single trauma. It was famously noted that John F. Kennedy experienced burnout during World War II when his patrol boat was rammed by a Japanese destroyer, killing most of the crew. He never recovered from the shock. For the rest of his life, he needed replacement adrenal hormones. If he had found the right practitioner, perhaps they would not have been needed.

A disproportionate amount of stress can be an important cause of burnout which can be derived from many sources. Chemical toxicity and nutritional depletion are among the physical causes; Mental, emotional or spiritual stress can be a major factor and overwork, financial and family problems; noise in the cities and electromagnetic pollution; mobile phones, microwave towers and household or workplace appliances that emanate strong electrical fields.
Nutritional Deficiencies are also a common cause. When the body is under stress, there is a greater need for nutrients. Carbohydrates, when excessive in the diet, stress the adrenals. Diets low in protein may also create deficiencies. Inadequate or poor quality water affects oxygenation of the tissues.
Most diets are deficient in nutrients that are required by the adrenals. These include B-complex vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, manganese, zinc, chromium, selenium and other and other trace elements. The majority of cheap supermarket food in today's consumer society is grown in depleted soils. Further processing and refining reduces nutrients even more. Bad habits like eating in the car or while on the run can further diminish the value derived from food. Also, allergic reactions to foods such as wheat and dairy products can damage the intestines and reduce the absorption of nutrients.
Toxic metals and chemicals can also contribute to adrenal burnout; as exposure to a multitude of chemicals in the air, water and food is becoming increasingly prevalent in today's society. Dental materials; skin contact with chemicals; over-the-counter and prescribed medications are also conducive to the body's toxic load.
Toxins can be generated within the body due to impaired digestion. When food is not properly digested, it either ferments or rots in the intestines, producing many harmful substances that are absorbed back into the body.

Chronic infections can also purvey to the toxic load. For many, the elimination organs refrain from functioning at optimal levels; resulting in a build up of toxic substances within the body; leading to adrenal burnout and many other health conditions.
Many stimulants such as caffeine, sugar and alcohol can damage the adrenals as they incite the glands into action. Less obvious stimulants can include anger, rage, arguing, hatred, loud music, the news and movies full of suspense; vigorous exercise, sexual preoccupations and the use of stimulants. Artificial stimulants can appear alluring in the midst of fatigue, providing a temporary energy surge or buzz. It is an appeal of the drug culture, both legal and recreational.

Unhealthy responses to stress such as worrying, becoming angry or afraid can induce a burnout. Particularly high strung, nervous individuals and those with very active minds are especially prone to adrenal burnout. Unfortunately, many with adrenal burnout function on anger and resentment. These act as adrenal stimulants, providing a negative energy with which to function.
Secondary to adrenal exhaustion are glandular imbalances, hyperthyroidism and more often hypothyroidism. The adrenal glands produce estrogens and progesterone, the main source of hormones post-menopause. Premenstrual syndrome and hot flushes are also indicative to weakened adrenal glands.
The side effects of adrenal burnout can be depression and apathy to friends, family and work. Anxiety and Irritability can also occur, as the inability to handle even minor stresses confounds. Compulsiveness and OCD are also associated; precipitating addictions of excessive exercise, sex, loud music or other forms of excitement. The unconscious goal is always the same, to stimulate the adrenals into activity.
When the adrenals are weak, copper builds up in the body. Elevated copper enhances emotions. Panic attacks, bipolar disorder, mood swings and schizophrenia are related to copper imbalance. As energy levels decline, other toxic metals build up as well. Mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, beryllium and others contribute to hundreds of physical and emotional symptoms. Elevated copper and low zinc levels can impair the immune system and chronic infections can occur. The stage is also set for the development of degenerative conditions such as Cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases are end-stage results of toxic accumulation and energy depletion

The condition can be classed as psychological as stress engenders the burnout which in turn affects the emotions and behaviour. But, burnout is biochemical as recovery involves improving emotions and dealing with psychological issues. However, it also involves rebuilding body chemistry because it is a physical condition as well.
Adrenal burnout is more prevalent with women than men; mainly due to lifestyle changes and sluggish oxidisation rates. However it is just as common in men. Many children are also born with weak adrenals due to their parents nutritional deficiencies. Minimal brain dysfunction, chronic ear or other infections, crib death, failure to thrive, ADHD and anti-social behaviour may all be symptoms of burnout in children.
Burnout can occur in all groups in society, regardless of occupation, income or educational level. It is recognised that many homeless people are victims of burnout. Accounting for why they may give up hope or be incapable of holding a job or supporting a home. Burnout affects every area of life; family, work and relationships; apathy everyone and everything. Friends, family and employers are often unaware of the condition, which can exacerbate the situation.

Burnout can occur due to a single shock; traumas that occur together or a combination of factors. Whether it is derived from an illness, accident, divorce, overwork or other stress depends very much on one is ability to handle stress, rather than the absolute amount of stress. When the burnout manifests, vital minerals can become depleted and toxic substances replace and become part of the structure of enzymes, body organs and glands. Even after a change of diet, lifestyle, attitudes or behaviour, the toxins can remain.
Often, burnout does not even develop until several years after a trauma, illness or injury as depleted and damaged cells proliferate. Even though many change their diets and get over their traumas, most people never recover from burnout, or make only a partial recovery.

The accumulation of toxins that occurs as the body and the inability to eliminate them can contribute to burnout. Elimination is very important, however energy is required to release toxins. If the energy system is weak, just fasting or cleansing will not be enough. One must rebuild the entire energy system by balancing body chemistry and providing nutrients as well. A one-month or even six-month cleanse is nowhere near adequate. It can take a year just to replenish one mineral. For those in burnout, extreme detoxification programs such as fasting, raw foods or even chelating agents can be dangerous. This is because the body lacks the vitality to properly eliminate toxins, the eliminative organs are compromised and toxins may be redistributed in vital organs. A gentle, complete program of rebuilding and nourishing the body must accompany any efforts to eliminate toxins. In fact, as vitality improves, toxin elimination will proceed of its own accord.

Diet is an extremely important factor in the road to recovery. Protein should be eaten with every meal, eggs, natural meats and poultry are among the best sources; toasted almond butter, goat's cheese and nuts are other alternatives. It is advised to avoid vegetarian diets. At meal times try and east at least three different vegetables; it is advised to rotate proteins and vegetables, so not to consume the same thing every day.
Complex carbohydrates are allowed but wheat and spelt should be avoided as sensitivities to gluten (found in rye, barley and oats) can occur. Excellent starches are root vegetables (turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, carrots, onion and celery root), blue corn, brown rice, quinoa and others.
It is recommended to reduce all sweets and fruit. Avoid sugar and cows milk dairy products (except butter); vegetable oils except for olive oil; isolated soy protein as it is of poor quality and contains many anti-nutrients; junk food; juices as they can be too sugary and can concentrate food toxins, upset blood sugar levels and weaken the adrenals. Use sea salt rather than table salt; eat regular meals of an excellent quality and switch to organic food whenever possible.
Green foods like kelp, barley grass powder and various coloured vegetables are highly recommended. Cooking with coconut oil is excellent as it aids weight loss, Candida Albicans infection and energy. It is also advised to drink high quality water such as distilled or spring and to avoid tap water.

Food supplements are indispensable. Kelp granules and nutritional yeast are excellent as they are rich sources of nutrients and assist in detoxification. Other nutrients that are important for adrenal activity are vitamins A, B, C, E, pantothenic acid (B5); Zinc, calcium and magnesium; digestive aids such as pancreatin and ox bile and an adrenal glandular substance. Other nutrients may be needed dependent on levels of toxic metals and other symptoms or deficiencies. Hair mineral testing is a reliable way to detect deficiencies within the body. Liquorice is also highly recommended for adrenal burnout or fatigue as it acts on the blood pressure in the body; the active ingredient in liquorice is glycyrrhizinic acid - a plant steroid that mimics one of the prescription drugs given to treat low blood pressure irregularity. Liquorice also enhances the action of corticosteroids, the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Other naturopathic remedies include goldenseal and Pau d'arco tea which can eradicate Candida; probiotic supplements to rebalance the gut flora and herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion to support the liver.

Adrenal Burnout


Controlling Excessive Head Sweating

If you are suffering from excessive head sweating then you are not alone. There are literally millions of people that suffer from excessive sweating problems, yet many of them suffer silently. For those of us that have the problem it becomes much more than sweating a lot, it becomes a social disease that is difficult to break out of. Sure there are over the counter creams and potions that claim to help with the problem but for those of us that have tried them we know it is like using a Band-Aid when we really need a tourniquet. I have known people with a sweating problem that is full body, they wore multiple layers of clothing but soaked through quickly, they even came out of the shower with body odor and dripping with sweat. But what can be done about excessive head sweating and other Hyperhidrosis problems?

Hyperhidrosis is a problem that occurs when the sweat glands of an individual become overactive. This tends to manifest itself in several main areas where the sweat glands are concentrated. These include the head, under the arms, the hands and sometimes it affects the whole body. There are some medical creams and antiperspirant sprays that claim to help but they typically don't do much for those of us that really suffer from a problem. The real route to take that might help you on a permanent basis is to attack the problem naturally and at it's source. By removing the problem from the root it won't quickly grow back again.


Controlling Excessive Head Sweating


Do You Experience Explosive Diarrhea After Eating?

Explosive diarrhea after eating is not pleasant: you go out to a restaurant, and enjoy a beautiful meal but within a half hour you start to feel stomach cramps, and that horrible feeling in your bowels that something is about to happen!

I am sure you know the feeling - we all get it now and again, but some of us a lot more than others. The cramps get worse, and you have to rush to the rest room where you have explosive diarrhea. The problem is that you never know when you are finished, and it can be extremely embarrassing. Wouldn't you just love to have that cured?


Of course you would, and there are a few possible reasons for diarrhea after eating, such as allergy to the gluten in many foods, although the most common is IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome to give it its Sunday name. This is a condition that affects up to 20% of all Americans.

The root cause of IBS usually is not a single trigger but a complex set of triggers, with explosive diarrhea after eating as one of the main symptoms. IBS can be tied with celiac disease, which is an intolerance to the gluten protein in some grains such as wheat. It is difficult to know where the beginning starts with these types of digestive issues, thus it is a condition that has to be targeted from several directions.

Main stream medicine has trouble diagnosing IBS, because it has such similar symptoms as several other digestive disorders. In fact IBS not only causes diarrhea, but can also cause the exact opposite: severe constipation. The way that IBS is generally diagnosed is to test with very invasive procedures for all other known causes of the symptoms, and once none are left it must be IBS. How unscientific! No wonder that the best remedies for you are natural ones. Let's discuss a few alternative diarrhea cures that you can try.

1. Your diet. It is probably worth while trying a gluten free diet just to make sure that is not the cause. Lactose can also cause similar symptoms, so if you keep free of these for a week or so and the symptoms disappear, then you could have found your cure. However, celiac disease occurs in only 1 in each 133 of the population: a long way away from 20%!

2. Eating a lot of fruit and vegetables can help some people. You might feel tempted to increase your fiber intake, but that can often cause symptoms of bloating and gas. Many find that bananas can help both the diarrhea and constipation symptoms of IBS. Many people swear by them, and so are worth a try. The high potassium content of bananas helps replace potassium that is lost through diarrhea, and also helps in the proper formation of stools. Juiced greens also seem to be an effective treatment for some.

3. Activated charcoal absorbs gas and toxins, and helps your stool to form properly.

4. Garlic is useful in that it helps to remove parasites and mucus from your colon, and fights infections in the gut. It also expels gas, and a combination of all of these effects can help relieve some of the symptoms of your condition. A side-benefit of garlic is that it is also good for your heart!

5. Slippery elm taken with a lot of water can coat the colon, and treat chronic diarrhea and ulcerative colitis. It appears to soothe and heal your whole gastro-intestinal tract and help you to form normal stools.

6. Where children are involved, agrimony and meadowsweet are very useful because they are mild but effective herbal remedies for explosive diarrhea after eating, and meadowsweet is both astringent and nutritious for children.

Diarrhea after eating can also be caused by drinking too much alcohol, infections from contaminated food or water, parasites and also emotional stress and other similar conditions. An example of one of the minor causes is withdrawal from some forms of prescription painkillers.

However, most of these cause only temporary diarrhea which goes when the condition is cured. Nevertheless some other natural remedies reflect one or two of these other causes. So, to continue:

7. Stress relieving herbs such as catnip and chamomile are particularly effective in treating IBS and other conditions of the bowel, and far more effective that St. John's Wort for this condition. Kava kava and valerian are useful in dealing with general stress: in fact kava kava is increasing in popularity, and can relax you without affecting your mental alertness. Hops also help to reduce stress, but not in the form of beer!

8. Finally, probiotic drinks and supplements can increase the volume of friendly bacteria in your gut, and improve your digestion in general as well as regulating the function of your bowel.

All of these remedies are a good place to start for overcoming explosive diarrhea after eating. They are easy to try, and actually aid your body in healing, unlike many of the manufactured chemical drugs that can have severe side effects, only address the symptoms and not the root causes, and can even make your condition worse.

While main stream medicine still does not recognize the causes of IBS and struggles to give definitive diagnoses, if you are struggling with diarrhea after eating or other digestive disturbances, you can try these natural remedies since they are easy to take and give good results. They have been recommended after countless years of successful use by untold numbers of people that have gone before us.

Do You Experience Explosive Diarrhea After Eating?


Is Bronchitis Contagious? Yes and No

Bronchitis is the swelling of the bronchial tubes, otherwise known as the airways. These airways are the windpipes that directly connect to the lungs. Bronchitis happens when there is an irritation that occurs in the bronchial tubes. Next to the irritation, the formation of thick mucus will soon follow. Hence, the air passage will be blocked by the mucus, leading to difficulty in breathing. Bronchitis can be identified into two types: acute and chronic. The acute bronchitis is normally an illness that lasts for a short period of time. Usually, this is caused by severe cold. But most often, this is triggered by the viral infections. Acute bronchitis is characterized by the pain in the middle of the chest, cough that comes with green sputum. Fever might also happen, and a slight difficulty in breathing might also occur.

The Chronic bronchitis on the other hand is identified with a cough that produces mucus. And this lasts for longer period of time as compared to the acute bronchitis. The sufferers of bronchitis are also identified to suffer from different level of breathing difficulty. These sufferers may also have the possibility to attain lung infections sometimes. Hence, the breathing difficulty is worsen. There are certain occasions where chronic bronchitis is termed as "chronic obstructive lung disease" and "chronic obstructive airways disease." From the terms themselves, the problem can already be identified-difficulty in air circulation that goes in and out of the lungs. Now, the question comes, is bronchitis contagious? The answer is yes. Bronchitis is extremely contagious. The virus can be transmitted by the means of cough, sneeze, and yes, even by simply touching the things that has been touched by the person infected. Bronchitis, basically, is the swelling of the bronchia, thus, it is not contagious. However, as the bacteria starts to form, the disease then is contagious the moment the bacteria was emitted into the air. In fact, there are already several affected people who confessed that they had the disease when they had a close contact with the infected person. Now, the question is how long is bronchitis contagious? According to the medical experts, the length of time of the disease contagiousness actually depends on the cause and type of the person's bronchitis. For a person who suffers from bronchitis, it is suggested for him to visit and consult to a medical specialist of respiratory and pulmonary to assure whether he is already contagious and until when will it last. It is advisable for the infected person to consult to a medical specialist when bronchitis tends to occur, if not, it may possibly lead to pneumonia. Both the acute and chronic bronchitis have the threat to become contagious. Even the healthy person is not safe from the attacks of acute bronchitis. This is because of the viral infection. These viral infections can be transmitted from one person to other through indirect and direct contact.


However, the spread of bronchitis can still be avoided. The affected person only needs to maintain a healthy hygiene by regularly washing his hands and by using hand sanitizers afterwards. Most importantly, the affected person should cover his mouth whenever he is coughing. Hence, the possibility of transmitting the disease is reduced. People who suffer from asthma may also develop an acute bronchitis. Such circumstance reduces the risk of acute bronchitis to be contagious. It is the effect whenever the acute bronchitis acts as a complication of a certain disease. To totally eliminate the risk of spreading the disease, it is best to cure it. Antibiotic are not regarded as an effective way to treat acute bronchitis. This is because bronchitis is caused by viral infection. Only an ample amount of rest, an extra liquids intake, and a non-prescription medicine for cough are the suggested effective treatment for acute bronchitis. The antibiotic are only prescribe by the doctors whenever there is the presence of bacterial infection. Antibiotic will then serve to lessen the risk of secondary infection. For the asthmatics, the doctor may recommend a medication for asthma, most likely an inhaler. These medications will widen the contracted lung airways.

Is Bronchitis Contagious? Yes and No


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Food Lectins in Health and Disease: An Introduction

In recent years it appears there is a rising epidemic of people suffering from chronic digestive and autoimmune conditions. Food intolerance or sensitivities may lie at the root of the problem. Most people, including doctors, have little clue how foods they eat may be contributing to their chronic illness, fatigue and digestive symptoms.

There are, however, a lot of clues in the medical literature and the lay public's experience about how foods are causing and/or contributing to the current epidemic of chronic illness and autoimmune disease. There are several diets being used by many people with varying success to improve their health despite a general lack of iron clad scientific proof for their effectiveness. One of the clues to the cause and relief of food induced illness may lie in proteins known as lectins that are present in all foods.


Animal and plant sources of food both contain complex proteins known as lectins. These proteins typically have the ability to attach to sugars or carbohydrates on the surface of human cells. Some of these proteins can cause clumping of human red blood cells, a process that is called agglutination. The process of agglutination occurs when someone receives the wrong blood type during a blood transfusion. In fact, red blood cell agglutination specific to each person or groups of people is the basis for testing for blood types. There is some data that blood types may influence how people respond to certain foods though a blood type specific diet appears to have been disproven. The attachment or binding of certain food lectins can initiate a variety of cell specific effects. These reactions may mimic hormones or cause changes in cells. This is termed molecular mimicry.

Most plants contain lectins, some of which are toxic, inflammatory, or both. Many of these plant and dairy lectin are resistant to cooking and digestive enzymes. Grain lectins, for example, are quite resistant to human digestion but well suited for ruminants like cattle who have multi-chambered stomachs. Therefore, lectins are present in our food and are often resistant to our digestion and some have been scientifically shown to have significant GI toxicity in humans. Others have been shown to be beneficial and maybe even cancer protecting. Either way plant and animal proteins are foreign proteins to the body and are dealt with by digestion and our immune system in a positive or negative manner.

The human digestive system was created to handle a variety of plant and animal proteins through the process of digestion and elimination. Some plant and animal proteins or lectins are severely toxic to humans and cannot be eaten without causing death like those in Castor beans and some mushrooms. Other foods must be prepared before they are safe to be eaten. Preparations may include pealing, prolonged soaking and cooking like kidney beans. Other foods may be poorly tolerated because of a genetic predisposition or underlying pre-existing food allergy or intolerance. Others are tolerated to some degree or quantity but not in large amounts or on a frequent basis. People who are intolerant to the milk sugar lactose, because of inherited or acquired deficiency in lactase enzyme, may tolerate small amounts but may have severe bloating, gas, abdominal pain and cramps with explosive diarrhea when a large amount of lactose containing foods are eaten. Foods can become intolerable to some people after their immune system changes or gut is injured from another cause.

Of the food lectins, grain/cereal lectins; dairy lectins; and legume lectins (especially peanut lectin and soybean lectin) are the most common ones associated with reports of aggravation of inflammatory and digestive diseases in the body and improvement of those diseases and/or symptoms when avoided. Recent research by Loren Cordain PhD., has suggested that these lectins may effectively serve as a "Trojan horse" allowing intact or nearly intact foreign proteins to invade our natural gut defenses and enter behind the lines to cause damage well beyond the gut, commonly in joints, brain, and skin of affected individuals. Once damage occurs to the gut and the defense system is breached the result is what some refer to as a "leaky gut". Moreover, many people who develop a "leaky gut" not only have gut symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain but also other symptoms beyond the gut, or extra-intestinal symptoms. Commonly affected areas are the brain or peripheral nerves, skin, joints, and various body glands. With continued exposure of the gut by these toxic food lectins a persistent stimulation of the body's defense mechanism in a dysfunctional manner, occurs, i.e. autoimmune disease.

Wrong types or levels of good and bad bacteria in the gut, or intestinal dysbiosis, may contribute to this process of abnormal stimulation of the immune system. Research supports the strong possibility that such stimulation may be accentuated by interaction of the bacteria with food lectins. It is believed by some that this may further worsen gut injury and autoimmune disease. This latter concept is gaining acceptance and recognition by doctors in one form as the hygiene theory. It is speculated that our gut bacteria have become altered by increased hygiene and over use of antibiotics and that this phenomenon may be playing a significant role in the rising incidence of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and chronic intestinal diseases like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Lectins as a cause however are largely being ignored in the U.S. though the field of lectinology and lectins role in disease is more accepted internationally. Avoidance of certain food lectins may be helpful in achieving health and healing of chronic gut injury. Healing of a "leaky gut" and avoidance of ongoing abnormal stimulation of the immune system by toxic food lectins and bacteria in the gut is the basis for ongoing research and probable success of several popular diets such as the paleo diet, carbohydrate specific diet and gluten-free/casein-free diet. More research is needed in this exciting but often neglected area. The Food Doc, LLC features a website that will provide physician authored information on food intolerance, sensitivity and allergy such as lectin, gluten, casein, and lactose intolerance with dietary guidance that will feature in the near future an online symptom assessment and diet-diary.

Copyright 2006, The Food Doc, LLC. All rights reserved.

Food Lectins in Health and Disease: An Introduction


Pain On Top Of The Foot

The purpose of this article is to give you information seekers an easier way to diagnose your pain on the top of the foot. I have noticed that many people use "top of foot pain" as their "search" term.

I have listed the more common problems that we foot specialists see on a regular basis, but this list is not all inclusive. Pain can occur with or without a history of trauma. Sometimes repetitive action (or microtrauma as I like to call it) can create pain on top of the foot.


Hopefully this will help you in your search for answers.

TENDONITIS- Diffuse pain on top of the foot which may also include swelling and even redness. There may or may not be a history of trauma.

GANGLION CYST- A spongy to firm lump on top of the foot that may or may not be freely moveable. The lump itself may not be painful on pressure, but pressing on it may cause pain beneath it.

MIDTARSAL FAULT- In people whose feet have a tendency to collapse (fallen arches), there ends up being a jamming of the bones on top of your foot that will lead to pain, with or without shoes. Generally, there will be no history of trauma.

NERVE ENTRAPMENT- There are small nerves running from the ankle down to the toes that are located right under the skin. These are sensory nerves (which give us feeling on the top of the foot). It is not uncommon for these nerves to become traumatized from the pressure of a shoe (mainly tied too tight) putting pressure on the nerve which is then "jammed" into a bony projection underneath it. This nerve is then entrapped and it becomes inflamed and thus painful or in some cases there will be numbness on part of the top of the foot.

STRESS FRACTURE- Without any history of trauma, a person can develop severe pain on the top of the foot usually in the metatarsal area. It will be a localized pain, possibly with some swelling and perhaps redness.

BONE SPUR- A bone spur in the foot is usually a result of arthritic changes in the foot, bone will overgrow and produce abnormal protrusions on top of the foot. Either damage to the specific joint or pressure from your shoe on the overgrowth of bone (bone spur) will cause pain.

SUPERFICIAL PHLEBITIS- Many of the veins on the top of the foot are directly underneath the skin. Since the foot is subject to trauma every step you take, at times the nerves will become inflamed and develop a superficial phlebitis. This is not as dangerous as a deep vein phlebitis seen in the leg, but medical care is warranted.

More detailed information on this subject matter can be found at my web site.

Pain On Top Of The Foot


Living With An Alcoholic Spouse: A Healthy Detachment

The best thing you can do when dealing with an alcoholic spouse is to detach from the abuse of the alcoholic. You can do this if you truly love your spouse and want to help them to possible sobriety. The more you focus all your energies on the alcoholic, the less likely he is to get sober. This article focuses on how you can detach and remain healthy mentally.

Don't Make Alcoholism Your Problem


If you have never read any of the Al-anon material then you probably don't know that you are making the disease of alcoholism YOUR problem. One of the sad facts of living with an alcoholic is we become just as mentally and emotionally sick as the alcoholic. This happens because every step of life we take, and every breath of air we breathe has some involvement with the alcoholic. Our emotions overtake our own mental health as we try and cope with the deterioration of the alcoholic in our life. What are we doing wrong? We are concentrating too much on the disease, instead of concentrating on our mental and emotional health. We may as well be tipping the bottle for them. Better yet, we may as well be drinking with them!

Don't Enable

Most spouses of alcoholics don't realize they are helping their spouse drink just by a few simple behaviors and actions. Several ways in which you may be enabling your spouse to drink is by buying them alcohol, drinking with them, calling the boss and or family members for him because he is too hung over or too drunk to do it himself. Lying to friends, boss, family and co-workers about him and his drinking problem. Taking them to the store, arguing with them, and behaving like a victim. You are not the victim of alcoholism until you make yourself BEcome the victim.

Get Off The Pity Pot

Get off of the pity pot and begin living for yourself, instead of living for the alcoholic. "Oh poor me, everyday I am suffering and I can't take it anymore" attitude won't get you anywhere. You need to take care of yourself and that cannot be done if you are focusing all of your attention on the alcoholic and what he is doing or what he isn't doing. Start focusing on what you can do for yourself. Get out of the house, don't hang around the alcoholic, and don't let them abuse you with their words. If you care about the alcoholic in your life, this is what helps them more than anything else.

Detach With Love

You are powerless to getting your loved one to stop drinking. The first step in being able to detach is by realizing that the shenanigans of the alcoholic is not your problem. Don't try and fix their messes for them. Not only does this enable them to continue drinking, but also it justifies their drinking. Don't have any interaction with the alcoholic while they are drinking; that includes, talking and arguing with them. Why fuss and fight with someone who has lost the ability to make any sense? Don't become ensnared in the alcoholic trap with them. Stay out of the trap, so you can help them. Ninety-five percent of what an alcoholic says is manipulative and hogwash anyway. Don't start believing in the lies of the disease. Separate yourself from the antics of the alcoholic.

Pray For The Alcoholic

I can't tell you how important the process of daily prayer can be. Not only does it bring you closer to God but it will also get you into the habit of going to God with your life challenges. God does hear your cries of pain and He will give you the answers you need to get through your trials and tribulations, even if your spouse continues to drink. Be patient and remain faithful in the Lord and He will deliver you from your suffering.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)

Living With An Alcoholic Spouse: A Healthy Detachment